The Billionaire Baby Secret/C4 DINNER ANNOUNCEMENT
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The Billionaire Baby Secret/C4 DINNER ANNOUNCEMENT
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"ELLEANA!" I sat up on the tub only to cover my chest with my hands, my cheeks heating up.

"W-why are you in here?" I held his blue eyes as he frowns down at me, though it didn't hide the amusement in them. Gabriel brushes his hand on his hair as he enters further inside the bathroom. I look around, noticing that it has grown darker; my fingers have gone wrinkly and I felt cold.

How many hours have I been in here?

Gabriel leans back, his expression unreadable as he removes his tie. I bit my lip and adjusted in the tub, trying to grab as many bubbles but failing of it since they have already dissolved. I worriedly tried to lower myself in the water as an attempt to cover myself but Gabriel remains standing there, his eyes glued to my chest. I bit my lip as I see him watching me, the amusement now clear in his eyes. I glared at him and tried my best to cover myself with my hands.

Gabriel snorted, "There's not much to cover so don't bother with it. Besides," He shakes his hands and smiled, "I've seen it all last night." I can feel my neck tingling as I splash water on him, my eyes widening at his words. "If you've come here to tease me, you don't have to embarrass me further by pointing out how I am a disgrace to women race!"

His lips quirked up and Gabriel straighten, his eyes still holding mine, "Frances gave me a chocolate cake," He pokes his tongue on his cheek and continued, " he told me that you want that flavour, so--"

"What?" I asked him out loud, not sure if he is serious about sharing the chocolate considering that it is his favourite. He gave me a look before continuing, "Do you like to share it?" He stares at me with his hooded blue eyes looking me up and down. His eyes lingered on the level of my chest, half-buried in the water and my hands.

I cleared my throat, "Of course! I will eat it with you." I blush about what I said, seeing the ghost os smirk on his lips. "If you must, you should go down while I change." He raised an eyebrow in my direction and I splash water on him, again. It takes him a minute or two before he takes his leave, chuckling as he closes the door. I swiftly take the towel from the hinge and wrap myself in, leaning my back at the door and locking it.

I am pretty sure that I have locked it. That cheeky bastard! He loves to tease me when I am at my most vulnerable, unprepared state.

I cannot believe that Gabriel has seen me naked again and I hated that I am feeling different kinds of emotions. Not to mention that sight of his happy friend straining against his jeans at the sight of me. Oh, joy!

I headed inside our closet and rummage for my clothes, a bit distracted by my thoughts. I am quite ashamed of how I acted towards him. How can I be so flustered after seeing him there? I should've tried to act as normally as I could. I guess I am just shocked at the sight of him staring at me from the door while I lay naked in the tub. As for the cake, I thought he bought it for me. I guess he has forgotten about my birthday considering that he doesn't even bother to know about it.

I grab a tee and boxers on my side of the closet before putting them on since this is what I call a sleeping outfit for I am not a fan of lacy lingerie or nightgowns. I quickly dress, shivering as I did so. I slipped into my favourite bunny slippers and headed down the kitchen, a bit surprised to see my husband preparing dinner.

Well, that's new.

I have never seen a man in a black suit preparing dinner. Not to mention a really hot guy preparing dinner. Did I just say that my husband is hot?

I think I did, but I'm not going to say that out loud. Not ever.

I take a seat and was surprised when a hand slipped on my shoulder putting a plate in my line of vision, "Chocolate..." I nodded my head, watching him as he takes his seat, looking at me.

"El, I have something to tell you..."

Oh great, here it is, the mighty announcement. Elle, we're going to have a divorce...Wtf. What the fu*k or Well that's fantastic? Can I really accept this?

I wring my hands together, biting my lip as I nervously stared at him, his eyes focused on his own slice of chocolate cake. "It's about our divorce, right?" I murmured after a while of silence. Gabriel raised his head to nod in my direction. "Okay. You'll say that you don't want to be with me now, are you?" he sighs, so I continued.

"You are tired to try. You are exhausted and annoyed. You are irritated to see this wonker as you clearly stated, am I right?" I pointed at my face as he clenches his fist, his eyes still downcast. He made a move to take a bite from his cake, still training his gaze down at it.

I breathe out, my hands trembling. I long to strangle him and make him see how I am feeling. I wanted to give him a taste of what he is doing to me, make him hurt as I do. But how exactly am I to do that when the man sitting in front of me doesn't care? I sigh. "Well, when do we sign the papers?" I bit my lip to stop myself from whimpering.

Can't he see that this is hurting me? He's so insensitive.

A silence settled between the two of us. I tried to even out my breath, my hands trembling on my lap as I bowed my head, now losing the courage to stay here and be with him. If it is what he wants, then I will let him have his way. I guess my opinion doesn't really matter to him. He never really showed me some affection ever since the happening.

"My lawyer told me that our wedding only lasts for two years and it depends on us now if we wanted for it to extend. Are you willing to extend?" I grab a spoonful of the chocolate cake and let him talk, my eyes down, not having the courage to speak up and tell him about my feelings because he might only use it at me. "So, what are you going to say about it? Do you want to?" He asked again after a few heartbeats. He will tease me of being weak if I tell him how stupid I am to be in love with a guy like him.

I grab another spoonful and shove it in my mouth. It did not stop him to pester me for answers and as I swallowed the remains down, looking at him, "Let it be."

I got out of my seat and wash my own dish, still not caring that he was following me around the kitchen - an ever lingering presence of the feeling I keep trying to suppress.

I wonder why he is acting like this when a few hours ago he was telling me that he can't love me the same way I did to him. So why ask me about extending it?

Is he finally interested in me because he has a taste of my body last night?

"Elle, I know you want for us to work and I'd be happy to-" I tune out his monologue and focus my attention on the task at hand. After a while, he returns to his seat. I can hear him talking on the phone but I couldn't care less. He has made it clear to me this morning, I believe I cannot sway him off his principles of being an insufferable man that he is. "Elle you can't get away from this forever." He told me before resuming the call with his client.

I passed him by, heading up the stairs so I can finally retire for the night. The hallways are dimly lit and I ran my hands at the walls, thinking about when I will be kicked out of here. Will he laugh at me as I haul my luggage down the stairs? I bet he will be so happy he will help me carry it out, or not. I was walking wistfully, occupied with my thoughts when I hear his footsteps behind me as I turn to my room,

"Gabe..." I warned him, turning around to face him, only to gasp as I see no one. Geez, could it be possible that I'm hallucinating about all these?

I shake my head and enter the room, dropping myself down on my bed. Yes, it's my bed because he never sleeps here, except last night. He never really sleep here in this house in the first place for he has a freaking penthouse on top of his building and I never had the chance to see it, or would I ever have the chance to because I only have a year left or less if he wants.


I wonder if my parents know about this arrangement, or if - "Elle, move your small bum off my side."

Oh! The pillow, talks.

I turned to my left only to see the man in a suit now dress with white tees like...mine. "Who told you that you can borrow my shirt?" I pinched his sides only to earn a groan instead of an answer. Gabriel rolled his eyes as he turns at me, his face dimly lit by the bedside lamp.

"Well, this is mine, okay?" He pointed down on my shirt and said, "This is my home, my room, my bed, my shirt, Mine!" he frowns at me, turning to his side, "I'll sleep now..."

"No, you shouldn't! You promise you won't sleep with me and this is my room, Gabe. My bed and that," I pulled the tee from his back and tried to remove it.

Keyword 'TRIED'


He sighs, running his hand on his hair before turning back and flipping us so that he is trapping me below. He gave me one of those devilish smirks that made my heart flutter and he flicked his tongue on my cheek and leans down to kiss me.

Wtf! This freakin' arse kissed me again!

"This is my room, mi amore. My shirt, see?" He pulled it out of his body and show the tag that says 'GABE'.

"But, but--" He pulled the shirt out of my head, goosebumps appearing in my neck and shoulders as the cold air touches my exposed skin. He leans to show me the same tag, giving me a smirk as he gazes down my breast.

Oh my, my. Oh my...

I covered my exposed part as he chuckled, throwing me his shirt as I scrambled to put it on me as fast as possible. I can feel my cheeks heating up as I tried to cover myself from him.

I can't believe that he saw me naked for the third time, again.

I pulled the blanket over me as I replayed everything. God, one minute he talks about our divorce then the next thing I know is I'm lying down below him, naked. I snuggled close to my pillow and close my eyes tightly.

Goodness, this is so embarrassing, but I can't forget it...can I?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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