The CEO's Secret/C3 Wake Up
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The CEO's Secret/C3 Wake Up
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C3 Wake Up

"Oh, you look happy again. Is it good to be watered for a long time?"

It was my routine whenever I go out and see the not so big garden around the house of the Solidad family. It's fun every time you see plants that bloom and look healthy because of the rain.

From my vantage point I looked out over the peaceful sea that had recently disappeared due to strong winds and rain. My suspicion that the rain will also stop in the afternoon is correct, because the same thing has happened in recent days. It's a pity because the class was canceled.

Few more steps and I was out of the gate. If anything I liked about this house was its location, because it was peaceful, close to the sea, and the air was still fresh, far away from the civilization I could watch and read about. I looked up to see the clear blue sky as if nothing bad had been poured before.

Slowly, I spread my arms trying to cease the moment. It was so relaxing that it makes me forget my life for a moment. I whispered my silent prayers for my mom and dad hoping that they will hear me. Sometimes I can't help but miss them, I still have fresh memories of how happy we were to go to church together, how we planted plants, and how mom and dad took care of us. .

But maybe that's not what makes my chest tight but the fact that it won't happen again. I was all alone. It's only been a few years but it's very sad. My brain seemed blank and hundreds of questions flowed through me. It's hard to imagine where I'm going to start again, where I'm going, and what I need to do. It's wrong to be jealous of others who also have a whole family, but I can't help it, if it's a guilt I want to get rid of it, but if I lose it I feel like I'll forget the memories they left me. I wipe my tears and smile trying to make my self better.

"I'm just sad, mom, dad."

I nodded to ease the weight of my heart. Even though you surrender for how many times now, saying "I can't do it anymore", at the end of the day, there are and still will remind you that there are more reasons to continue, to stay.


I immediately turned away as I saw the familiar figure running towards me. It's just Oli. He was my classmate last year but not anymore, their house is just next to the land where the Solidads live but it is still a bit far because the land covered by the Solidad family is vast.

He was running so hard that the sand from the shore was shovelled by his feet and some of it accidentally gotten to his eyes. Before he could get close he was bent over in pain. I just giggled at the way he looked and I approached him myself.

"Are you okay? Why are you in a hurry?"

I giggled as he frowned and rolled his eyes. He just shook his head for a moment and looked at me.

"I want to see you." He said. "H-ha? We met yesterday." with astonishment I told him.

His eyes just narrowed as if someone was investigating me, I just stared at him and the astonishment was obvious to me. I was shocked because his reaction suddenly changed, his smile is now sky -high.

“I went hereto ask you again. Later, mom and dad would take us up to town because we were going to have a party with my aunt. Are you going to be together? "

Of course. Last week he even invited me to join them at the festival in the other town in exchange for me asking him for a favor on a project we had at school, I am not fond of festivities like this but I can do nothing because I have already promised Oli.

"Ah, I'll let you know first now, ma'am Mira."

I answered him slowly and he nodded. He looked at the unfamiliar car parked at the gate of my boss's house.

"Looks like the couple is a guest, huh? Are you busy again?"

he asked me as I fell asleep with concern.

"Of course not."

I answered sparingly. I had the opportunity to go out because the intention of the man who had attended earlier seemed important because after they had had breakfast Sir Constantine and the man who was with him in the home office were locked up.

Oli pulled my hair out and pinned it behind my ear, making me sigh.

"I'll wait for you later."

Weak but eloquent he voiced. I averted my eyes and just smiled.

I just said goodbye to her and went straight back to the house I was serving because maybe they wanted to order something ma'am Mira and I didn't. I just hadn’t really restrained myself before and I was carried away by the presence of the sea that I really wanted to want.

I caught up with the family as well as the guest in the living room. The couple is side by side and Celest and the man are in the same seat.

My world seemed to stop again when his puffy eyes hit me. The lump on my throat was blocking everything that needs to sink in, but his eyes won't leave me, so I have no choice but to act like his stares doesn't affect me at all. I thought of going up to my room but ma'am Mira ordered me.

“Cyreese, can you bring Levi something to drink here."

Levi, Levi is his name.

"Don't bother, aunt."

I sighed at the hardness of his English. It seems that he is very used to this language and in its tone you have no choice but to follow him. It seems that Ma'am Solidad didn't listen to her and took me upstairs to the kitchen. I can still feel his eyes following me. I tried to get out of my mind all the things that could only embarrass me so I slowly walked towards the kitchen.

When I came back, I thought of saying goodbye so that I could get ready because it was already afternoon.

"Ma'am Mira, I would like to say goodbye to go to the other town tonight. Oli invited me to join his family to enjoy the festival. If only I could."

The hesitant tone was almost visible. Not because I was nervous if I wasn't allowed but I almost melted under Sir Levi's stares at me.

"Is that so? Then come with Levi here because that's also where he's going."

I was almost taken aback by what ma'am Mira told me. Who is this man and does the Solidad family seem very well known and comfortable with him? As if it was my cue I uttered

"Not anymore Ma'am, I'll just go with Oli. It's embarrassing and I'll still be a nuisance."

"Cyreese, you can't be bothered because Levi's route is also there."

Sir Constantine said with a sweet smile.

Without even knowing I just saw myself standing outside the house watching Sir Levi say goodbye to the family.

"It was nice seeing you again aunt."

And he even scolded ma'am Mira, while Sir Constantine greeted him. I sighed when Ate Celest suddenly hugged her.

"Levi, I'm glad you visited us here. You're always welcome here. If you have time, you can drop off again."

I followed the look with his hands resting on Sir Levi's chest. He just nodded sparingly and said goodbye again. He slammed his car and I didn't know what to do. He opened the passenger seat and I stopped staring at him and just bent down to walk closer to his car. He turned back in the driver's seat and waved at the Solidad family again before starting to maneuver the vehicle.

This isn’t the first time I’ve ridden a car so I’m familiar with the feeling but being in the same space with this guy makes me want to just get eaten by this comfy seat I’m on right now. His car was marked by an obvious scent of a man and it was clean and tidy. It seems to indicate that it was not left dirty, obviously devoted to time and service.

My eyes widened when he approached me and my face almost stuck to his chest and I inhaled his scent because he approached me and returned to his seat.

"Seatbelt." He said and started his car.

It seemed like I stopped breathing for a few seconds, and I didn't even notice that I was wearing a seatbelt. I blinked a few times and just looked outside so he wouldn’t notice how much he had affected me.

Whatever the reason for this nervousness I don't realize. I want to be annoyed with myself for allowing myself to be like this in this simple thing but on the other hand I want to want It.

"So, how are you living with them?" I turned to him and thought he was talking on the phone. He was always staring at the road we were walking so I held my breath to answer his question.


He only retorted to me and I heard nothing from him. I just distracted myself by looking at what scenario we were going through and was forced to think that I was alone and I was not affected by his presence. We are currently walking the secluded road of Mar De Vena, towards town. We are far from the place where the beach is close but you can still see the sea because this road is high and steep. Even at night, bad weather can still be seen in the sky. The clouds covering the moon will be thick and the surroundings will be dark, especially if we are walking far from the houses. This would have been a good time to read my books.

"Who are you going home with? The road is dangerous if you are alone."

I was shocked again when he spoke. I turned to him as if I was still making sure I was really the one he was talking to.

"Maybe I'll go with Oli. And I won't spend the night too much."

True. Because I am ashamed of Solidad’s. They might say I’m taking advantage of their flexibility with me, and I still have work to do, even my class tomorrow I shouldn’t miss.

I have long accepted thatsince my mother and father passed away, my life has been different and there are things that are not for me, if I want to, I have to work hard and go through a long process. In my life situation now, I have no plan or time to go for a walk because it would be better if I just spend my time and time on more meaningful things. Just now really, because it was embarrassing to my friend and I promised. It may be too late.

"I'll contact the Solidad's if you're home then."

My eyes quickly landed on him who was still serious about driving. I don't know if I misheard because why would he even think of doing that? That’s right, that he complied with the favor demanded for me by the Solities. He doesn't have to call them to make sure I get home safely, does he? Safe? Ava Cyreese, who are you to think that a man you just saw worries you? Maybe he just meant he had to confirm to the Solidads that he had already done them a favor and he had nothing to do if anything happened to me or what.

That's right. That's it. He also turned to me and our eyes met and that's when I found out that I had been staring at him before because of the last thing he said. I immediately removed my gaze and cast spells a few times. I catch my breath as if I'm just clinging to it, I don't know where to turn my eyes because the car stopped while there was a car ahead and it seems to be creating traffic because I can already see the bright town.

I heard him sneeze, I saw at the edge of my vision him taking his eyes off me.

“Where should I drop you off?”

I shifted on my seat and answer him immediately.

"Ah, it's just next to the barangay hall. My friend's aunt lives next to the court."

I turned to her for a moment and the car stopped at the place I said. Quite crowded and noisy surroundings. There were people videotaping and drinking in a few houses, everyone was having fun. He quickly got out of the car and turned to the door of my seat and preceded me to open it.

"Thank you." I said with a bow.

I couldn’t bear to look at him anymore because I didn’t have the courage left to look at it. Annoying. Nakakataranta. I could even smell him as the strong wind passed. My hands landed on my shoulders because of the cold I felt. It was really a wrong decision to wear this white dress, but I could do nothing because it was the only neat and somewhat formal dress that would suit this occasion.

"Thank you very much, I'll be the first. I'll just tell the Solidads that -"

"Where's your friend?"

He interrupted what I said and looked up at me. He's roaming his eyes around as if he's looking for someone. My lips parted as he approached me. He's oozing with so much appeal.

"Her aunt's house is near here. I'll just go there and look for her."

I was surprised as I said because I was too short compared to him. I was only up to my chest and I still had to look up to see his eyes.

"I'll accompany you. Lead the way."

He pointed to the road he was blocking and I just stared at where I was standing. He tilted his head and lifted his eyebrows. I did nothing and I followed only what he said.

I precede at I feel his presence behind me and I also see the people rejoicing in their house following us with their gaze-No, it is probably the presence of the person behind me. Obviously, it is not uncommon for this person to be photographed in a muddy area due to heavy rain, chaotic alleys, and noisy surroundings. This place seemed too small for him so he was like someone who got lost in a place like this. It started to mist when I saw Oli at her aunt's house and hurried over to me. His worried eyes opened up to me and held me in both arms.

"Cy! I'm worried. I even went to the Solidads earlier to ask where you were. So you went with the others."

Trace the concern he said. I just smiled at him and motioned for a moment and turned around to thank Sir Levi again when I saw him turn around and walk away from us. I just opened my mouth and left the words I would have let go and I can't help but worry because the drops of mist on his white long sleeve.


I don’t know if I said a whisper because it was impossible for him to even hear that and he turned to me again. My vision was blurred but the tension of his jaw was very clear to me. I only lost sight of him when Oli pulled me into his aunt's house.

The night was getting a little late when for the last time I looked again at the little watch on my wrist. It's ten o'clock and I can't sit still in my seat while my friend is lying next to me because of drinking alcohol. I don't know if he drank much but his relatives only offered him a few times and this is what happened to him.

Only a few of his cousins are awake but they are noisy because maybe the liquid they are drinking is right. I peeked at Oli's mom and dad inside and I almost complained because even they didn't seem to be on their own because they were dancing and drunk. I could do nothing but let out a sigh and touch Oli.

"Oli, I need to go home. They'll worry about me."

I was disappointed because he just growled back at me and his friends and cousins just laughed at us.

"Oli, I'll leave you. I'll just ride a tricycle home because I'll be angry with the Solidads."

I don't know what that is for because he doesn't understand me. I got up and said goodbye to his cousins and friends, I just said some of my instructions and I ran out of the alley. I felt the splash of mud on my foot and my dress must have been touched.

The rain got a little heavier so I took shelter under the protruding roof of the store while waiting for a ride. A few more minutes and I'm sneezing in the cold that I've been waiting for. I've been here for thirty minutes but I still don't want to ride a tricycle because maybe it's raining and they don't really travel because it's a festival.

I wanted to despair but I still dared and walked out of the arch to wait because my position was a bit hidden. I stopped a few more times and still no one stopped. I'm soaking wet in the rain and my head hurts but there's really nothingstops.

I was horrified when I met two elderly men who were still limping on the road and drenched in rain. They smiled like dogs and whispered, while looking at me. I just bent down and avoided them but before I could get past I felt a man's hand on my thigh. I didn't have time to scream anymore because a man had already grabbed my neck and was forcing me to join them. There I cried and felt very scared because I could not move because of their tight grip on my hand and neck.


The man slapped me hard and I immediately tasted the rust in my mouth. My strength was so low that my headache shook even more. I wanted to scream but I almost got on my knees on the road in extreme exhaustion. I could hear the laughter of the two men as they watched me desperately crawl down the wet road and crawl in the dark.

"No one can hear you here ineng."

What a fun thing the men said.


I wasted more energy saying as if it was possible for someone to hear it. Mom, dad. I'm sorry if I'm weak. I wanted to stand up but my eyes were spinning and my body was numb from the pain.

One more tweak I felt, I wanted to despair because I had little strength left to stare and stay conscious when a violent force pulled me upright and leaned me against a hard object or something.

A man's structure was visible but it was too blurred to confirm this man who's in front of me.

"Fuck. Stay here."

That's all I heard and I could see the three people in front of me but I couldn't see because I would give a little to my body. I heard a few cheap and sighing.

I opened my eyes desperately to see what's happening only for me to see that he's here. Is he? Is it him? Is it really him?


My world rotated again and I just sat down and tried to hold on to where a man I didn't know caught me.

"This is Bullshit. Ava, wake up."

The man said stiffly. That's all I heard and I completely lost consciousness.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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