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Chapter Three: On the second day of his life, the news has spread like wildfire. There is a saying that goes the most popular: an unfathomable black-clothed youth inexplicably walked into the escort company. After the old escort team was set, they inexplicably stopped and retreated to the side, watching helplessly as the youth took away the escort team until it disappeared.

Zhentian's position as the overlord of the escort company plummeted, and the tree fell to the ground. As the monkeys scattered, the escort company only had a few loyal bodyguards who struggled to hold on, Zhentian was in place of his son Zhen Shaohua, who was taken away by the government. Everything seemed to be settled, and the world's number one escort team collapsed, completely out of reason.

In fact, Zhonghua Tian knew in his heart that the fall of the escort company wasn't strange at all. The pitch-black scabbard and the two hands that were connected to the handle of the scabbard, he was convinced of his defeat and sighed in his heart: whether it's a blessing or a disaster, in the end, I still can't avoid it! However, at this moment, he was worried about something else ? what exactly was that dart?

At this time, Xiao Feng had suddenly appeared on the road that led to Xiangyang City. He was still carrying the embroidered box on his back. Inside, of course, was the escort rifle.

Along the way, Xiao Feng did not say a single word. He did not stop at all, as if he was a living corpse who did not know whether he was dead or alive. After a few days of travelling, his breathing was still steady like sand in an hourglass, flowing outwards bit by bit.

The knife was still in his right hand, unbroken.

There was a small hotel up ahead.

He sat down casually, asked for a cup of tea, and opened the box. He drank with his left hand, untied the bundle with his left, and did all the troublesome things with his left.

In truth, his right hand had only done one thing ? draw the blade, draw the blade countless times.

The brocade box sprang open. If there were people around, they would have been so shocked that they wouldn't have been able to say anything. The dartboard that had shocked the capital was actually a short piece of paper. It was laughable. Xiao Feng, on the other hand, did not show any expression of surprise. He was like a statue that could not be moved. Nothing could shock him.

With his left hand, he skillfully opened the note ? "Kill Pathless and give you your freedom."

Xiao Feng laughed. His laugh was forced and clumsy. It was so strange that it was like a statue that could not be moved suddenly grinning. The laughter was terrifying. In fact, no one knew that this time, he was truly smiling, a smile that came from the bottom of his heart.

With a wave of his left hand, the paper would fly away with the wind like a butterfly, eventually falling to the ground like a dead leaf.

It will all be over, like the wind.

It was indeed a conspiracy, but it was only a small beginning.

Xiao Feng did not know why he appeared, nor did he know why he had to plunder the dart this time. To him, this was only a matter of course. At the age of seventeen, he was informed that a year later, he would complete a mission, and once the mission was completed, he would be free. This was just a ransom deal.

He was a lonely man. He had no father, no mother, and he had been alone since he was young. From the age of three, he had lived in a place flattened by a group of men on big horses commanded by a man in armor, who called the men in armor "Generals." The fire had burned the entire village and taken away all the children under the age of five. Unfortunately, Xiao Feng was lucky enough to escape this calamity and survive. He did not know why the general had slaughtered his village, nor did he know why he had been left behind. He had too many things he did not know, but that fire had been burned deeply in his heart, like a red-hot iron, constantly burning his heart. That fire had destroyed everything, but it had left behind a seed of hatred, and he had buried that hatred deep in the depths of his heart.

Since he was four years old, a woman had entered his life. She was a very ugly woman, with only half of her face in his, and the other half that no one had ever seen, perhaps everyone he had ever seen was already dead, but Xiao Feng had secretly seen it, and that really scared him, because that woman did not have the other half of her face. The other half of his face was deeply embedded in his cheek, with scars on it.

She came to Xiao Feng's side. "From today onwards, I will teach you unparalleled martial arts." He spoke in a tone that could not be discussed, simple and straightforward. "This is not a request, but an order."

The woman led Xiao Feng into a cave in the mountain. The cave was very small and private, so small that it could only fit three people. There was a stone bed, a stone bench, a stone table, and a box on the table. A bronze colored scabbard.

"From now on, I will call you the strongest martial arts in the world. It only has one move. Do you understand? " When the woman spoke, there was no emotion mixed in.

From that day onwards, Xiao Feng was left behind in a small cave. Countless resentments turned into motivation. Countless blood and tears mixed together as he drew his saber countless times. In that small cave where there was no light, there would always be only the sound of the sword being drawn and the sound of the wind blowing.

He was living in pain, living day and night without knowing. Perhaps there was something that had always supported him. Hatred, hatred was truly a fascinating thing. It constantly corroded a person's heart, causing them to be unable to extricate themselves.

He was in extreme pain, especially every night when the moon was full, his entire body would mysteriously twitch, like a leech that had been sprinkled with salt, he would curl up on the ground, the veins on his hands would frighteningly spread all over his body, his beautiful yet powerful hands would firmly grip onto the hilt of his blade, grabbing onto his own life instead of the hilt. His fingernails would sink deep into his palm flesh, and like white wax, his palm would be dyed red in just a moment, while his blood would only make him even crazier and more bloodthirsty. His bloodshot eyes replaced the ice-cold gaze. He was like a wounded wolf, unyielding yet helpless as he struggled against the faint moonlight, making him even more frenzied and at a loss.

Every time he woke up, he would find out that the masked woman was sitting beside him. He knew that he had contracted a disease, and before the Mid-Autumn Night of the year, the illness would break out and only the masked woman could save him. This woman had saved him a full twelve times.

Is this just an illness?

It was poison. At the age of six, he had been poisoned. The Mid-Autumn Night was when the poison flared up. No one knew what poison it was, where it came from, how it was refined, or even the woman. However, he knew that in this world, only that woman had the antidote. Xiao Feng's life was hers, but whose life was hers?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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