When in Summer/C5 HER OFF ROAD
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When in Summer/C5 HER OFF ROAD
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We dragged each of them with us inside of the dressing room then got out to get a chair.

After an hour of carrying them, pushing them, holding each of their faces, we're finally done. We laughed at our masterpieces and took pictures of them as they are still asleep.

We went out of the dressing room and was shock to hear someone call me “ALEX!”

Kobe came out with a blonde wig and yellow tank top on. It doesn't cover his navel for it was cut short to make the one who would wear it, sexy. He also wore 4 inches blue heels. Kathy took a picture of him while he's fixing his clothes. Kathy forgot to shot off the flash and that alerts Kobe.

"Kathy! Give me that " she was about to give it to him but Keith snatched it from her and took a picture of Damien which is about to get out. He was wearing a neon green dress with black spots. He also has a sky blue wig on and red 5 inches heels. Damien look up, his mouth agape.

"What are you three-"he was cut off by another shot from me, for Rico just woke up from his deep slumber. They look at each other and to us. We ran around the department store with them in tow.

After a while, Rico found us inside of a tent at the department store. He snatched the camera from me then looked at the pictures. He found a few pictures of them and he deleted it in a hurry. I silently laughed knowing that I've kept the back-up memory card inside my jacket pocket.

He return the camera to me and as we looked at him, with his long blond curled wig, green sundress with pink ribbon and a white and black striped 3 inches heels, we laughed. I realized that I really did a good job with that. I wonder how they ran so fast for they wore high heels.

As we are about to let them return to their jeans and shirts, a running boy bump into me.

He looked up at me then speak "Hayley, is that you? And the boys ooohh" he giggled and he saw Kobe, Damien and Rico.

"They look ridiculous! What did you do to them paramore! I mean Hayley Williams!" he shot me an angry look and he laughed. As in laugh his genuine kid laugh.

"Nuh, I'm just kidding I know you're not Hayley Williams" he looked at my back and he sighed "I guess it's time to say good bye uh...uh…what's your name?"

"I'm Alex."

"Oh, okay! Bye..." He hugged me and ran clumsily to his mother. I looked at him while they are talking. We were about to go when he grab my knees again.

"Mom, but I want to hang-out with them, please? I rarely got any friends" he shouted back hugging my knees tighter.

Surely if he doesn't look like a child I would probably classify him as a teenager boy, he acts like one! We laughed and he hugged me tighter. Geez! I'm going to have cramps if he doesn't let go.

His mom looked at me, turn to his father, to my friends, then back to me again. She smiled and gave me a nod. I smiled politely at her then look down to pick him up.

"Okay, buddy you can go with them, but remember we're just on the food court if you needed anything" his dad said while he squirmed and I let him go.

The boy kissed his mom and dad and tell them goodbye as he watch them go. He look up at me when they're gone and smiled as he took my hand.

The boys changed into their usual outfits. As we waited, I picked the boy up and ask him where to go. He just pointed to the nearest toy store and gave me a goofy grin.

"I forgot to ask you li'l boy, what's your name?" I say which made me look at me with disbelief, crossing his arms he said, "I'm Thomas Jayson Parker. It's too long so they just call me Tommy." He grinned. He squirmed on my arms and I let him free. He ran and disappeared unto one of the toy shelves and after a minute or two, we became worried for he didn't came out.

"Tommy?!" Oh no where is he? His parents are going to kill us. We decided to look at him separately, screaming his name out loud like a lunatic.

"Tommy?!" I called out again. After a few seconds someone hit me on my head. So I turned around to see who did it and got hit again on the forehead.

I look at the thing and scrunched my nose up with disgust. It's green putty, the newest, slimiest and the grossest toy I have ever seen. And as I look up Tommy was standing in front of me, dressed on an astronaut suit, ready to aim! He threw a handful of green slime at me again and run clumsily bumping unto the toys spread out on the floor.

I chased him and with that process bump into Rico, Damien and Kobe.

"You too?!" I exclaimed as they grunted, removing the remains of that slimy thing on their hairs. As we are looking for toys that could attack Tommy, we were hit again but this time it's not Tommy.

"Keith? Kathy?!" Kobe exclaimed. The two giggled as we chased them down. We even went inside a fun house and run all the way out. Finally we collapsed into the floor mat of the toy store, exhausted. After 5 minutes someone was writing on my face. I snapped my eyes open and saw an astronaut. Oh! It's Tommy. The others woke up and I laughed at their faces.

We continue the chase until Kobe and I, caught Keith while Rico and Damien caught Kathy. We tied them on a chair and laughed.

"Tommy bear! Please surrender that slimy thing now and get back here or this two would end up--" Damien was cut off by another slimy thing directed to his nose.

"Ha, caught you blonde head!" He pointed to Damien while trying to run off, again.

"Not this time little buddy," Tommy squeaked while being caught in Rico's grip. Rico gave him to me and I sighed.

"Tommy, why did you do that?"

"Well, I...uh, just wanted to make some fun" he looked at me sheepishly and continued "it's my first time to have friends, nobody in my class want to talk to me, to make friends with me "He looked at me with teary eyes. I hugged him close to me and said. "Don't worry about that, Tommy bear, we're for you. Right guys?" they all responded 'yes' while doing a group hug.

"Thanks to you all but can I ask, what are your names?"

They introduce in front of him and we let him repeat all of their names.

"The blonde head was Damien, the one with eye glasses was Rico, you tall guy was Kobe, and the two look alike which is Kathy and Keith" he looked confused then he look at me "uhmm, Alex how can I know if it's Kathy or Keith?"I looked at Kobe and took him from me.

"Tommy, you know that I'm their brother right?" He nodded." I'm confused like you when I first saw them. So let me tell you my little theory about them" Tommy gave a squeak as Kobe continued, "Kathy here was the bubbly type. She won't stop talking unless it's a serious situation, while Keith was the silent type you would always find her with a book and oh, she's also handy for she acts like a walking encyclopedia. They are opposites and so the two of them balance each other." when Kobe finished his explanation he returned Tommy to me.

Tommy grinned with his perfect white teeth. I envy him though. When I was a kid, I always smile with my toothless grin. I wonder how old he is. I was about to ask when Rico asked the question I had in mind.

"How old are you Tommy?"

"I'm five, why? Do I look so old?" He asked with a worried expression. Oh, how adorable! I'm really falling in love with this kid.

"No, it's just. You act so old and intelligent" Keith comment back.

"Yup, a lot of people say that to me, so I have to explain, again" He sighed and spoke calmly. "I have Asperger Syndrome" we looked at him with our mouths open."Close your mouths will you! The flies were swarming already" he laughed as he took a sit in the middle of the hallway and continued.

"I am two years old that time when they brought me to a game show for my aunt would be joining and my mom should be there to cheer for her. I watched the show and when they started to ask questions, I started answering nonstop. I don't know; the words just came out naturally so my parents just didn't make an issue of it."

"Then one morning, my aunt brought her art supplies with her for she's going to babysit me. Later that day I found it and played with it. She then found me painting the scenery which you could see outside my window. I just laughed at their horrified faces. The next day they brought me to a doctor and confirmed that I have Asperger syndrome" he looked at us.

"I have a problem keeping my balance and when I run I bump into things and I hate it! Kids start avoiding me at school that's why I don't have friends. Teachers rank me as their favorite student, for I always excel their expectations. That's why I'm already in second grade, but do you still accept me even if I have this thing?"He looked at us expectantly. I grabbed him tighter and plant a kiss on his forehead.

"Of course little buddy" he laughed and hugged me too.

We brought him to the food court and on the way there he kept on asking questions on where we live.

"We leave at Ollerton Street, across their street" Damien answered pointing at Kobe.

"We live three houses next to Alex." Kathy grinned

"But, what street?" Tommy asked looking at me in the eye

"Kingsbridge. Why , are you going to invade my privacy?" I asked suspiciously, glaring at him in a funny way. He giggled and return to being serious again.

"No, I'm just curious for I saw the twins’ convertible on your drive way. By the way I'm your new neighbor! Our house was beside you" He said while hugging me tighter.

Oh, they are the one who bought Dwayne's house.

"So, I expect to see you every morning right?" I told him while putting him down "Of course, Alex. You'll be my big sister now and I'll be you're li’l brother! Bye Alex" he hugged my knees and took off running clumsily.

I watched them laughing, as he talked about the things he did to us. We headed home with Kathy's convertible and Rico's truck.

As I lay down to sleep I remember that Tommy was across from my room. I opened my balcony door and when I was about to turn on my flashlight, a squeaky sound caught my ears. I looked at the source and found Tommy waving his hands wildly.

After a half an hour of shouting at each other one of our neighbors shouted at us to keep quiet. Tommy got an idea and wrote it on a paper. He inserted his paper into a canon thing and shot it to my room.

I opened it and smiled. He told me that he was sleepy and that he'll just visit tomorrow morning.

"Night, night Alex!" He shouted one more time

"Good night too, Tommy bear!" I shouted back

And with that we turn off the light and fall to our dream world...

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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