Sweet Romance Of The Wealthy/C20 Hug Your Grandson
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Sweet Romance Of The Wealthy/C20 Hug Your Grandson
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C20 Hug Your Grandson

"If you want it, don't look at yourself, scumbag" Ling Ziwen said in disgust.

Qin Xiangyun covered her mouth and smiled complacently.

"Also, you just asked what it has to do with me. I will tell you now. It has nothing to do with me. She is my friend. I won't allow anyone to bully my friend! Ying Ying, come over and tell this person, are you willing to let him stick to you? " Ling Ziwen said seriously.

" No. " Wen Yingying shook her head in fear and whispered.

"Did you hear that? My friend doesn't want you to follow him. If you continue to follow him, I will call the police. If you don't, I will not be polite to you." Ling Ziwen shouted loudly, "Ugly people do more strange things. Bitch is so hypocritical! Let's go... "

T City. In a high-class private clubhouse called 'Yun Shang'.

The afternoon sun shone through the glass, and the city was filled with the new and expensive people of T City. They were all men, handsome, and successful in their careers. They covered almost every industry. The most eye-catching one was Wen Yingying's heroic uncle, the future boss in Ling Ziwen's heart, Qiao Feiyu.

After Qiao Feiyu received the call from his niece, he began to gather all his friends.

The men gathered together and chatted, astronomy, geography, and national affairs. Finally, it fell on Qiao Feiyu. They wondered why Qiao Feiyu had found them, and most of them guessed that Qiao Feiyu was going to get married. He was going to give them a premarital gathering or something.

Those who were familiar with Qiao Feiyu felt that the women around him did not have the right to marry them. She could only be considered the one to relieve her physiological needs. It had nothing to do with love. Qiao Feiyu only wanted to marry the darling in his heart.

Qiao Feiyu saw that all the important friends he had invited had arrived, so he grabbed the microphone and started talking. The topic was very simple. Today was the last gathering between him and his friends.

After today, he started to be a monk, and he was a good man who lived obediently at home. All the friends who looked for him to eat, drink, and have fun would not be seen. It meant that he should not call him about things like eating, drinking, and having fun in the future. They were all good friends of his, so Qiao Feiyu specially informed them in advance. He rejected everything else.

"Kid, you're really married? Why didn't you say anything?" Someone immediately protested. Another person complained about why they weren't invited to a wedding banquet.

"Yeah, let's see your precious beauty." Another person said with a smile.

Qiao Feiyu immediately corrected him. "It's not a marriage. It's to pretend to be a good man for two months. After two months, everything will be the same."

At this moment, everyone was even more curious. They hurriedly asked who made Qiao Feiyu act like he was facing a great enemy.

"Did the old man specially rush over from Beijing to take charge?" It was rumored that Qiao Feiyu was a proud son of heaven and had a highly capable father in the central government. Of course! Everything went smoothly for him. However, those who knew him knew that Qiao Feiyu was currently relying on himself to work hard.

"No," Qiao Feiyu denied.

Someone asked with a smile, "Kid, did you shut yourself up and reflect on your mistakes? Tell me honestly, what mistakes have you made recently? "

"It's my niece who came. My sister asked me to serve that big miss well." Qiao Feiyu said seriously.

"Go. It's not like this is your niece's first time here. I've never seen you so serious in the past years." His friends were immediately very disappointed. "We thought something earth-shattering had happened, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter. You even seriously asked us to come. It can't be that you want to use an excuse to gather with us, right? If you want to get together, just say one sentence. There's no need to go through so much trouble."

" This time, she invited three classmates over, saying it's a vacation. " Qiao Feiyu crossed his face and sighed. "You can think of it with your toes. Isn't it a blind date for me? My sister said that even if I want to be a playboy, it has to be after that ghost girl left. Don't let me reveal my perverted nature and cause that girl to think that all men in the world have the same sex. If she doesn't get married, then it will be my fault. It's a pity that I have to be a monk for my sister's hat. "

" That girl is a spy. If I have anything to do with any woman outside, that ghost girl will tell my sister immediately. My sister still doesn't want my parents to force me to marry? My parents have no reason to force me to marry at this moment. From now on, I have to keep my chastity."

At that moment, everyone laughed." Kid, you really know how to be so obedient? " They were all familiar with Qiao Feiyu's character and did not believe his words.

"I don't want to be like this either, but that girl is not easy to fool. She called me this afternoon and actually ordered me not to have any women in my house. Otherwise, she will find a house to live in outside. She is simply a threat!" Qiao Feiyu was furious.

"When the time comes, she will use chicken feathers as orders and trick me. I will be confused and disoriented by her. If the tricolor girl waiting at home plays tricks on me, I'll be stuck in both internal and external affairs. I'll be forced to bed. My parents come again, I don't want to marry someone outside... They let me choose one of the three in the family. If I'm forced to pay, wouldn't that be a huge loss? " Qiao Feiyu exaggerated his imagination once again.

Everyone burst into laughter. In fact, they really hoped that Qiao Feiyu would do this.

"Is it as serious as you say?" Qian Ming, his best friend in college, laughed. "Those girls are all schoolgirls."

"Sigh, my sister and brother-in-law are both old foxes. This girl is a little fox. The whole family. A vixen is very cunning. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. The women that the girl chose must have the same tricks as her. I have to be careful not to see if those women are playing tricks on me."

"Besides, didn't I fool a student back then? Women nowadays are even more astute than they were a few years ago. Especially those women from ordinary families in order to marry into wealthy families, their methods are even more useless. If she seduced me into bed, she would even accuse me. She said she was a pervert. Then will I live? "

His niece worshipped him as her uncle and specially made him a hero. No matter what, he still liked to be worshipped like this by his niece.

"If I were to be plotted against by some woman, wouldn't that anger me to death? At any rate, they are my niece's classmates. I have to give my niece some face. We don't want to relax outside, and then go home and be set up by those three lecherous women who are eyeing us covetously. At that time, I suffered a huge loss."

" You don't want to see me fall into the hands of a little rookie, do you? If I want to continue living my carefree life, I have to be careful. That's why I changed my past. " Qiao Feiyu shook his head helplessly. Now he had to protect his niece's face, and at the same time, establish a good image of himself.

Qiao Feiyu's friends really hoped that Qiao Feiyu would be plotted against by some perverted woman, so that everything would not go smoothly for him. That lively look made them all angry. How could Qiao Feiyu's behavior be changed? He was clearly trying to fool people. His niece was a little fox, how could Qiao Feiyu be easy to get along with?

"You said you were a little rookie, so how could you be counted as plotting against you? I don't want you to feel dizzy seeing a little rookie, hugging him from left to right. I don't know which one to choose in the end. " Someone smiled and said, "Oh right, who are they? What kind of family are they from? If they really are suitable, it would be good to find a suitable person to marry. "

"I heard from my niece that one of them was a classmate of hers in high school and studied business management. She hopes to come to my company for an internship and stay in the company to develop in the future. I'll work during this holiday."

" The other one is studying management. Her family background is average and she wants to find an internship in a company. She will work summer work first, but she will find a job elsewhere. I hope those two women are like that. That way, I won't have to worry too much. "

" The other one is purely on vacation It's said that their family background is very good. He studied literature. She's from the city, and her parents got divorced. She has no place to go to my house to seek refuge." Qiao Feiyu said simply.

"When will we be here?" Another person asked. "Why don't we get together a few more times?"

"They will come to my place tomorrow morning. The girl who works here is not willing to take the plane. She insisted on taking the train. In the afternoon, she told me that she only bought the train tickets. " Qiao Feiyu said loudly, "My niece also insisted that I go to the train station to pick her up. So, let's party until dawn tonight. From tomorrow onwards, don't bother me. After this period of suffering, let's continue to party."

"That means those girls aren't bad. Their brains are flexible and they can also endure hardships." Qian Ming smiled as he listened.

"Who knows if he will use the tactic of suffering? A good sir like you is the easiest to be fooled. How can there be a woman in this world who doesn't like to enjoy herself? Isn't it because you want to win the favor of others that you do it for others to see?" Qiao Feiyu said disdainfully. Speaking of which, this was how he was cheated back then.

"Actually, not everyone is like that." Qian Ming frowned and said.

"Feiyu, in fact, if those two girls really work wholeheartedly, you can rest assured that when the time comes, you can give her a room to live in. Wouldn't it be fine if you didn't hang around your house? When it comes to work, you can do it legally, but if it's good, you can stay. If you don't want to, you don't need to. It's simple and easy." Someone suggested.

Qiao Feiyu felt that this suggestion was not bad.

"Kid, if you don't like those women, why don't you introduce them to us?" Those who liked women immediately perked up. "There are fewer students among my women."

"F * ck you. If you marry them seriously, I can introduce them to you. But if you're just playing around, then there's no need. I don't want to be talked about by my sister. But you can go and see for yourself. You can go to the school and find whoever you like. This has nothing to do with me." Qiao Feiyu said with a smile.

"This is a good idea. When will we have a chance encounter? We can help you solve your problem. In case you have a beauty that you won't be able to enjoy. " Immediately, someone laughed.

"Hey, why don't we follow him tomorrow and take a look? It looks pretty good. We'll strike first and gain the upper hand. When the time comes, not only will we help Feiyu solve his problem, we'll also gain some benefits." For a moment, everyone laughed and complained that this suggestion was not bad.

"Let me say this first. You have a wife and a good girlfriend, so don't make a fuss. If you meet a woman who knows how to scheme, and cause a scandal, I won't take responsibility for it. "

Qiao Feiyu immediately expressed his attitude. He still wanted to be a good person. "As for those who don't have women, if you want to play, don't say that I asked you to find them. Everything has nothing to do with me. I'll just pretend that I don't know."

Everyone laughed again. They all sat down. Anyway, it was still early tomorrow. Some of them also went home early when they saw that there was nothing else to do. Qiao Feiyu did not force them.

"Feiyu, you have both fame and fortune now. You have a successful career. It's time for you to start a family. If you encounter any good ones, don't miss them." Qian Ming said with a serious smile.

Qiao Feiyu did not think it was a big deal. He leisurely drank his wine.

Qian Ming continued, "Your parents whispered to me, saying that you are still a loner even though you are 30 years old. They told me to persuade you to start a family. They are all at that age. Their biggest hope is to have a grandson. "

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