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C91 Chapter 90

"Nic -" Before he could say his full name, another hand immediately slapped his right cheek. I'm sure I slapped him really hard to make him realize. For him to realize what he did. I glared at him and then he pushed me harder.

"How dare you!" I shouted at him and then I ran to the other side of the road. It was right that my taxi was coming so I immediately stopped to leave.

Before the taxi even left I was still looking out the window to see where Trigger was. He was looking at me and you could tell from his face that he was very sad, Mama and Mr. Steinfield was just far behind Trigger. I'm just wondering... why is Mr. Steinfield to Mom? I just shook my head and stared at the taxi passing by.

"Ma'am, where are we?" Kuya' the taxi driver asked me when we got out of the subdivision. I immediately wondered where I was going.

"Ugh." Where am I going? I also asked myself. I closed my eyes tightly and then thought about where I could go.

"Mama..." Suddenly I heard a voice in my mind... a boy's voice. I don't know why but I suddenly felt cold until suddenly the corners of my eyes were wet. I seem to know where I'm going.


"Miss, we're here." Kuya'ng taxi driver said a third time. I listened, he said it first but that's just the case - I immediately bit my lower lip again when it was in the pocket of the pants I was wearing. I really don't have any money, not even a peso.

"Yes Brother, just a moment." I answered him but the truth is that I am really worried about how I can pay. Until a few minutes passed, Kuya seemed to be really warm to me.

"What's wrong Miss, are you coming down? I have to fly." Kuya said a little rudely. I held my breath as if I needed to tell the truth.

"Kuya... what's the matter -" Before I could finish what I was going to say, a man suddenly hit Kuya, which is why both of us turned our attention to him.

The timing of this mokong is good! I don't know if I should thank him or be annoyed. How come I just had the courage to tell the truth, that I had nothing to pay him. Manong slowly lowered the window of his taxi.

"Sir, maybe you can move your car forward, I need to get it in." Said the man, in a baritone voice. My eyes widen little by little when that man talks and I can stare at him carefully, I feel like he's fallen from heaven!

"Terrance!" I keep calling his name. I immediately caught the attention of Kuya and Terrance. He frowned and looked shocked to see me inside the taxi but recovered immediately because he also greeted me.

"Angeline." I immediately smiled at him. That smile you really can't refuse no matter what I ask.

"I'm just an older brother outside." I told Kuya' the taxi driver. I couldn't wait for Kuya's answer. I immediately got out of the taxi and approached Terrance and you can still see the surprise on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me and then he looked around as if he was looking for me, it didn't take long before he turned to me again.

"Where's Trigger?" I frowned and couldn't help but be bothered by his question. In the end I held my breath and was forced to answer his question.

"I'm just going to visit..." And then I took a breath and added what I was going to say.

"...and I'm not with him." What I said in the end was a bit rude in response. When it's really about Trigger, it's really bitter.

"Miss, maybe you can pay." Kuya teased me. Oh! Yes it is! That's why I turned to Terrance again.

"Hey. Maybe you can answer my taxi first." And then I scratched my head.

"We've been here for a while, Mister, I have to leave to get more." Kuya said again.

"Please don't worry, I'll pay you when I get home."

"Uh. Okay." Kuya'ng taxi driver and I are still a little unsure of the answer. He immediately took his wallet from his back pocket and then he pulled out one thousand each which looked like six more pieces. He immediately handed it to Kuya the taxi driver who was very happy and thanked him again and again.

Terrance nodded and then Kuya stepped forward to leave. Then Terrance and I were the only ones left. I smiled at him and then thanked him again.

"I'm still curious why you're here and why you're not with Trigger." I didn't want to answer his question, so I asked him the same. I really don't want to talk about Trigger, it's just stressful! How is it that our kiss just flashed back in my mind over and over again? Geez!

"Eh, who are you going to visit here?" I asked him again and before he could answer my question, my girl called his name from the window of a Sedan.

"Terrance what is it? How long have you been here?" He asked a little loudly and I was so surprised to recognize who the woman was inside the car. Miss Amara!

"We're together?" And then I looked back and forth between Terrance and Amara. Terrance shrugged his shoulders and then he walked closer to his parked car, so I just followed.

"Angeline! Amara kept calling me by my name. We almost smiled at each other at the same time.

"What are you doing here? Who are you with? Are you alone?" He asked me one after the other and like Terrance, he also looked around, obviously looking for me. Probably Trigger. I just held my breath.

"Come with us first." And then he signaled me to get into the car. I just nodded and got into the car, because Terrance was the one waiting for me before he started the car, there was also someone honking in the cars behind us.

"How are you? I missed you!" And then Amara hugged me tightly. I couldn't help but smile at how sweet he really is. Anyway, now that Amara and I have met, I feel better.

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