Surviving With Cash/C10 Young and Frivolous
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Surviving With Cash/C10 Young and Frivolous
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C10 Young and Frivolous

Soong Chuyi had a foundation in art and had tried many professions as the major literary works changed, film and video games adapted.

After drawing comics, she gave up.

Soong Chuyi was one of them. She only liked to construct the world she liked, but in the eyes of the public, she was unpopular.

As for those who had teams behind them, their content was not bad, and their style was not crooked. Soong Chuyi did not understand the market. After signing the contract, she found that she no longer had any freedom, and the editor asked her to follow the mainstream and draw fast-food plot content.

Later, Soong Chuyi was even asked to draw according to the original novel. She could have made a fortune out of it, but she didn't accept it.

So she had failed, and her work had come to a hasty end at the editor's request, and Soong Chuyi had never formally drawn a comic book again.

After being beaten up by society, Soong Chuyi spent her free time working overtime at the company and developing side businesses. Every month, she posted some free short clips on Weibo, accepted game skin design, game character design, and even wrote game scripts.

At first, she earned more money than she earned from her internship, and most people would have considered becoming a full-time employee. Soong Chuyi was lazy, but she liked the regular schedule, as if she hadn't left school yet.

Later on, there were benefits to working hard. There was a fixed base salary, a high commission, and from time to time, public-sponsored travel. Soong Chuyi liked this main profession even more.

If her family did not drag her down, Soong Chuyi could pat her chest and guarantee that if she worked hard for a few more years, she could buy a house for herself.

Rubbing her wrist to get rid of all distracting thoughts, Soong Chuyi saw that Hsu Youfeng's official fan club had tagged her. The content was to promote the upcoming birthday party, and the surrounding gifts began to be presold. Hsu Youfeng's old fans and big fans could use their pink age to receive the light for free and confess to her work at the same time.

Thanks to Hsu Youfeng, Soong Chuyi's Weibo increased by thousands of fans in more than an hour. Before she went to sleep, she secretly scrolled through the flattering messages from Hsu Youfeng's fans. The next day, when she got up, she originally wanted to sign a mini-sentence, but before she could open her Weibo, her phone screen was blocked.

... ""

Throwing her phone aside, Soong Chuyi brushed her teeth and looked at her phone again. It was working. She tried to open Weibo again and saw that her message had exploded. It wasn't just those who had tagged her, but the private messages that she had just cleared yesterday had flooded the screen.

Soong Chuyi found out the reason and was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth.

Hsu Youfeng actually paid attention to her! He even forwarded the official website to express that he liked the surrounding designs that she drew.

As a new idol who posted a lot and had no whereabouts, the fans discussed passionately every day, hoping that he would take more selfies. Every day, there was nothing.

It wasn't easy to hear the notification on Weibo, so he came up to take a look to see if Hsu Youfeng had any new developments. Well, it wasn't a selfie or promotional activity, but a compliment to an artist?!

Hsu Youfeng's public actions naturally caused heated discussions among the fans. Soong Chuyi's account seemed to have been promoted. What was so special about her that Hsu Youfeng praised her personally? In order to understand her more, the fans also paid a lot of attention to Soong Chuyi.

Some fans had scrolled through her Weibo late at night, only to find that this low-key painting was the descendant of a god. The last thing she posted destroyed Soong Chuyi's phone card.

The latter half of the message was all about reminding Soong Chuyi to return to Hsu Youfeng. They were really too envious of him. This person, who had been noticed by her because of his painting, joked about where they could buy the same kind of hand.

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