The Alpha twins/C2 Chapter 2
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The Alpha twins/C2 Chapter 2
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C2 Chapter 2

Being tired from jubilating, everyone retired to their various home. The Alpha appointed a few guards to be on the watch, just in case there is another invasion. After making sure everything was intact, the Alpha retired to bed with his Luna and two beautiful twins, Jabal and Jasmine. Every member of the Silvermoon pack slept peacefully with the hope of a better tomorrow. A tomorrow that will never come. A tomorrow that will shed the lives of the Silvermoon pack.

It was a few minutes past midnight when the Munar pack invaded again. This time, they were more careful not to create suspicion. They were also ready, cause they came with brutality. They were ready to put an end to the Silvermoon pack, once and for all.

Malcolm the Alpha of the Munar pack, with the help of the Black witch of Ivory Coast; a witch who was known as the most powerful in the earth witch coven; was able to break through the shield created by Emerald. "Go now Alpha. Silvermoon is all yours" the black witch of ivory coast said

"Rita, are you sure it's safe now?" Malcolm asked

"Trust me, Malcolm, go now. I'll be here guiding you"

He smiled. His dream was about to come true. "Warriors, let's go now!! Kill every soul you see!!" He ordered

"Yes Alpha" they answered

"Be gentle Malcolm. Remember that witch is mine" Rita said

Malcolm nodded. "I'll hand her over to you. That's a promise"

"I wish you well Malcolm. Go!!"

Malcolm marched into the territory, with four hundred warriors. They walked quietly, killing the guards at the gate. Lives were wasted. "You and your army" he whispered, pointing at the Wind warriors' leader. "Go to the right. Fire warriors to the left. Ice warriors go through the stalls. I'll go forward with mine. Remember, end every life you see" he whispered

The warriors nodded in agreement. They separated, according to how their Alpha had ordered. Entering into houses, they ended the lives of those they came in contact with. Both young and old were killed.


Emerald sat up abruptly on the bed. She looked around but everything seems normal, yet she felt so strange. She turned to look at her husband who was sleeping peacefully. Why does she feel strange? She thought. She decided to check on her twins. She stood up quietly from the bed. She doesn't want to wake her husband up.

She tiptoed out of the room. Locking the door carefully behind her, she passed through the passage, leading to her twins' room. "Luna" someone whispered

She turned quickly but couldn't see anyone. Maybe she's hallucinating, she thought. She turned back and went into the room. Her twins were sleeping peacefully. She sighs and turned to leave. "Emerald" a faint voice called. She stopped on her spot, wondering who was calling her name. She waited for a while to see if the voice will be heard again. When she heard none, she decided to go back to her room.

She got to the room and made to enter when a guard rushed out, pushing her slightly. "Miller, what's wrong?" She asked

"Th... The Munar pack is back. Most of the pack members are dead" he said. He looked so anxious, like someone in a haste.

"That is strange" she mumbled. The shield wasn't weak. Even if it was, she would have received a sign, she thought. She raised her head to say something but Miller was gone. Gone, right after he gave her the information. She sighs and walked into the room. Everywhere looked scattered. The bed was empty and she couldn't see the Alpha.

The groaning she heard from behind, made her turned. The Alpha was laying on the floor in distress. "Sal!!! Salvador!!" She cried. She ran closer to him and bent down. "Salvador, what happened?"

He coughed out blood. "G....go!! Sa... save yourself and the twins. Go... They will be back soon"

"I can't. I'll save you. I'll that I promise"

He smiled. "Eme, you need to be safe for me and the twins. Go"

"I won't......." The door opened and the Beta rushed him

"What happened? How did it happen?" He asked, rushing towards them

"I....i...I don't know. I don't know. I just came in to meet him this way" Emerald sobbed

"Mar... Marshall, how are your family?" The Alpha asked in distress

"They are fine. They are safe. Just tell me who did this?"

"Mi... Miller. Miller betrayed me"

Marshall sigh. "Let's get you to the healer"

"It's too late Marshall. safe. I'll be fine. "

"I can't leave you. I can't " Marshall cooed

Emerald stood up. "Marshall, promise me you will take good care of the twins. Promise me they will be safe"

"I promise, I'll make sure you all are safe"

She smiled and pulled off her neck chain. "Take this, it will safeguard you. Go far away from this place. I'll try as much as I can to hold them back"

"I can't leave"

She held his hand. "You have to, please. And keep the chain safe, please. In it is the twins' birthday gift. Give it to them when they are 18"


"Remember your promise to keep the twin safe"

Marshall sigh. "Promise me also, that the Alpha will be safe"

"I'll be safe. Go now the twins are in their room" the Alpha answered

Marshall left for the twins' room. He was able to take them out. He went in search of his wife and son. They successfully left the Silvermoon territory but unfortunately, he lost his wife. He was left with the twins and his little son Arden.


Emerald couldn't save the life of the Alpha. She watches him die in her arms after she promised him she will be safe. Someone rushed in and she wiped her tears.

"Luna!!!, Luna!!" Someone called from behind

She turned immediately. "Ashley!! What's wrong?" She asked

"'s the........" That was the last thing she heard before she finally slumped to the ground.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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