System, Give Me An Explanation/C76 Find a Movie King to be My Boyfriend
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System, Give Me An Explanation/C76 Find a Movie King to be My Boyfriend
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C76 Find a Movie King to be My Boyfriend

You want a guy like me to play that thing? Although I really know how to, . . . Isn't that something girls play? Although Lan Shumo somewhat resisted the zither, he still nodded his head.

Bai Chenxuan did not know what he had said to the judge beside him. He saw the judge nod his head and walk out of the training room. Lan Shumo was petrified. Don't tell me you really want me to play the zither?!

Bai Chenxuan let Lan Shumo wait by the side and began to judge the others. Up until now, Lan Shumo was still in a daze. Looking at Bai Chenxuan's serious expression, his heart trembled slightly. Could this guy be serious? There was no scene of him playing the zither in the plot. . .

The script will be modified with Host's arrival, so the storyline provided by the system can only be used as a reference.

The "kind" reminder from the system made Lan Shumo's face completely dark. At this moment, he only wanted to shout: What do I need you for?!

Not long later, the judge came in carrying a zither. Lan Shumo frowned. This zither must have been useless for a few years now. There were still traces of it that had just been rubbed on it. Furthermore, it was not very clean. Lan Shumo walked forward and wiped the zither's panel. There was still some dust on it.

Lan Shumo took out a piece of paper and carefully wiped the zither. When he was serious, he looked like an immortal who could not be offended. Therefore, everyone stopped to look at Lan Shumo. Lan Shumo acted as if there was no one else around and kept tuning his tune.

After the audition, Lan Shumo slightly raised his head to look at Bai Chenxuan. Bai Chenxuan nodded, indicating for him to start playing.

Lan Shumo played a song that he was most familiar with, Snow Mountain Spring Festival. This song had some exciting parts and also some soothing parts. It could reflect the characteristics of the zither very well. When Lan Shumo played, not only did the movements combine, it was also very clear. This made people feel that it was sometimes intense and sometimes gentle and soothing, and it was also very coherent.

When everyone heard this, they cheered, but when they received Bai Chenxuan's gaze that seemed like he wanted to kill someone, they immediately shut their mouths. Bai Chenxuan looked at Lan Shumo with praise. "This year, the first person our company has signed a contract with is Xia Mo. "

Why do I feel like this name? So female. . .

Lan Shumo expressed that he really didn't like this name, but he had no choice. The original owner was a boy who would be considered a girl if he changed into a more feminine outfit.

Bai Chenxuan handed him a contract, and Lan Shumo signed the original owner's name on the last page without hesitation. Bai Chenxuan was slightly shocked, "You don't want to take a look?"

"I believe your company will not do anything to harm the artistes in your company. "

Bai Chenxuan nodded in satisfaction and gestured for Lan Shumo to sit by the side. Lan Shumo naturally did not hesitate to sit down.

After an afternoon of selections, only two artistes were signed. The other person was a boy with both looks and talent. He was a few years older than the original owner.

"This little brother looks so good. " Lan Shumo looked at the boy standing next to him with a smile. The smile in his eyes could not be stopped.

Host, the one you want to conquer is the male lead. It's not a male partner. . . ] The system saw that Lan Shumo was infatuated and could not help but remind him. However, it innocently rolled its eyes at Lan Shumo.

Bai Chenxuan roughly told them about the company's rules. When he said, "No matter when, the CEO's orders are the priority. " He even looked at Lan Shumo as if it was nothing. Lan Shumo was shocked by his fierce eyes. His face was full of doubt.

After Bai Chenxuan finished talking about a bunch of complicated rules, Lan Shumo and another boy "respectfully" sent him away.

Lan Shumo wished he could stay alone with this little brother for a while. "What's your name?"

The little brother was stunned for a moment and frowned. "Didn't you hear what the president said just now?"

Lan Shumo tilted his head and said thoughtfully, "Um. . . No. Don't you feel sleepy listening to those things?" The little brother shook his head and Lan Shumo curled his lips. "You are so cold. It is not fun at all. "

. . .

Thank you for your recommendation, Young Master Lu of the School of Daoism.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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