System, Give Me An Explanation/C128 The Devil Seems to be Very Scary
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System, Give Me An Explanation/C128 The Devil Seems to be Very Scary
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C128 The Devil Seems to be Very Scary

Lan Shumo couldn't wait any longer. Seeing that they had no intention of making the first move, he couldn't help but say, "I. . . "

"Shut the hell up!" Just as Lan Shumo said one word, the other word slipped to his mouth, but he was frightened back by Wenn Zepu's order.

Zhou Yuyi went forward and pulled Lan Shumo to his side without saying a word. One of his hands was still holding Lan Shumo's waist tightly, in case he didn't know when he left.

Lan Shumo was a little embarrassed by Zhou Xiaoyi's action. He wanted to break free, but Zhou Xiaoyi kept him tighter and tighter, making it impossible for Lan Shumo to leave Zhou Xiaoyi.

Wenn Zepu saw how bold they were, so he didn't hesitate any longer and started a great war with them. The result was obvious. Wenn Zepu had won the battle because of the halo of the main character and the fact that he was the son of the Heavenly Dao. Although he was injured, it was still better than Zhou Yu's victory.

Zhou Yuyi's body was covered with wounds of various sizes, and part of his white robe was dyed red by blood. He looked extremely pathetic.

Lan Shumo looked at Zhou Yuyi worriedly. He wanted to help Zhou Yuyi up, but he was held tightly by Zhou Xiaoyi. He could not break free from Zhou Xiaoyi's restraints, so he could only worry about Zhou Yuyi's injuries in his heart.

In fact, Lan Shumo did not understand why he did not take him away when Wenn Zepu and Zhou Yuyi were "friends in martial arts. " Instead, he foolishly watched them fight. Was this the so-called Jack Suge Halo?

Alright, a male matching partner is a male matching partner. They will never be able to match the male lead's halo.

Zhou Yuyi could not hold on much longer. His body was already swaying.

At this moment, Lan Shumo was pulled away by Zhou Xiaoyi. When Wenn Zepu saw this, he wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Zhou Yuyi. Wenn Zepu felt irritated in his heart. Just as he was thinking of quickly getting rid of Zhou Yuyi, a few of Zhou Yuyi's hidden guards suddenly appeared in front of Wenn Zepu.

Only then did Wenn Zepu realize that he had fallen into a trap!

Zhou Yuyi's figure was a little unstable. He had no idea where one of the hidden guards had brought him, but Wenn Zepu was currently busy.

"Zhou Xiaoyi, where are you taking me?" Lan Shumo was breathing heavily, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

Zhou Xiaoyi stopped and looked at Lan Shumo seriously, "Let's go somewhere that no one knows. "

Lan Shumo struggled to get rid of his hand. He glanced at his wrist, which was already red, and said, "No, I have to go back and find Wenn Zepu. I won't. . . "

Before he could finish his words, Zhou Xiaoyi had already knocked Lan Shumo out with a hand knife. Zhou Xiaoyi looked at the obedient Lan Shumo in his arms and thought that this was not bad. At least he would not run away again.

When he woke up again, he found himself in a bamboo house. Lan Shumo frowned. Was this a coincidence, or. . .

Lan Shumo stood up and felt dizzy. He held the bamboo fence beside him and shook his head. Not long after, the dizziness had completely disappeared. Lan Shumo sighed lightly and walked out of the bamboo house.

Lan Shumo inadvertently looked and saw a man in white clothes standing under a big tree. Lan Shumo took a closer look and found that it was Zhou Xiaoyi. A burst of anger suddenly surged into his heart.

"Zhou Xiaoyi, you son of a b * tch, how dare you knock me out? You don't want to live anymore, do you?!" Lan Shumo gritted his teeth. He had lived for so long, but no one dared to knock him out. Zhou Xiaoyi was the first.

"He's awake. " Lan Shumo was cursing Zhou Xiaoyi in his heart when a hoarse and magnetic voice sounded from behind him. He turned around and saw Zhou Yuyi.

"En. " Lan Shumo naturally walked past him. Zhou Yuyi's heart turned cold and he smiled bitterly. At this time, Lan Shumo turned around and asked, "Where. . . Is this place?"

. . .

Thank you for the reward and the psychotic girl. It's obviously your 'Dream of Dreams', Nan Yu.

Even more so, even more so. I'm so tired. . .

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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