System, Give Me An Explanation/C122 The Devil Seems to be Very Scary
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System, Give Me An Explanation/C122 The Devil Seems to be Very Scary
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C122 The Devil Seems to be Very Scary

Wenn Zepu almost blurted out these words. When he finally realized what was happening, his mind was in a daze.

Zhou Yuyi wanted to say something else, but Zhou Xiaoyi stopped him. "Young master, we are only following him from the palace. We don't have any malicious intentions. So, please let us in and see if he has packed his belongings. "

Seeing this, Lan Shumo couldn't help but nod his head. This strategist had a good personality. He was neither cold nor impatient, and looked like a gentle and considerate man.

Xiaoqing: That's just that you think. . .

Zhigu: Mo Mo, be careful of this wolf!

Wenn Zepu did not know how to answer for a moment. He just pursed his lips tightly and did not speak.

Zhou Xiaoyi furrowed his brows but soon relaxed, "Young master, we are only here to accompany him. We don't have any ill intentions, so. . . "

"No, you can't go and find Wen Kushimo!" Wenn Zepu interrupted Zhou Xiaoyi before he could finish.

"Why. . . Why?" Zhou Xiaoyi hated Wenn Zepu more and more. His evaluation of him could be summarized in five words: rude and unreasonable.

Lan Shumo saw that the time had come. He quickly stuffed some of the more important things into the cloth bag and opened the door. The three of them looked at Lan Shumo, who was standing at the door in a panic.

"Wen Juumo, why did you come out? Go in!"

Wenn Zepu's forceful and domineering tone gave Lan Shumo a scare. His eyes started to become watery, but he was forcefully held back by Wenn Zepu's words, "Don't cry. "

"I. . . I have to go. . . " Lan Shumo carefully walked towards Zhou Xiaoyi, but was pulled back by Wenn Zepu.

Lan Shumo staggered and fell into Wenn Zepu's arms, "Sorry. . . Sorry. " Lan Shumo broke free from Wenn Zepu's arms.

Wenn Zepu was unhappy. Was he that afraid of him?

"You are not allowed to go!" Wenn Zepu suppressed the displeasure in his heart and ordered Lan Shumo with a firm tone.

Lan Shumo looked at Zhou Xiaoyi and Zhou Yuyi, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his eyes.

"Host, the one you want to attack is the male partner, not the male lead. " Xiaoqing's reminder made Lan Shumo realize that it was not Lan Shumo's fault. He had been attacking the male lead all this time, and had almost forgotten that he was attacking the male lead now.

"I. . . Can't. "

Wenn Zepu was surprised by Lan Shumo's refusal. This was the first time he had rejected him, and it was in front of an outsider.

Wenn Zepu's eyes were filled with astonishment, but Zhou Yuyun didn't delay any longer. He pulled Lan Shumo onto the carriage, and Zhou Xiaoyi followed closely behind, leaving Wenn Zepu alone in the wind.

"Wen Kushimo, how dare you not listen to me!" Wenn Zepu clenched both of his fists tightly. He had really grown some ability. . .

"How. . . How are you?" Lan Shumo was shocked by Zhou Yuyi's gentle tone. It was the first time he had heard Zhou Yuyi speak to him so gently.

Lan Shumo didn't say anything, he just shook his head.

"Are you afraid of him?" Zhou Xiaoyi, who was sitting in front of Lan Shumo, pretended to ask casually, but in his heart, he almost hated Wenn Zepu to death. How dare he make Wenn Zepu shed tears? How detestable!

Zhou Yuyi originally wanted to reach out and pat Lan Shumo's back to comfort him. However, he was shocked by Zhou Xiaoyi's look. He could only withdraw his hand, which was halfway there, and wait for Lan Shumo's answer.

. . .

Thank you for your arrogance. Ziqi and Mo Xiye. The book was written in the clouds. [Distorted Angel] also had your past. [Class 3] Wine Dragon] 's Light Like You' s Ice Silence (Bloody Rose dye the other side of the river) Snow of Zero, Ghost of Zero, Recommended Ticket of Youzi] [Amateur Angel] [Amateur Angel] also had your past. [Class 3] 's Wine Dragon]' s Light Like You 's Light Like Your Ice Silence (Bloody Rose dye the other side of the river) [Ghost of Zero's Snow] [Youzi's Recommended Ticket]

[I'm really in a really bad mood. ]

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