The Alpha's Demon Mate/C5 I am going to f**king kill you!!!
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The Alpha's Demon Mate/C5 I am going to f**king kill you!!!
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C5 I am going to f**king kill you!!!

Ashley's POV

Grey got in the car while sulking because I just won an argument about who was going to drive the car. I fist bumped the air. Why you ask, it's not everyday you win an argument against Greyson Peters, so I'm taking what I got

"Oh cheer up, you owe me two bottles of nutella for this" I started the engine

"How am I the one owing you nutella? You're practically flashing my life right in front of my eyes" I rolled my eyes, driving out of the parking lot

"Please I haven't even gotten to the main road yet" I dared to glance at Grey. He was holding onto the seatbelt like his life depended on it

"Because my life does depend on it" I hadn't realized I said that out loud

"You're exaggerating, I don't get speeding tickets" he huffed

"Really?" he opened the glove compartment and some papers fell out. I blame it on those human cops, they just need to let loose a little, oh wait, they need to let loose a lot

"Okay so maybe I had a few tickets" he gave me a weird look

"How many are in here anyway?" I shrugged "I don't know, I stopped counting after thirty" he facepalmed himself

"And this is a few to you" he picked up a handful to show his point

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes "It's time to show what this baby can do" I increased the speed

"How about we don't" Grey said, well, suggested but as usual, I ignored him. I love him and all but he just needs to go with the flow. I mean, how can you drive slow if you're with a freaking Maserati. It's just not done

We got home accident-free, Greyson was out of the car quicker than you could say Hola. I parked the car and walked into the house only to be knocked down by a bunch of little munchkins- who happened to be my neighbor's kids- yelling my name and by a bunch, I mean three.

The oldest one, Caleb is nine, Chloe is seven and my favorite little munchkin, Clara is four. Yeah, their parents made it necessary for each child to have a C starting their name and also the l in it. There's even a fourth one on the way and so I'm left with the job of babysitting, most of the time but I'm not complaining. They are just so cute


"Hey guys, so how was school today? " I picked up Clara and walked into the house

"It was great"

"I hate school"

"Kids, cupcakes" Chloe and Caleb raced to the kitchen while I carried Clara there. Patricia was covered in flour. Like literally covered in it. She had her hair whipped up in a messy bun and looked like she was dressing up as a ghost for Halloween. Greyson, on the other hand, was unsuccessfully trying to take some cakes for himself. Keyword, unsuccessful

"Hey Pat. Is Katrina home?" I put Clara in her chair then handed her a cupcake with pink frosting and sprinkles while taking the twin cupcake for myself

"No, Mark took Katrina for a date night before Kat goes into labor, hence the kids" she gestured

"But it's still noon"

"Let's just say they wanted to get rid of them for the day" I giggled while Grey snorted before going behind Patricia to wrap his arms around her waist

"But if I know one thing for sure, it's that I'm definitely not having this much kids" Patricia sighed, melting into Greyson

"I'm sure I could change your mind" He bent to kiss her

"Get a room" I threw a towel while the kids went eww. They both chuckled, they might be disgusting but they're still cute and it kind of made me wonder what having a mate who actually loved you was like

"Mate does love us" Aurum whimpered but I ignored her. She's been way too quiet lately, I should really go for that run soon

"And while you're at it, you might wanna take a shower " I picked another cupcake "I'm gonna go to my room now"

I went upstairs, got refreshed then I did homework, I might hate school but that doesn't mean I want to fail. Hours later, I just finished the last equation when a call came through

"Hello?" I answered

"So are you going to tell me what you were doing with that wolf or am I going to keep pretending I didn't see anything?" Was the reply I'm answered with. I groaned internally, I was hoping she'd forget

"How did you get my number?" I tried to change the subject but Isa wasn't having it

"Don't you dare change the topic. What's going on?!"

"Okay.... uhm.... we're partners for a project" I shuttered. I'm such a terrible liar but hopefully she'll buy it

"Right.... and what project is this, because if I remember correctly, wolves and demons don't mix" she asked in a disbelieving tone. Crap

"Uhm.... a...." I didn't have a chance to complete that sentence as the three little musketeers came charging into my room and I couldn't be anymore grateful that they still don't knock even after my speeches on privacy

"Ashley, can I get candy?" Chloe asked, looking at me with those little doe eyes and pouting lips, knowing I find it very difficult to say no to that

Clara crawled on my laps pouting while Caleb was hoping on my bed, also pouting. It's an ambush, it's an ambush

"How about we get ice-cream instead?" They are not winning this one that easily today, plus if they get sugar rushed it's not my problem, so it's a win-win for everyone

"Yayyy" They screamed, almost blocking my ear drums before sprinting out of my room, Clara trailing behind

"Ashley...... You there?" I almost forgot about the phone call

"Yeah, I got to go, but I promise we'll talk later" I said get off the bed and picking up my jacket, I don't really need it since my body generates its own heat but a jacket suits everything so why not

"We better and say hi to your brother for me"

"Sure thing, bye"

"See ya" she hung up and I made sure to save her number





"BECAUSE IT'S FUN?" I heard her sigh and then mutter something along the lines of 'do I even bother when they never listen'. I got downstairs to see the kids running around while yelling ice-cream

"If they get sugar rushed, you are not leaving 'em with me" Well, there goes that plan

"Yeah, sure, we'll get going now" I took the key I need and was heading towards the door when-

"Hold up, I'm coming with you guys and I'm driving, don't argue with me" but like any other loving sister, I still argued

"Whyyy? I mean, you could always stay with Patricia and have some time to yourselves" but he wasn't having any of it

"You know, other younger siblings just listen to their older brothers and sisters with no question asked" he said as he collected the key from me

"Yeah... That never happens. Guys, let's go get ice-cream and annoy Greyson on the way" I whispered to the trio, who ran outside, probably racing to the car

"But it shou.... Wait, what?" I put on their seatbelts then entered the car

"Nothing, nothing at all" I giggled then threw him a smile. He gave me a cautious look before getting into the car


"I got it, I see with my little eye something that starts with the letter g"

"Grey car"



"Grumpy Greyson"

"That's it, everyone quiet, we're here already" Grey said as he parked the car infront of the ice cream parlor, we all marched into the parlor and took a table

"So I'll go order our ice creams and you all don't move"

"Rodger that sire" I gave a mock salute. He muttered something I couldn't get before joining the line

"Ashley, I need to visit the little girls room" Chloe said while we were waiting for Greyson

"Of course, Clara, do you need to go too?" she nodded while hopping off her sit. "Caleb, while we're going, don't talk to anyone you don't know alright, and if anyone comes close to you, scream as loud as you can" call me paranoid but he's nine, I can't let anything happen to him. He nodded but I gave him my phone unlocked just incase

I took the girls to the restroom and they did their business. Greyson was at the table with Caleb by the time we got back.

"You really told the kid to scream if anyone comes close to him" Greyson said once we were seated

"It's a dangerous world we live in, I'm not risking it" I said turned to face Caleb "Cal, you can give me my phone back

"Can't I hold on to it for a bit longer" He glanced up at me from the game he was playing, staring at me with pouty lips. I think these kids are doing this on purpose

I narrowed my eyes at him "No you can't, besides your ice cream is melting" he reluctantly gave me my phone back before going to his ice cream

We chatted, ate our ice creams, stole Greyson's ice cream, made Greyson get us more till we were fully satisfied. Ice cream does make everything go away

We were moving to the car when I felt it, pain like never before. It felt like my chest was on fire

"Aurum, what's going on?"

"Mate is.... " she whimpered unable to finish her sentence as the pain came once again, this time twice as painful. I immediately caught on to what she was trying to say. That son of a female dog (no pun intended)

"Ashley!!!" I jumped, startled by my brother yelling my name, only to regret it because it made the pain in my chest intensify

"Yea... " I tried to look as casual as I could

"I've been calling you for the last five minutes, everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything is just fine" I smiled. Fine. A word I hated for it hid so much but now I needed it. He stared at me for what felt like ages before going to the car. I guess during my conversation with Aurum, I must have missed him getting the kids buckled up. I got into the car and we hit the road

By the time we got home, the little munchkins were fast asleep and Patrica left a note saying she had gone grocery shopping and would soon be back, also with a warning that we shouldn't trash the house while she was gone. I helped Greyson tuck the kiddos in. Once they were all tucked in, we moved to the living room, deciding it was high time we had sibling movie night. I still haven't heard from Aurum

We were currently watching Teen Wolf "You know I can tell if there's something upsetting you and clearly there is" Grey said halfway through the movie

"Why would you say that?" I said not wanting to lie to him and also not wanting to come clean. You guys know what I'm talking about right?

"Well for starters, you are awfully quiet, a trait I haven't seen in years" Grey countered

"So you're trying to say I'm a chatter box" my eyebrows rose

He groaned "You know what I mean" I shook my head while chuckling

"I know you won't tell me what's wrong but you know I'm always here for you, you know that right?" He hugged me.

"I know" I hugged him back

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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