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"Haha, that's right. Seeing how useless he is right now, I feel indescribably happy in my heart." There was still a smile on Dao Ba's face.

"Humph, if it wasn't for that expert following us just now, we wouldn't have to run so far. But that's fine, we can just directly do two things together." The man said.

"Do you think this place can really confuse Bai Qinglong's mind?" Dao Ba was puzzled.

"Of course, this place is called the Perplexing Stone Door. It definitely can." The man didn't hesitate to ask, "I wanted to ask him directly, but I didn't expect Bai Qinglong to be so resolute. I could only bring him here, and after asking him about the results, I'll go back immediately."

The three of them stood by the pond, waiting for Bai Qinglong.

Before long, a figure slowly approached from the distance. Step by step, neither fast nor slow, except for the fact that he was just a corpse. Of course, he was Bai Qinglong.

The man thought to himself, "Get on the rock and sit down."

Bai Qinglong's eyes lit up, but only for a moment. Then, his eyes dimmed down and his body moved like a swallow towards the stone platform. He attacked with an excellent movement technique.

As soon as his feet touched the stone platform, he immediately sat down cross-legged, showing no signs of resisting.

"Since you said that the Heart Decaying Pill is so powerful, why didn't you ask him where the sixth sword art was hidden and why did you do all these things?" Fairy White was puzzled as well.

"What do you think the Rotten Heart Pill is? It can only corrode a person's mind and consciousness, turning them into puppet-like monsters. Have you ever seen a monster speak his own words and speak the truth?" Dao Ba could not help but say, "That's why we came back." Although I do not know what exactly this place is used for, but since the envoy brought us here, there must be a reason behind it. "

"Stop talking," the man shouted coldly. "Quiet down, now is the time to ask the result."

Bai Qinglong sat alone on the stone platform, his eyes slowly glazed over as the water around the platform also started to stir. At first, it was slow, but after a while, the water also started to flow faster and faster, and small whirlpools also started to appear around the platform, faster and faster, and the whirlpool also became bigger and bigger. At this time, the man shouted, "Activate!"

He quickly bit off the forefinger of his right hand and spat out a mouthful of blood on his sword. Then, he instantly brandished his sword and his body expanded in size, flying towards the stone platform and flying three times around the stone platform. Then, he suddenly thrust the sword into the middle of the platform, about an inch away from Bai Qinglong, and the entire sword's body completely sunk into the stone.

The water in the pond started to change. Bubbles started to appear from the bottom of the water, and they started to rise faster and faster. Soon, water vapor started to permeate the surroundings of the stone platform, and as Bai Qinglong was surrounded by the water vapor, his body became more and more blurry.

Bai Qinglong's eyes slowly brightened. However, they didn't seem to come from his heart; it was as if he was controlling them with his own hands. His pale lips moved slightly as a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Then, his entire body fell onto the stone platform, completely motionless.

It's a success." The man took a deep breath. His face was very pale, as if the act just now had greatly damaged his strength. He weakly sat on the grass of a pond, his fingers forming seals as if he were slowly recovering his strength. A peculiar expression flashed across Dao Ba's face, but it disappeared in a flash.

At this moment, a voice resounded in Bai Qinglong's mind, "My child, tell me where the last part of the Six Appearances Sword Technique is, and you will be granted your freedom." It was a very kind voice, a voice that was hard to resist. "Alright, my child, you are also tired. Tell me, don't worry, everything will be fine."

Bai Qinglong, who was lying on the platform, had already opened his eyes, but there was no longer that lonely look in them. Bai Qinglong, who was lying on the platform, had already opened his eyes, but there was no longer that lonely look in them.

"My child, relax. Don't struggle anymore. This is a disappointing world. Tell me everything, and you will return to the past. Don't struggle anymore. "Tell me, tell me ?"

The man sat down by the pond and murmured, "Put down what you should put down. If you can't carry some things, you might as well put them down. If you get tired, you can stop. Isn't that great?

At this time, Xiao Feng had already arrived beside the pond and was hiding behind a huge rock. Suddenly, Xiao Feng felt a little tired. That voice seemed to have come from far away, from that dream country far away, as if his grandfather was kindly calling for his child to come home. That voice came from the bottom of his heart, and even Xiao Feng's hand, which was holding onto his saber, seemed to have slowly relaxed for a moment. Xiao Feng had the urge to let go of everything.

He slowly stood up and raised the sword in his right hand towards the sky. With a light toss, the sword fell into the pond like a flower falling into a pond, splashing water all over the place.

"Don't think about those tiring things anymore. Tell me, everything will be free." A voice softly drifted over. At this moment, the surroundings were very quiet, as quiet as if it were an empty night sky.

Bai Qinglong seemed to have given in, and no trace of resistance could be seen on his face.

A emotionless voice came over like a ghost: "The sixth move of the Six Paths of Sword is hidden in the stone monument, in the large stone monument in the backyard of the Six Paths Hall."

These words were said very softly, but it was impossible for anyone present to not hear them clearly. These words were carved into the hearts of everyone present, as if they were carved onto stone.

The man's lips curled up into a smile. His pale face started to turn red.

"My good child. Okay, you have been released. You can now step onto the path of the Yellow Springs." This sentence was extremely cold and ruthless. It was completely different from the peaceful tone from before. The tone was filled with killing intent, just like how a King of Hell mercilessly sentenced a person to death.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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