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On one path, a man and a woman.

The man walked in front and the girl followed.

Spring had arrived. The cycle of the four seasons, what could stop the flow of time, what could stop the change of the myriad things in the world?

The girl followed him step by step. He saved her, but he didn't say a word to her along the way. He silently walked as if he would never stop walking.

"What's your name?" The girl gathered her courage and looked at Xiao Feng expectantly.

"Xiao Feng." She always had an inexplicable charm that Xiao Feng was not prepared to answer. However, when he looked at the girl beside him, he fell into a wonderful world. Her questions were always irrefutable.

"My name is Yang Ke, a Yang Mu Yang. Fifteen years old this year. " She seemed to have recovered from the incident just now. She would have been like this in the first place, she was just a fifteen-year-old little girl.

"Oh." Other than this one word, Xiao Feng did not know what else to say. He was not someone who could speak. From the moment he could remember, he had not said much. However, at this moment, he really wanted to find something to say. But what could he do? He just couldn't say much. Talking was a very tiring thing, even more tiring than pulling out a knife.

Seeing him speak, the fear in the girl's heart lessened. "Xiao Feng? Isn't that a nice name? Where did you come from? How old are you? " The girl asked a series of questions.

Xiao Feng did not say anything and he did not know what to say either.

Where did he come from? Is that clear? How old is he? He probably didn't even know this himself.

She kept chirping like a magpie standing on a branch. She told him that she was the young lady of Yangzhuang, and the owner had offended someone, and one day a lot of people rushed into the manor to start the slaughter, and her father was dead, and so was her mother, who had accompanied her since she was young, and his best playmate, Little Qian. She was scared to the point where she burrowed under the table until her head master rushed into her room, picked her up, and ran away with her second brother and father.

She talked about her life, and how her only companion had done all the interesting things with her, and how her masters usually loved her, and how she loved to eat her mother's green bean soup the most, and how Daddy loved to tease her when she couldn't sleep, and how she was always amused when she couldn't. She said it would never happen again, and as she talked, the tears came to her eyes without her realizing it, and as she talked, she said she was sleepy and wanted to go to sleep.

He held the girl in his arms, quietly, tightly, and as he listened to her story, his heart twitched as she spoke. What a familiar story, he seemed to go back to the past, to the night when the fire spread, the endless fire that seemed to burn the whole world, also burned his heart, evaporating his tears, his blood, from then on, he was no longer crying, no longer afraid of blood.

And now it was as if he were no longer Xiao Feng, but a child who needed to be cared for, and his heart was no longer as firm as a rock, and he had a sudden urge to cry, to suppress himself, he would not allow himself to cry, he held the girl, the girl seemed to be asleep, she was tired, very tired, and Xiao Feng felt a strange tiredness that he had not felt in a long time.

He gently wiped away the tears that had fallen from the girl's eyes. It was as if he had wiped them away from his heart. From this moment onwards, he felt a sense of rebirth, a joy that he had never felt before.

In the next moment, Xiao Feng returned to his original appearance. He had changed back to his original appearance. The only difference was his shocked state of mind.

He held the girl in his arms. He wanted to hold her forever, just like how he held himself a dozen years ago.

A road doesn't have to be completed, does it?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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