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C35 Chapter 34

Of course, I made cute, wacky and other poses in my selfies with Trigger. When he growled, and it looked like he was going to wake up, I immediately hid my cell phone in the pocket of my PJ's.

He first stretched out his hands until his eyes slowly opened as for me, I just stayed sitting on the edge of the bed and watched him move. I also simply bite the inside of my lower lip, I really want to laugh again.

It looks like Trigger just woke up! The cute-cute! If it's possible, I'll pinch both of his cheeks in case he insults me again. The man is still fighting until he leaned on the head board of the bed and then he rubbed his eyes.

This time it was my lower lip that I was biting because Trigger was so excited. Sheett! Because he's so cute, it's perfect for him to be a cat person! Huhuhu! I really want to pinch him. Until I really couldn't hold it in anymore and I was about to laugh, but suddenly Trigger looked at me so I laughed, I just pout.

"Don't pout like that." He told me seriously. At first I didn't catch what he meant so I just looked at him while pouting.

"I said don't pout like that, I might just kiss you." He said rudely to me with a matching frown. My eyes widened, Trigger looks like a human version of Puss in boots! Her peg is just cuteness overload.

"Why do not you try?" It was like none of my own questions to him. He grinned at me and then he slowly brought his face closer to mine, immediately my heart beat faster, butterflies stirred in my stomach and this is the feeling that I can't rest because I'm so excited for him .

When I was squinting close to Trigger's face, I slowly closed my eyes. Why! Of course, he will kiss me on the lips again! Aye! Shocks! I haven't even brushed my teeth yet! What if my saliva is still on the side of my lips? Wahhh! It's a shame –

It was like a bubble that I lost my thrill and lost my heart when I felt Trigger's soft lips on the bridge of my nose. I immediately opened my eyes so our eyes met. He immediately moved his face away from mine while I looked still shocked.

He grinned at me before finally getting up from the bed and saying goodbye to me.

"I'll make our breakfast, just stay here Nicole." He winked at me and then left the room.

Shit! Why do I feel like I want to pass out?! That's annoying Trigger you really hope! What am I really for you?! You make me happy and then later I will also be hurt because of you and then only you can relieve the pain. Urgh!

"NICOLE ANGELINE ALEGRE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FACE?!" My eyes widened when Trigger shouted from outside our room. Dead! Looks like he saw it! Lol! But I didn't feel scared, I even laughed so hard, until I rolled over on the bed.


"Mr. Steinfield wants to see you." Amara smiled at me and then she greeted me and that's it, she told me that Trigger wanted to see me. Trigger is in the office now and he is taking care of import business because there was a problem while we were on vacation, so when we came back to the mansion he immediately got ready to go to the office.

He didn't come home last night, and earlier I heard that Manang brought him a change of clothes to the office. It looks like Trigger might have a big problem in his office. I nodded to Amara and then said that I was just changing for a while. Fortunately, I had taken a shower earlier, he smiled at me and said he would wait for me in the entertainment room.

"How was your vacation?" Amara asked me while we were on the road, I smiled at her and then I answered her.

"It's okay, enjoy! He added me as a friend on Facebook and then found out it was his birthday so I made him a cake made of sand." And then I suddenly felt the heat of both my cheeks as I remembered our intimate moments on the Island.

It's also good that Amara and I are now friends so the trip to Trigger's office isn't too boring because it's also a bit far from home. Amara smiled at me while I looked out the window.

"Is my progress?" He asked me after a long silence. I immediately turned to him with a furrowed brow, but in truth, my heart wanted to come out of my rib cage with so much nervousness. Why do I feel like he knows that I know too? He smiled at me then sighed.

"You're not hard to read Angeline." And then he turned to look at me with the green lights. It's weird right now, because it's just the two of us in the car, he was the one driving and I also found out that it was his own car that we were using today.

"I've been noticing the way you look at Mr. Steinfield for a long time, of course I couldn't tell you because we weren't friends yet." And then he laughed. "You're too civil to me, so I feel it's hard to make friends with you." I bowed and then I answered him.

"I'm just shy of you." I answered him weakly and then I gave him a quick glance. This time he was the one who frowned.

"Why are you ashamed of me?" He asked me innocently. I held my breath and then I turned my gaze to the road with red lights.

"Of course, what can I be proud of being Trigger's bed warmer." I answered him in a whisper.

"Angeline..." Amara called me and then she grabbed the hand that was on my lap.

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