Surviving The Doomsday With System/C4 He Was Addicted to the Happy Match Game!
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Surviving The Doomsday With System/C4 He Was Addicted to the Happy Match Game!
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C4 He Was Addicted to the Happy Match Game!

"Could the tide be turning?" Jiang Loong wondered as he stepped back, readying himself for a surprise attack.

Out of nowhere, the young female zombie leaped into the air and sank her teeth into the head of the high-level zombie. A gaping wound appeared in an instant. She plunged her hand into the gash and gave a vicious twist. The high-level zombie collapsed, rendered completely defenseless.

But she wasn't finished with the high-level zombie yet. Her fist cocked back, she was all set to deliver another blow.

"Stop!" Jiang Loong called out urgently, capturing the high-level zombie within the confines of the Happy Match Game.

Zombies are known for their remarkable resilience. Despite the grave injury, this high-level zombie was still alive, albeit subdued. Within the Happy Match Game, it occupied a slot marked with a towering 'eight'!

"So, he's a Level Eight zombie—that explains his ferocity!" Jiang Loong mused. Without the young female zombie's swift, precise, and brutal ambush, his group of four zombies would have stood no chance.

"You're impressively strong," he said, turning his attention to her.

She stood silently, her face devoid of emotion, indistinguishable from the other zombies, yet the blood smeared around her mouth lent her an eerie beauty. Jiang Loong tore a strip from a zombie's clothing and carefully wiped away the blood.

Throughout, she remained utterly still, not even a flicker in her eyes.

"You understand me, don't you?" he asked.

There was no response.

The test was a failure. She could follow his commands but couldn't grasp anything else he said. She was, after all, only Level Four. A Rank 1 zombie's intelligence was on par with that of a three-year-old child.

"Well then, I'll call you Tongtong," he decided, giving her a name and affectionately pinching her cheek.

"Host, I have detected that you've named a zombie," the system chimed in. "There is an exclusive slot available in the Level Two Synthetic Space. Would you like to assign it to this zombie?"

An exclusive slot?

Jiang Loong glanced at it and selected "Yes." Instantly, the slot housing the young female zombie turned red, and at the bottom, the name 'Tongtong' appeared.

The exclusive grid was isolated and elevated above the rest.

The space now contained thirteen grids in total: twelve ordinary ones and one exclusive grid.

Having arranged this, Jiang Loong released the Level 8 zombie.

Once absorbed into the Synthetic Space, the zombie came under Jiang Loong's command, fully healed from its previous injuries.

With this formidable ally, Jiang Loong swiftly synthesized the remaining twenty-odd zombies.

Next, he moved a Level Four female zombie into Tongtong's grid, upgrading Tongtong to a Level Five zombie.

He then merged two other Level Four female zombies into a single Level Five female zombie and transferred her into Tongtong's grid as well.

Tongtong ascended to a Level Six zombie.

Jiang Loong was left with a Level Three female zombie, a Level Two female zombie, and a Level One female zombie, which could no longer be combined.

On the male zombie front, his collection included a Level Eight, a Level Seven, a Level Five, a Level Three, a Level Two, and a Level One male zombie.

With ten zombies of varying levels, Jiang Loong was quite content.

He dispatched the zombies to comb through the town, and sure enough, they discovered two zombies trapped inside a house—a male and a female.

He placed them into the Synthetic Space and merged two Level One male zombies to create a Level Two male zombie.

He then introduced this Level Two male zombie to the Happy Match Game, combining it with another Level Two male zombie to yield a Level Three male zombie.

Using his new Level Three male zombie and another of the same level, he synthesized a Level Four male zombie.

The Happy Match Game proved to be addictively satisfying. With a flick of his finger, the Level One, Two, and Three zombies vanished sequentially.

Suddenly, the male zombie count was halved, leaving only a Level Eight, a Level Seven, a Level Five, and a Level Four male zombie.

He proceeded to pull the Level One female zombies into the Happy Match Game. As the Level One, Two, and Three female zombies disappeared in turn, he acquired a Level Four female zombie.

Now, only two female zombies remained: Tongtong, the Level Six, and another at Level Four.

The town was completely devoid of zombies.

"Let's go hunt for zombies!"

Jiang Loong exited the town, heading into the wilderness.

With the synthesis system in hand, his mindset had utterly transformed.

He was no longer fit to remain in the relative safety of Base City.

Base City had everything except zombies, which were precisely what he needed most.

To rapidly enhance his strength, he had to venture to areas teeming with low-level zombies.

The wilderness was typically perilous for evolvers,

but Jiang Loong was fearless, armed with several sets of watchful eyes.

He dispatched all his zombies, except for the Level Eight male and the Level Six Tongtong, to serve as his scouts.

After some searching, he only managed to find a handful of Level One and Level Two zombies. Fusing them, he gained a Level Three male zombie and a Level Three female zombie.

"This is too slow. I need to find a dense zombie hotspot."

Jiang Loong unfolded his map, scouring for potential locations.

Then, an idea struck him. He recalled rumors that the zombies might have been strategically organized this time.

Several food supply towns lay beyond Base City. He decided to check out another town, suspecting it might have also suffered a zombie onslaught.

He set off immediately towards the next food town.

En route, he encountered numerous zombies roaming the wilderness.

After synthesizing them, he acquired a Level Four zombie and a Level Five zombie, bringing his total to ten.

Over three hours later, another food town came into view.

And not too far off, a group of zombies charged in his direction.

"Run, the Zombie Tide is coming!"

A passerby yelled to Jiang Loong before sprinting away.

As the person vanished into the distance, Jiang Loong grabbed another who was lagging behind.

"What's a Zombie Tide?"

"Let go!"

The individual struggled to break free from Jiang Loong's grasp, to no avail.

"The zombies have overrun the town. Escape while the mutated zombies are still clashing with the town's evolvers!"

Jiang Loong released him, and the man quickly disappeared.

Moments after those people vanished, a horde of zombies came into view.

"This is it, the Zombie Tide! Perfect, I was just fretting about not finding enough zombies!"

Jiang Loong stood apart from the dozen or so individuals who were petrified with fear.

As he watched the horde of zombies surge toward him, a gleam sparked in Jiang Loong's eyes, and he couldn't help but let out a boisterous laugh.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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