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"Ah!" Liu Yun was so shocked that he let out his voice. He looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary. It seemed like he had made a big fuss over nothing. He raised his head and glanced at the night sky.

It seemed to be a cloudy day, and the night was especially hazy. The moon in the sky was also dim.

He gently closed the window and washed himself. Liu Yun went to his bed and opened his laptop. First, he flipped through some historical data regarding the Tang Dynasty and then clicked on the cool dog music.

Hm? This was really a narrow path for enemies. On the cool dog homepage's recommendation page, a familiar name appeared — — Tan Liang. He had only heard of Si Yu's ex-boyfriend, but had never seen him before.

Liu Yun smiled contemptuously as he looked at Tan Liang, who had an expression of a ruffian. He proudly said: "What a woman needs is a sturdy arm. Only a ghost would like someone like you who loves to pretend to be an idiot."

At this moment, Liu Yun didn't pay any attention to the newly created folder.

Hm? Who built this folder? I don't think I've ever built it before. Did it build it when Yu'er was playing with my computer?

Well, it's possible. A few days ago, Siyu's home network was not good, this laptop of hers had always been there for her. Hehe, what would be inside? Could it be that Yu'er had prepared a surprise for him?

Thinking about this, Liu Yun double-clicked open the file in anticipation. There were many useless documents inside, making him feel dizzy just by looking at it. In an inconspicuous corner, there was surprisingly a small video file. If it wasn't for Liu Yun's sharp eyes, he really wouldn't have noticed.

Liu Yun couldn't wait to click and play it. First, it was a minute's worth of black screen without any screen. There were only a few "sizzling" sounds. A minute later, the scene changed. A man and a woman appeared on the bed naked.

The woman knelt on the ground like a dog, while the man dashed ferociously behind her. He shouted vulgar words while slapping the woman's buttocks. The room was filled with men's curses, women's murmurs, and the loud sound of water.


The laptop fell onto the bed, while Liu Yun stared blankly at the woman who was twisting around like a snake. Was he seeing things? This woman was actually his girlfriend — Meng Siyu. And the person with the sinister and evil smile was Tan Liang.

A deep chill spread throughout Liu Yun's body, and a wave of indescribable disappointment and anger swept across his heart.

Weng! * Weng! *

At that moment, his phone rang. Liu Yun absent-mindedly picked up his phone and looked at it. It was Si Yu's message:

"Un, got it. You can relax and work. I will take good care of myself. "Bye bye, give me a call when you get back."

Boom! *

Liu Yun didn't hesitate to smash the phone in his hand onto the floor and look at the computer on the bed. He raised it two or three times. After thinking about it, he couldn't bear to fall down.

He bitterly exhaled a mouthful of air, took out a dozen sausages from his backpack and began to eat. He leaned weakly against the wall, took out his headphones and plugged them into the computer. He clicked on the cool dog player and switched it to random mode, aimlessly intoxicating himself to commemorate his first love, which had died before it even bloomed.

The more he thought about it, the more sorrowful and indignant he felt. His consciousness also gradually became hypnotized, and when it seemed like it wasn't awake yet, a sudden chill spread through his entire body, causing Liu Yun to wake up from his daze.

After his mind cleared up. Only now did Liu Yun feel that something was wrong. There was an infinite loop of a song in the headset, like a single loop. Listening carefully, the melody was intermittent, a little eerie, and filled with bitterness.

Isn't this like a song getting married? He had heard his classmates say that this song was scary, so he had heard it once. But how did the random playback end up in this song? There's no such song in the playlist.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun opened his eyes uneasily and looked at his computer.


The laptop slipped out of Liu Yun's hands and fell onto the bed. Liu Yun rubbed his eyes and looked at the cool dog player on the table in disbelief. Their skin turned blood-red, and the 107 different songs on the screen all became the same.

What was going on? Was there a problem with the computer? Was it a card?

Liu Yun tried his best to suppress the unease in his heart. He clicked his mouse, but there was no response. He pressed the keyboard, but there was still no response. In a moment of desperation, Liu Yun turned off his phone.

However, it was of no use. The computer was still running, and the bridal robe was singing an endless number of times.

Liu Yun turned pale with fright. No matter what, he was an archaeologist, and a supporter of atheism. However, everything before him had completely overturned everything he knew.

At that moment, the song stopped. The music and melody also stopped. As if the whole world had quieted down, Liu Yun let out a long sigh of relief, thinking it was just a false alarm. Suddenly, an anxious female voice came out of the earpiece:

"Young master, save me! Young master, save me!"

Liu Yun's face stiffened. He suspected that his ears were hallucinating. Trembling in fear, she asked, "Who are you? "Don't play such a prank."

"Young master, save me! Young master, save me! "Ahhh!" Suddenly, the woman let out a heart-wrenching cry. The computer desktop suddenly turned black, like a black hole.

Just as Liu Yun was wondering if this was some netizen's prank, a small white dot appeared in the middle of the black screen. The white dot became larger and larger, as if it was a hole. He was like a bug, crawling in uncontrollably. Then his brain exploded and he lost consciousness.


"Hey!" Hey! Wake up, if you don't wake up, we will disqualify you from the exam. "

Slowly opening his eyes, Liu Yun looked at the man in front of him with a blank expression. His chapped lips slightly parted as he asked, "Where is this place? Who are you? "

"It's good that you're awake. Do you remember who you are? Come to think of it, this is Wenshui County's three-year county entrance exam. It's only the third day of the exam, and you've already passed out from exhaustion. My body is too weak. " The big brother soldier in front of him smiled innocently.

Hearing this, Liu Yun's expression changed drastically, as if he was in a dream. First, he inexplicably dug up the miserable female corpse, then the computer went out of control and played a song of the wedding dress. And now, he had come to participate in some county exam in an inexplicable and ingenious manner. What was going on?

All of a sudden, Liu Yun felt a sharp pain in his head, and fragments of his memories appeared before his eyes.

This fellow was also known as Liu Yun. Since young, he had many ailments. He was thin, short, and even had some autism.

Both his parents died when he was nine, leaving him and his cousin behind. Because his cousin was weak and needed to pay for his private school. From then on, my eight-year-old cousin took on all the family burdens.

Every morning the chickens crowed and went up the mountain to cut wood for money, and every night they had to stay up late to do some mending. During the day, he would go and be a servant of an old landowner. This time, it took six years. It had supported his cousin for six whole years.

On the other hand, this cousin didn't appreciate her kindness at all. It could also be because he was autistic, constantly berating and calling out to her. She thought highly of herself, and from the bottom of her heart, she looked down on her cousin as a servant girl.

Gritting his teeth as he organized the information in his mind, Liu Yun came to an astonishing conclusion — he had transmigrated. Furthermore, he had teleported onto the body of this scumbag who looked like a sick ghost.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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