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The strange person was concentrating on the formation. He was waiting for something inside his dantian.

The seven men in black also stabilized themselves and began their second round of attacks.

Not to mention that during the weirdo's charge in the second floor of the Sword Pavilion, Jian Fei and a sword guard had rushed outside and discovered a very puzzling problem. There was no one outside the Sword Pavilion, and the sound came from outside the Sword Pavilion, but the moment Jian Fei heard the sound, he rushed out of the Sword Pavilion and discovered that there was not a single person outside.

Just as Jian Fei was puzzled, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his head as he cursed: "Damn it, this is luring a tiger out of its lair."

The man must have wanted to distract Jian Fei's attention. If this time, the godly sword was the same as usual, Jian Fei would not be so worried, but this time, the godly sword was a devil sword, and it was prepared for Jian Liang's sake, no one could snatch it, Jian Fei knew this, so the godly sword did not allow even the slightest mistake.

If the two of them were to fight together, then the Seven Killing Array would not be able to hold on for long. Now, the only way for the Seven Killing Array to hold on was to find the few old fellows, and from the looks of the situation just now, the three of them were no longer in the Sword Pavilion, so if there were any sounds of fighting, they would have appeared already, and now, without any movement, the Seven Killing Array would not be able to make any headway out of it. Jian Fei also knew how strong the Seven Killing Array was and what kind of person it was, but Jian Fei also knew: "Forget it, I can only use it." Jian Fei took out something that looked like a firecracker from the brocade bag on his waist. Jian Fei knew that this was not an ordinary firecracker, but a signal flare, a unique signal flare that originated from the sword city, it was introduced from the Western Regions and was extremely rare, so it was also extremely precious in the martial arts world. Compared to other signal bombs, this firecrackers had a huge advantage. First, no matter if it was day or night, people would be able to see it. Secondly, when the signal detonator was fired, the sound was very soft, almost inaudible. Just based on these two advantages alone, there was no market price for something like this in the martial arts world. The City Lord of the Sword City, Jian Zhuo, had once told Jian Fei that this thing could only be used in times of life and death, but at this time, Jian Fei did not care about that much anymore. If the Immortal Sword was stolen, then the plan would not work, and when the City Lord became furious, Jian Fei would not be able to live anymore.

A dark red mist rose from the bullet hole into the sky.

This fog caused the entire Sword City to be thrown into an uproar.

All the masters in the Sword City were shocked, they all gathered at the location of the signal detonation. The Sword City was a large city, and was divided into seven to forty-nine branch masters. Each branch owner was in charge of a branch house, and the strength of each branch owner was not to be looked down upon. Each branch owner was in charge of a branch house, and the strength of each branch owner was not to be looked down upon, and each branch owner was in charge of a branch house.

At this moment, a signal detonator was fired from the Sword Tower. As if it couldn't be more shocking, dozens of people immediately rushed towards the Sword Pavilion.

Jian Fei cursed in his heart and ran into the Sword Pavilion as well. The matter of opening the sword was originally for Jian Fei to completely take over. No matter what he said, he would do his best to prevent all of this from happening.

The seven figures flashed faster and faster in the darkness, and the Bewitching Fragrance in their hands also spun faster and faster. The rhythm of the steel staff hitting the ground had gone from having a rhythm just now to the now disorderly beating of the steel staff hitting the ground, but if one were to listen carefully, they would discover the mystery behind it. Every time four steel staff landed on the ground, there would be three steel staffs attacking the strange person.

As it was dark, the inside of the Sword Pavilion was pitch black. The strange man jumped and dodged in the middle of the formation. His surging inner strength was accompanied by the whistling sound of the strong winds, but he was still unable to get close to it.

The Seven Slaughter Array's power gradually entered the right path, the Seven Slaughter Array's might was stronger than the enemy. If the enemy could not break through the array as fast as they could, then the enemy would sink deeper and deeper into the formation, until he was dragged to death. The strange person seemed to know that the situation was bad, but suddenly stopped and did not move at all, standing in the circle without moving a single inch, attentively watching the frequency of the steel staff hitting the ground, two strikes, three strikes, four, "Bang!" The second steel staff struck down, but the strange man still didn't move. The sharp staff shadow also hit somewhere else, the third and the fourth were the same.

In the darkness, that freak suddenly let out a terrifying laugh.

Even though the seven shadows were still unable to hit him, they didn't feel any fluctuations from their movements. They were also shocked and one of them shouted, "Retreat!"

The seven figures stepped back almost at the same time. Their bodies were solid. They were definitely top class experts in the martial arts world.

Seven steel staves surrounded a circle, the tip of the stave steadily pointing towards the strange man.

So, the Seven Killing Array's greatest power could only be unleashed in the dark night. Seven people were all martial artists with extremely developed hearing, and they could use sound to determine the location of the enemy, but the Seven Killing Array was an array that was used to make the enemy move, and if one was in front of the darkness without seeing the five fingers, if one could feel something approaching them, one had to avoid it or not, of course they had to avoid it. Since they had to dodge, there would naturally be a sound, and it was precisely this tiny dodging motion, and the seven people would discover your position.

If you don't change, the array will naturally be broken. Since you don't move, how will the other party discover you? If they can't discover you, how will they hit you?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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