System Guided Me To Showboat/C28 Who Said This Is a Fake Check(2)
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System Guided Me To Showboat/C28 Who Said This Is a Fake Check(2)
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C28 Who Said This Is a Fake Check(2)

The revelation that Su Hao, widely regarded as a good-for-nothing, could discern the genuine work of Tang Bohu with such discerning eyes was utterly astounding. Was this some kind of joke?

Even Bai Wenling, upon hearing the news, was momentarily taken aback.

Su Hao had been in Quanzhou's East City Region for a mere two months. Despite his interest in antiques, he had never once shown any aptitude for appraisal.

She vividly recalled a meeting with a certain executive, during which a collection of antiques was presented for her and Su Hao's enjoyment. At that time, Su Hao was clueless about even the names of the antiques, thoroughly embarrassing himself.

And now, this same man had identified an authentic Tang Bohu?

"Miss Bai, perhaps you're hesitant to let Mr. Su delve into the world of antiques, but I must speak up for him. His visit to the Antique Market today was primarily driven by the need to address the financial woes of Butterfly Loving Flower Company," Hsu Hongfei explained over the phone, sensing Bai Wenling's prolonged silence and mistaking it for disapproval of Su Hao.

"Mr. Su's swift action to secure funds for the company amidst the financial crisis is, in my view, a true mark of character. Miss Bai, having a fiancé as responsible and capable as Mr. Su is something many envy. Therefore, I implore you not to fault Mr. Su. Contrary to the rumors, he's not worthless. Perhaps he's simply been showing his care and protection for you in a different way, even at the cost of his own reputation."

Hsu Hongfei's words struck a chord in Bai Wenling's heart.

She glanced at Su Hao, who stood quietly to the side, his silence speaking volumes. A wave of emotion welled up inside her, and a misty veil formed over her beautiful eyes.

Indeed, just like the day before, when adversity struck, Su Hao was always there, his slender frame standing as her steadfast shield against the storm.

Before him lay a barrage of scorn, ridicule, and disdain.

Yet, the resolve in his gaze remained unshaken by such derision.

In contrast, she had been too quick to judge based on appearances, never truly considering Su Hao's actions. It was only now that she realized how little she truly understood him.

In that instant, Bai Wenling's guilt deepened, and she felt an even greater debt to Su Hao.

She took a deep breath, her lips pressed tightly together as she mastered her emotions before explaining to Hsu Hongfei on the other end of the line, "You've got it wrong, Director Hsu. Su Hao has poured his heart into the company. I couldn't be happier with his efforts—why would I ever blame him?"

"That's wonderful to hear. Mr. Su has been so committed to the Butterfly Loving Flower Company; it would be a shame to see his efforts go unappreciated," Hsu Hongfei said, nodding in approval before letting out a hearty laugh.

"By the way, Miss Bai, do you have any availability tomorrow? I'd like to discuss a potential collaboration with you."

Bai Wenling blinked in surprise. "A collaboration?"

"Indeed. Butterfly Loving Flower Company is in the cosmetics industry, while Picturesque Company is all about calligraphy and painting. There's potential for synergy in our promotional efforts, which could boost both our companies' profiles. What are your thoughts?"

"I see no issue whatsoever. It would be an honor for Butterfly Loving Flower Company to collaborate with Director Hsu's esteemed Picturesque Company," Bai Wenling responded with delight, eagerly accepting the proposal.

The Picturesque Company was Quanzhou's premier calligraphy and painting enterprise, hosting monthly exchange events that drew the elite and influential. Securing a promotional spot at one of these gatherings could send Butterfly Loving Flower's fame skyrocketing.

"Miss Bai, you're being modest. With your intelligence and exceptional talent, not to mention having a fiancé as capable as Mr. Su, it's no wonder everyone is eager to work with Butterfly Loving Flower Company," Hsu Hongfei said with a suggestive smile and a raise of his eyebrows.

"If you're indeed interested in collaborating, let's meet at the Circle Water Orchid Pavilion at 10 AM tomorrow. We can discuss the details of our promotional partnership then."

"Absolutely, I'll be there on time," Bai Wenling assured him with a smile. After a few more pleasantries, she ended the call.

As she set down the phone, the shadows that had clouded her heart were finally dispelled.

With the company's operational funds secured and a promising collaboration on the horizon, Bai Wenling's confidence in the future was renewed.

Meanwhile, Liang Shaan and the others could hardly believe their eyes. The Butterfly Loving Flower Company, on the brink of collapse, had been miraculously pulled back from the edge by a prodigal son—a twist of fate as ironic as it was fortuitous.

Despite their myriad doubts, the conversation between Hsu Hongfei and Bai Wenling left them no choice but to believe that Su Hao had indeed accomplished something remarkable.

Su Hao, overhearing the exchange, was taken aback. He hadn't anticipated such high praise from Hsu Hongfei. Yet, from their earlier interaction, it was clear that Hsu Hongfei was a decent man and a friend worth cultivating.

Setting that aside, Su Hao's gaze shifted to Liang Shaan and the others, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.

"Who was it that called this a fake check?"

His words lingered in the office long after they were spoken.

Bathed in sunlight, three faces, awkward as if they had swallowed flies, were on display.

Liang Shaan rose to his feet, bowing to Su Hao, "Su Hao, your uncle spoke out of turn earlier. Please accept my apology on his behalf."

While speaking, he shot a glance at Liang Feng, whose mouth twitched in clear reluctance.

Zhu Gan Hua, standing nearby, subtly nudged Liang Feng, who then stood up, albeit reluctantly.

"Um... Su Hao, I admit my tone was overly harsh earlier. Please don't take it to heart. And about your cousin, I'll make sure to reprimand him for his lack of respect."

"My uncles are being too formal. I'm not one to hold grudges. After all, if a dog bites me, should I bite back?" Su Hao said with a light smile, unfazed.

"The older I get, the more I appreciate dogs. They are always true to their nature, whereas sometimes people... well, they are not. Wouldn't you agree?"

Liang Shaan and the others turned various shades of green and white, their discomfort apparent.

They clearly understood Su Hao's jibe, but in this situation, they were at a loss for words.

Swallowing their pride, they exchanged glances, seemingly reaching an understanding, "Wenling, with Su Hao's funding securing the company's future, we can breathe easier. We'll step back from the upcoming work. Handle it as you see fit, and remember to take care of yourself. Don't overdo it."

With that, they made a hasty retreat, their exit as graceless as their demeanor.

"Ding dong! Congratulations, host, for delivering a masterful face-slap. You've earned 40 cool points. This performance was seamless, your rhetoric spot-on, channeling the elegance of the Wei and Jin eras, and capturing the essence of the Tang and Song dynasties. Witnessing such a display of coolness in my existence is a true highlight for the system. After watching your performance, I'm left with an indescribable sense of sorrow."

"Why am I feeling this sadness?"

"Because the host's attempt to act cool just made me think of a dog!"

Su Hao: "..."

Someone, bring me the executioner's blade for my head!

Ignoring the snarky system, Su Hao checked the time and turned to Bai Wenling, "Wenling, the bank's still open. Let's head over later. I'll transfer the entire five hundred million into your account so we can quickly address the staff's salary issues."

"Why would you transfer it all to me?" Bai Wenling was taken aback.

"The money is yours; you earned it. The company only needs three hundred million to keep running. You should keep the surplus for yourself."

Su Hao gave a nonchalant shrug and grinned, "A fiancé's money should be in his fiancée's hands, right? Just use it when you need it."

Bai Wenling quivered slightly, her gaze fixed on Su Hao for a long moment, a whirlwind of emotions passing through her eyes. Eventually, she bit her lip and nodded, "Okay."

"I'll go get the car ready. I'll message you when it's time to leave." With that, Su Hao turned and strode towards the office exit.

"Su Hao..."

He had barely crossed the threshold when he paused and looked back at Bai Wenling, "Yes?"

"Thank you..."

"Why thank me? Isn't it natural for a fiancé to help his fiancée? Let's get going!" With a wave of his hand, Su Hao left the office with an air of easy confidence.

A butterfly, seemingly from nowhere, alighted on his shoulder. He caught sight of it in the corner of his eye and smiled effortlessly.

That smile, coupled with the sunlight on his cheek, became an everlasting moment.

Bai Wenling watched Su Hao's retreating figure for a long while.

Then, as if blooming, a radiant smile spread across her face, dreamlike and dazzling in the sunlight's glow.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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