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C56 Chapter 55

"Trigger brought that home, son. The dishes he brought are delicious." He brought home? So he didn't sleep here? Where did he spend the night? Could he and Ciffer be together? Where did the food he brought come from? She and Ciffer stayed when they ate at an expensive restaurant? Or maybe Ciffer's Mama cooked and sent him home? If I was feeling hungry before, it suddenly disappeared.

"Uh. Julia, is it okay if you cook me bacon, hotdogs and I also want toasted breads." I don't want my Baby and I to eat food from his Daddy's wife.

"But son, what Trigger brought will be delicious and besides, you like vegetables. Here's what he brought with me -" Even though I didn't want to, I winced at what Mama was going to say.

"I don't like those Ma." And then I turned my gaze to Julia again.

"Please Julia, I'm hungry too." But he kept looking back and forth between him and Mama until he settled on Trigger. It was as if he was saying goodbye. Trigger put down the spoon and fork he was holding and then said –

"Give her what she wants." He said coldly and then he again focused his attention on the newspaper he was reading. A sshole. It was just in my mind and then I tormented him again but I was surprised by what Trigger said next.

"Roll your eyes on me again and I'll kiss you, right here and now. I don't care if your Mom is here. She can even watch us kiss." Trigger said rudely to me. My whole face immediately warmed up at what he said and I was enveloped in shame. I can't even look at Mama anymore.


It's a good thing that I really got ready before I went down because after we ate, Trigger took me for a morning walk. I thought it was just here in his wide yard but he took me to the garage of his cars and then he put me in a black sports car and took me to the park.

I don't know if this guy is making himself famous or if it's just that all his cars are worth billions, but what's weird to me is that we only go to the park, but if we can drive a car. Sigh. I got out of the car with my head down.

"Why are you always looking down? What's in there? What if you accidentally bump into someone or something? Nicole I don't want you and our baby to get hurt." He told me a lot. It's just a joke. Because what he said was so long that I felt very emotional.

And because we stopped walking because of his passionate nature, I looked up. It's good that we were a little far from his car so people wouldn't think that we were the ones in the car. Sigh.

"Because you look like a fool!" I told him pissed off. At first he frowned but soon his thick eyebrows met. It looks like I pissed him off! But because it's true! Totally said that I will continue.

"Because we're only going to the park, you actually brought a sports car! It's embarrassing! It's a distraction." I didn't wait for his answer. I passed him on foot, for sure if I wait for his answer before we can go for a morning walk we will just fight.

As I was walking fast, I slowly slowed down until I turned around and noticed that I was almost half way through the park. I couldn't see Trigger in the distance either. It seems that Mokong didn't even follow me!

I just sat on the bench to rest. Sigh. I caressed my stomach so I could talk to Baby.

"Your dad is really naughty, baby, but I really love him! I'll be bald if I pull him out. He's the apple, he's still angry." Sigh. I couldn't help but be emotional until the corners of my eyes watered and then I burst into tears one after another.

I immediately felt the heaviness of my feeling, especially in my chest. Because it's Trigger! We are already married and everyone can't even persuade me. Is that hard to do? Yes, maybe. It's hard to do that to someone you don't love and you're only living with because you're going to have children.

I cried even more because of what I was thinking. Until I started sobbing. I can also feel the looks of people who pass me by. For sure they were surprised and I was crying and even here in a public place. But I can't stop it. Hormones are annoying! Until a security approached me.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" I slowly looked up before I could answer. Trigger suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"She's with me. What's up?" Trigger asked security and then he took a seat next to me and then put his arm around me. I don't know, but when I smelled his perfume, it was like my own mind, my body, and I clung to him. Her fragrance, addicting. You know her natural smell and then her perfume mixed. I really like that smell.

So I snuggled around his neck and then I smelled him. I don't care if she sees what I'm doing to her, I just want to smell her.

"Ma'am is crying, Sir. I thought what happened, she is still pregnant." Trigger nodded and hugged me even tighter, which I really like.

"It's because of her hormones, you know pregnant woman's but she's doing fine thanks for your concern." It didn't take long for the security to leave.

I would have continued to do it if I suddenly remembered when I smelled the smell of Trigger's neck. I immediately let go of his arm and then hit him in the chest.

"Woah! What was that for Wife?" He asked me. My heart beats faster, the butterflies disappeared inside my tummy and it looks like the baby is also thrilled by what he called me like me but because I'm annoyed with him again.

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