System, Give Me An Explanation/C134 Demons Seem to be Very Scary
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System, Give Me An Explanation/C134 Demons Seem to be Very Scary
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C134 Demons Seem to be Very Scary

"Zhou Xiaoyi, you are still as disgusting as ever. " Wenn Zepu held a fan in his hand and drank half a cup of wine.

"Huh, you are also like the past, always going against me. " Zhou Xiaoyi laughed lightly without any restraint. Whether he is the Emperor or not, In his view, they were like friends but not friends. They were like enemies but also not enemies.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Wenn Zepu put down the folding fan in his hand and looked straight at Zhou Xiaoyi.

"You won't. "

"Why do you believe so?"

"From the moment you overthrew that dog emperor, I believed that you are a person who can distinguish the situation. You are very powerful, just like Shumo at that time. " Zhou Xiaoyi sighed and smiled bitterly.

"Don't misunderstand me. I didn't kill you because I didn't want to make Shumo feel bad. He believed that you didn't do it on purpose. He wanted me to try to forgive you. So, not killing you two can be considered as fulfilling one of Shumo's wishes. "

After saying this, both of them fell silent. It was only until a tender voice sounded," Father, I'm hungry. Father, accompany me to have lunch. "

That tender voice was very similar to Wen Kushimo's. Even his face was somewhat similar. If he didn't know that men couldn't give birth, he would have thought that this was Shumo's child.

"Forget it. I won't argue with you today. Let's go down first. " Wenn Zepu flung his wide sleeves and picked up Universal Memory Ink. Instantly, a smile bloomed on his face.

"This official will retire. " Zhou Xiaoyi bowed and left. He was a reasonable person, so he naturally knew that in front of outsiders, there was still a distinction between emperors and ministers.

Wenn Zepu had been praised by the people for being in power for seven years. He managed the country in an orderly manner and made the people live comfortably. Unlike the previous emperor, who squeezed the people and forced them to collect taxes, the people did not have a good life. This comparison really made Wenn Zepu the king that everyone loved.

Seven years. . . Seven years passed. General Nian Mo was also five years old and that Emperor had also left for seven years. The thing that worried the people was the Emperor's son.

Although he already had a child, But that was not his biological child after all. Without the Emperor's blood, this would be a bit of criticism.

Wenn Zepu acted as if he did not hear and ignored the admonishment of the officials. He did not take in concubines and did not take in concubines.

"Little Mo, why don't you have lunch first?" Wenn Zepu dotingly touched Pu Nianmo's head. The figure in front of him was not this child.

"Because Sir said that we have to wait for Father to use it for dinner. This is called a gift. " Pu Nianmo carefully pulled on Wenn Zepu's sleeve, "Father, I heard Brother Yuyi say that Father has passed away, right?"

The smile on Wenn Zepu's face stiffened for a moment, and he restrained his smile by seventy percent. However, he still truthfully replied, Father, I heard Brother Yuyi say that father has passed away, right? "Yes. "

Seeing that Wenn Zepu did not show any signs of being angry, General Nian Mo grew bolder again. "Then. . . Father, how is he?"

"Him?" Wenn Zepu's smile returned to his face, and his expression became gentler. "He is very beautiful, but also like a flawless fragile object. You can't bully him. Once he is fierce, he will pout. It's as if those beautiful eyes can shed pearl-like tears. . . Let's not talk about it for now. I'll bring you to meet your father later. "

" Can I? " The blinking eyes of General Nian Mo instantly made Wenn Zepu see the crying look of Wen Kushimo under him. It was unforgettable and unbearable.

Wenn Zepu did not say a word and only smiled.

Wenn Zepu led General Nian Mo to a secret chamber. The Wen Kushimo in the freezer looked extremely beautiful, very quiet and gentle.

He had invited all the doctors to treat his injuries, but they could only remove the scars and not treat his damaged heart. This was his regret, and also his only wish at the moment.

While Wenn Zepu was feeling sad, the sharp-eyed General Nian Mo pulled his hand and pointed at the slightly trembling hand of Wen Juumo in the freezer. "Father, Father's hands are moving. "

. . .

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