Sweet Romance Of The Wealthy/C6 I'm Done Daydreaming
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Sweet Romance Of The Wealthy/C6 I'm Done Daydreaming
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C6 I'm Done Daydreaming

"I can't believe there is such a shameless woman in this world. What does she think she is?" Everyone who heard it was furious.

According to Wen Yingying's words, at that time, Qiao Feiyu still did not believe that she would be so heartless. Until his good classmate called him to the airport, he saw that woman with a greasy face following him. When the fat man with his chest puffed out and a few strands of hair on his belly got on the plane and left. Only then did he understand that all of this was the truth. He returned to his rented house and smashed everything in his rage.

Ling Ziwen remembered that the people who heard this story hated that woman to the bone, and they also loved Qiao Feiyu very much. They were even touched to the point that they fell to the ground. She wished she could throw herself over and hug a wounded man to comfort him. Ling Ziwen shook her head when she heard that. She did not feel too emotional.

Of course, if she was emotional, it was because Qiao Feiyu did not believe that woman would leave him. She had such feelings before, just like back then, she did not believe that the man she loved would leave her. When she was young, she did not believe that the man she hoped for the most to be her father would leave. But life forced you to believe it.

Later, Wen Yingying asked her what she thought. Ling Ziwen only said very neutrally that there was no right or wrong in this. There were only some who did not understand each other. Qiao Feiyu did not understand what that woman wanted. Similarly... That woman didn't know what Qiao Feiyu wanted either.

Qiao Feiyu was too self-righteous. He didn't know what the person he loved wanted. After they got to know each other, they made their own choices. What Qiao Feiyu wanted was a woman who shared the same ideals as him, willing to share hardships with him. And that woman wanted to have fun in time. In one sentence, that guy was too narcissistic and self-righteous, which led to the failure of love.

That woman's words were just an excuse for her to dump someone. She could only kick him down to the ground and make him unable to raise his head. She would not regret doing that. At the same time, she could also establish her position as the goddess in Qiao Feiyu's heart. As long as Qiao Feiyu understood that, he would naturally be able to walk out. This was no big deal. There were many more touching things in this world.

When Ling Ziwen said this idea, she was fiercely refuted. Being looked down upon as Ling Ziwen was a cold-blooded animal. Ling Ziwen had nothing to say. She did not understand why she had only said what she thought. You became a cold-blooded animal?

Ling Ziwen could only shrug her shoulders and walk away. Everyone just looked at the problem from a different angle. Speaking of which, Ling Ziwen had never treated anyone as an idol.

The reason why Ling Ziwen remembered Qiao Feiyu's first love so clearly... It was completely because Wen Yingying had said it once every time she saw a girl. Moreover, she had to drag her and the other two female classmates to be the internal audience. It was so that some young and inexperienced girls who did not know the taste of love could be tainted a little.

When Ling Ziwen later heard Wen Yingying say that her uncle was in love, she would find an excuse to leave. She was really afraid that every time she said her suggestion, she would become the object of those dull girls spitting their saliva.

When school had just started this year, Ling Ziwen was dragged along by Wen Yingying to listen to the story and wanted to find fault with her. She deliberately asked Qiao Feiyu why there was no woman forcing a marriage with a child when Qiao Feiyu was such an outstanding man. There were always those kinds of women forcing a bright and beautiful male lead to get married on television, while the male lead acted like he could do anything for the sake of the child. Why didn't Hero Qiao do such a thing?

Wen Yingying immediately told Ling Ziwen that there was really such a thing.

Ling Ziwen's curiosity was immediately aroused. Everyone liked to listen to other people's shortcomings, especially those celebrities' privacy. Ling Ziwen was no exception. So she was very curious about what kind of situation it was.

Wen Yingying then pulled the conversation apart.

It was said that the reason was because of Qiao Feiyu's chivalrous heart. Qiao Feiyu had accidentally met a woman who had been badly hurt. The victim heard that Qiao Feiyu liked to uphold justice for the weak, so he went to ask Qiao Feiyu for help.

The victim worked in a company in T City. The boss of the company used his power to rape the woman. She was pregnant, and the boss's wife knew about it. The woman was a tigress.

The boss said that the woman seduced him in front of his wife, and his wife held the woman and gave her a fierce beating. The child was knocked out on the spot. The woman was wronged, and she wanted to use the law to protect herself.

She looked for a lawyer to sue, but she didn't expect the other party to use money to bribe everything. The lawyer on the other side said that as long as he could prove that this woman didn't have a relationship with him, he would have a solution. That couple then found someone to rape her and then used those photos to accuse her of falsely accusing her. That woman was very flirty, and those porn photos were the evidence. The victim's reputation was in shambles.

Not only that, the wife even went to the mafia to arrest him for sex. The victim's body and mind were both severely damaged. At that time, she was in so much pain that she wanted to commit suicide, but then she was saved. The person who saved her had given her a way to find Qiao Feiyu. In T City, only Qiao Feiyu dared to attack those evil forces.

At first, the victims didn't believe it. The person who saved her told her what Qiao Feiyu had done. Later, she held a glimmer of hope and went to find Qiao Feiyu. After Qiao Feiyu heard this, he told the woman that he had to find out the whole story first. If it was true, then he would help her take revenge.

After that, Qiao Feiyu started to look for the evidence of that person's crime. Qiao Feiyu took the evidence and let the victim go to the court to sue the other party. He was the one who charged the lawyer and lawyer fees, and the victim was scared. He only said that he wanted the daughter of the man and woman to have a taste of it.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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