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Flowery House was filled with people. Never had such a situation occurred before. Men surrounded women in Flowery House. Today, however, it was the complete opposite. A devilish man was surrounded by a group of rouge and makeup.

It was a man that gathered all sorts of handsome, beautiful, and luxurious clothing. With just a glance, anyone who was a girl would be captivated by his charming smile. What kind of bewitching smile was that? A man's body was so alluring, and his eyes could instantly kill millions of mortals.

His arrival caused the entire pavilion to boil with excitement. This was a sea of women, a paradise for red sleeves.

The girls here were all boiling over him and going crazy for him.

But if there is a man with a good eye here, that is not the case, because he has a mole behind his ear, a blood-red mole, a mole that is known to all the world, but no one has ever seen it. There is a legend in the world that a killer has a mole, but no one has ever seen it, because all the people he has ever seen are dead.

His name was Liu Qi.

He was known as the most expensive assassin in the martial arts world.

He killed for three reasons: no reason, no woman, but he killed for three other reasons: he wanted a woman, he wanted money, he wanted time, that is to say, he had to give him a woman first to kill, he had to give him money, he had to give him money, he had to give him no time, he said he hated the feeling of being restricted. Of course, this rule brought him quite a bit of trouble. The buyer wanted him to kill someone, yet you want me to not restrict your time. Isn't this nonsense? But that trouble was soon gone. As long as the person he wanted to kill didn't live for seven days, his name was Liu Qi. No one had ever doubted his abilities, because he had never failed.

Of course, no one here knew that he was Seventh Liu, so no one knew why he was here. He was here to kill, so no one knew who he was here to kill.

"Peng!" Hua Manlou's door was kicked open, and a tall and powerful burly man and a short, dwarf-like deformed man rushed in. All of a sudden, he took two steps forward and grabbed the two women, bringing them into the room, scaring the two women so much that their beautiful faces turned pale, everything happened too suddenly, the originally noisy pavilion became strangely quiet, and Liu San also could not help but exclaim: "Huh?" The sharp voice pierced through the crowd like a sharp blade, directly into the big man's ears, and his right foot, which was heading upwards, shrunk back to look, and his fierce eyes directly met the big man's devilish gaze. He was shocked, and after a while, he avoided the big man's ghost-like eyes, and walked up the stairs like a dwarf following behind him.

Because he saw something, something that he had wanted to see for a long time. The man lifted up his trousers and revealed a faint imprint. Others might not know, but Liu Qi definitely knew that it was the Black Turtle Hall's imprint. Even if he died, he would not forget the tattoo.

Very few people from the Black Tortoise Hall had appeared in the martial arts world. And this time, two of them had actually appeared. What exactly was going on?

Deep into the night, Liu Qi sat alone at the table. There was a jug of wine and a sword by the table.

The wine was clear and the sword light shone.

At this moment, her charming eyes were as calm as still water, without the slightest trace of life. He sat up straight. His back was so straight. At this moment, he was like a statue. There was only a hint of killing intent, but it had only lasted for a brief moment.

The mysterious movement technique of the burly man he saw today made him suspect that he was a member of the Black Turtle Hall from the very beginning. The imprint he revealed later on confirmed his identity as a member of the Black Turtle Hall. He caused Liu Qi to feel a strong killing intent.

What was the enmity between the Xuanwu Hall and Liu Qi, someone who hadn't been out of the martial arts world for decades?

The martial arts world was a martial arts world, there was no need for hatred and hatred. However, there was no such thing as hatred or hatred without a reason or cause. Everything had a cause and effect.

(Come on!)

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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