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C54 Chapter 53

"Anything that will make my lovely wife, happy." He answered me in a whisper. Where is my heart? Dirty! I couldn't handle being in love with Trigger.

I woke up without Trigger by my side. I thought he was just in the bathroom cleaning up, but twenty minutes have passed and there's still no Trigger coming out, so after going to the walk in closet – because I thought he was already there, I knocked on the bathroom. No one answered so I went in and my shoulders dropped just like that when I found out from Maddie that Trigger had already left at five AM.

"Your Daddy left us again." I said to Baby while caressing my stomach. I really wanted to ask Maddie if she knew where Trigger went, but maybe she would just ask Manang and it would reach Trigger. He still thinks I'm interfering in his personal life, but I'm in his personal life, right? I am his wife. In the end I just sighed.

"Son, why are you frowning this morning?" Mama asked me wonderingly and then she sat in the seat next to me. I smiled at him and then shook my head.

"Are you okay?" He still asked me worriedly. I nodded to him and then I wished him good morning.

"Maybe it's just hormones." I answered him. He nodded. I'm embarrassed to tell him because I didn't see Trigger this morning.

"I'm going to go with you for a check-up later Son. Trigger told me earlier that he can't go with you because he has something important to go to." Is his son more important to us? I asked in my mind. I bit my lower lip to get the negative thoughts out of my mind.

"Did you meet this morning Ma?" I just asked him. Mama nodded.

"You know your mother wakes up early." He answered me. I'm not in the mood to talk and if I can just lock myself in the room all day long if Baby doesn't have a check-up.

Mama and I finished eating breakfast and I said goodbye to her fixer because it was 10am for the check-up.

"Baby Mrs. Steinfield is fine." My chest immediately heaved when I was called Mrs. Steinfiled by Doctora Ramos. It's so good to hear that I'm now a Steinfield and Trigger is my husband. Sometimes I still can't believe that we are married and have a baby. Soon, we will really be a whole family. Doc is right. the baby monitor with a 4D effect so I can really see him inside my tummy. He was moving around inside my tummy while one of his fingers was stuck in her.

"The baby is growing up to fast. For five months you are really pregnant, Mrs. Steinfield. We can actually check the baby's gender. Do you want to know?" Doc asked me.. I was looking at Mama who was staring and Doc was just listening to us.. then suddenly I remembered Trigger. I would have liked to know if Trigger was with us now. So I just shook my head at Doc's question..

"Next time Doc., when Trigger is with us." It didn't take long for my check-up to finish, Doc. just told me not to forget to take the vitamins he prescribed and the schedule for my next check-up.

We were about to get in the car when I noticed the bake shop in front of Doc's clinic.. then I suddenly remembered that bread cake, Pianono. One after the other, I was hooked on cracking Pianono. I want it, now! That's why I didn't continue to get into the car.

"Is my son a problem?" Mama asked me wonderingly who was now inside the car. I shook my head and then I looked back and forth at him and at the bake shop.

"Because I like Pianono Ma." And then I pointed to the bakeshop on the other side of the road.

"I'll just buy it for a while." I'll add more. Mama shook her head.

"I'll just buy it for you, son. Mashed hot and that's not good for you."

"It's okay, Mom –" But Mom got out of the car and let me in. Until he crossed to the other side of the road to buy me a Pianono while I was looking out my window and waiting for Mama to come back.

While I was waiting for my Mama, an expensive car stopped in the parking lot of a well-known coffee shop. The road is not that wide so you can see people on the other side of the road. I immediately recognized the Porsche because it's the same color as Trigger's car and has the same plate number.

My heart almost jumped out of my rib cage when I met those who got out of the car. Trigger. He turned around in the passenger seat and then opened the one with him. Ci-Ciffer gradually got out of the passenger seat as I was sitting restlessly. I almost don't know if I'm hurt or what when they walk into SB together.

Trigger was even smiling at him while Ciffer seemed to be laughing and before they finally entered the SB, Trigger put his arm around him and brought him closer to him, they met a man and a woman. The four of them even stopped walking a bit and looked at each other until Ciffer was the first to look away and enter the SB, so Trigger immediately followed him.

"Son, you've been quiet for a while, haven't you? Besides, I thought you wanted Pianono but you didn't move it." Mom told me. Mang Ben opened the door for us so we turned our attention to him. He smiled at us so we thanked him before Mama and I got down.

"I don't know, Ma. Baby seems to be in my mood." And then I caressed my stomach. "I'm out of the mood to eat. Maybe later, Ma." And then I said goodbye to Mama who was going upstairs to rest.

Libre Baskerville
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