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C63 Chapter 62

I looked back and forth between the spoon and Aling Lourdes. Because the basket is full and it looks like it will weigh me down when I lift it. It was too much because I'm thin and small but I think I can still carry Ate Angel.

"Bring it and I will give Ruby more orders." And then he called Ate Ruby. It seems that he doesn't give me a chance to think about whether I agree or not. In the end I just nodded and then I picked up the spoon basket and I guessed correctly that it was too heavy for me.

I was quite close to the backdoor of the mansion - where the maids and people in waiter uniforms were coming in and out when suddenly one of the handles of the bakset got heavy, causing another spoon to fall on the grass and trip me. I couldn't balance right away so I look like I caught a frog.

My tears immediately fell to the side when I saw a little blood on the knee when it was scratched. I immediately blew it because of the pain and if you're lucky, no one passes by to lay me down. In the end I just cried all the time and called Mama over and over again.

"Mom... huhu... Mom... huhuhuhu. MOM!" But Mama is still not there to visit me. He might also be busy helping with the repairs. So I stopped calling Mama but I didn't cry any more because I felt like the blood was getting more and more from my wound and Mama told me that if I hurt my knee the maggots will bleed me and they will suck the blood from the wound I want to stop so I don't want to get hurt because I'm afraid of the worm that will scratch my wound.

I buried my face in my knees and then I just cried until I saw a bunch of rubbershoes in front of me. I would have ignored it and continued to cry when he spoke.

"Child why are you crying?" He asked me. I was about to answer but I smelled his strong smell and then his feet moved so I raised my face to my knees and my heart beat faster when I met his gaze.

The thickness of his eyebrows, the depth of his eyes that can make you feel lost. I took a step back because I couldn't hold our eyes long enough so I got a better view to see his whole face and I felt my heart drop in my stomach.

His nose is very high, the triangle shape and then the thinness of his lips that look like they are glowing red and look soft. I kept swallowing one after another and the desperation I felt got worse and worse. His face is also smooth and he looks like -

"Are you an artist?" I asked him in a hoarse voice. Because he looks like Tristan's handsomeness in Laluna Sangre. At first he smiled until it ended in laughter. Urgh! Why did I even ask? I just embarrassed myself! Who is this pogi? He shook his head as if he had recovered from laughing.

"No." He gave me a simple answer. I looked around to find my heart because it seemed to have fallen somewhere. Urgh! What is happening to me? The depth of his voice is cold. In short, it's nice to listen to.

"Why do you look like an artist?" I asked him again. I forgot about the pain in my knee from being on all fours. And because it was the first time I saw a very white man who looked like an actor, I still couldn't believe it, so I slowly raised my hand in the air to touch his cheek.

He didn't make any movement until some of my fingers landed on his cheek. The softness of his cheeks! But I immediately pulled my hand away because I felt like I was electrocuted. I was backwards and couldn't balance so I ended up sitting on the grass, luckily I wasn't hurt.

"That's why you're crying." He said while looking at my scratched knee.

"Because my mother told me that when I get injured, the maggots will come and suck the blood from my wound to heal me, but I don't want to! I'm afraid of blood." He smiled at me as if he was assuring me that I would be okay and when he did, he would have touched my knee immediately if he had tapped his hand.

"H-don't hurt." I don't know why but I'm really lost.

"What just happened?" And then he looked around us and saw the scattered spoons as well as the basket.

"Why did you send it? It seems too heavy for you." And then he shook his head.

"Let's treat your wound." And then he offered me his hand. I bit my lower lip and couldn't decide whether to go with him or not. Until he smiled at me and came closer to me. He wrapped his one hand behind my waist and lifted me from sitting on the ground. I could feel the heat of my whole face, including my neck and ears and because I couldn't rest anymore, I just leaned my face on his chest. The hardness of his chest! And then he walked into the mansion.

"Wait..." He stopped walking while I looked up at him. Maybe later Manang Lourdes will scold us. I didn't know him but I went with him to lift more. Now that we are inside the mansion, what if he goes up to the gang's house and only props his actor-like face?

"Hmmm?" He answered me.

"Maybe because Manang Lourdes will scold me, Mom is just a maid here and maybe Manang Lourdes will kick us out when she finds out that I'm letting in someone who isn't from here." I was nervous to tell him and I wanted to go down too but my body didn't want to. It's a good feeling to lift him up. Urgh! What is happening to me?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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