The Deadly Sexy Wife/C387 Two Silent People
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The Deadly Sexy Wife/C387 Two Silent People
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C387 Two Silent People

The weather was a little cold before this, so Xiaoyu casually picked up the coat. After walking for a short distance, they arrived at the Ginkgo tree forest. As the wind blew, the golden gingko leaves floated down. The ground was covered with a thick layer of leaves. Xiaoyu lightly stepped on it. She felt that it was sinking gently.

After seeing the falling leaves, the uneasiness and fear in her heart faded a little.

At this moment, his phone rang.

After Xiaoyu answered, the other party did not speak.

At this time, Xiaoyu carefully looked at the number, but when she saw the number, she felt that her mood seemed to be suffocating just like that, and she felt her throat. But she couldn't make any sound. She just stared blankly at the number displayed on her phone.

However, the other party didn't say anything. However, the two people on both ends of the phone clearly knew that the other party had been listening attentively.

Xiaoyu actually really wanted to say something. She did not wish for there to be such a terrifying silence between the two of them, but she could not say anything.

However, he was also silent the whole time. The two of them just quietly did not say anything.

In between the two of them, Xiaoyu suddenly remembered that Wangchuan must be in this city. He must have arrived at this place. Tomorrow would be Faang Faang's wedding. If it was him, he would definitely come back to attend.

Although she had expected this day to come a long time ago, the two of them would definitely meet again, but she had no other choice now. She didn't even have the heart to face him, so she could only run away from him.

After a long time, Xiaoyu finally could not hold it in. She took the lead and said, "Wangchuan..."

However, her voice was very weak. If one did not listen carefully, he would not be able to hear her at all.

"Wangchuan, actually, I have always wanted to see you again."

He finally said this sentence.

Actually, they should have met a long time ago. It was not a so-called date, but a lot of things. Actually, they should have said it in person. Moreover, he had never explained to him that he owed him such an explanation.

She had tried her best to explain it to him, but he had suddenly escaped. She had distanced herself from him. Sometimes, even if she refused, even if she broke up with him, even if the two of them would never have any interactions in the future. However, she had to make things clear to him face to face.

However, Xiaoyu had always been silent. She kept delaying the matter and kept avoiding it. In fact, in her heart, she just wanted to wait for this matter to gradually fade away and let it pass. But sometimes, how could he just let it pass just like that?

However, there was still no sound from the other end of the phone. Since he had already said it, it was to avoid the embarrassment from before. "Wangchuan, I know that you might have already come here."

His voice was full of sincerity. "There are some things I want to tell you face to face, okay?"

However, he still did not have any response from the other end of the phone.

He could feel her change. At the beginning, her voice did not have any confidence. In fact, she was very timid and wanted to escape, but now her tone was full of sincerity...

It was like his current state of mind was like a parabola. Originally, he had gradually reached the highest point, but he also fell from the highest point to the lowest point. When he heard the sincerity in her tone, he felt that his heart was even more uncomfortable. It was even more painful.

She did not hear the emotions in her voice, nor did she hear helplessness. What did this mean? It meant that she had already made up her mind, made up her mind, and it was all because she had drawn a clear line...

Because she no longer loved you, that's why she calmly came to face you.

Although he would still complain and be angry in the past, he would also have his own fantasies... imagine that everything was threatened by the Fang family, and that they used some unfair methods. That was why she married into the Fang family.

However, when she heard the sincerity in her tone, all of this shattered like a bubble. All of her previous fantasies had been rendered useless. He actually knew in his heart that Xiaoyu was originally a very stubborn person. A woman who had completely made up her mind, no matter what method you used, you would never let her turn back.

It was just like many years ago. Many years ago, she had always existed in his world, and he was also the center of her world.

But from who knows when, her center was gradually replaced by another person, and I slowly withdrew from her world just like that...

During this period of time, his life was a complete mess, without any pattern to speak of.

Sometimes, we can't be separated from one person, it's just a habit that can't be separated from one person.

"Wangchuan, you can set a place. When the time comes, I'll come and find you."

Gu Wangchuan hung up the phone gently. Sometimes, when they met, it would be better to not see each other again.

Xiaoyu was about to say something when the other side hung up the phone. She could hear the silence after hanging up the phone.

At this time, a cold wind suddenly blew. Xiaoyu tightened her coat. At this time, she felt that winter was really coming.

Only at this time did Gao Han realize that there were too many things to talk about before getting married. It was too complicated.

Even though the entire process had always been handled by a very professional team. However, many preparations behind the scenes were for him to follow personally. On the eve of the wedding, Gao Han took care of some of the things that he had tidied up at home.

He had bought this house when he was making a comeback. It was the first meaningful fortune in his life. He still remembered that the first time he made a fortune, it was all money that he didn't know how to make. And all of his property was managed by that widow. At that time, he didn't ask too much. And he didn't care that much, he just felt that someone like him... He didn't understand at all how his home felt. He just felt that his home was just a place for him to sleep. When he was tired, he went home and slept. At most, it was a place for him to bathe, sleep, and change his clothes.

It was only when he bought the house that he felt that he had his own home.

He had never thought that he could get married again. Previously, he felt that it was not bad to be alone. However, after he gradually grew older, he began to feel lonely. He had never thought that he could get married again.

He walked around in the garden behind him and heard some sounds.

He walked over and saw Colonel Gao. He sat in the most remote part of the garden, feeling very lonely. He even felt that his gaze was very ancient. Now, he was gradually getting older, and the fur on his body was no longer as bright and beautiful as before. There were even some that were sparsely scattered. It had been following him for more than ten years. If it was based on age, it could be said that it was already very old in the dog world.

And last year, it had already suffered from a serious illness. If it was before, it would have been burnt to a crisp by now. It was fortunate that Xiaoyu was there at that time. That was why it was able to live like this.

Moreover, it miraculously lived for another two years.

One had to know that for a dog, especially an old dog, these two years could totally match a human's ten or twenty years.

Gao Han slowly walked in front of it. Just like that, a man and a dog quietly stared at each other.

Gao Han had never worn those collar around its neck, nor had he ever told it to lock it up. In his heart, Colonel Gao was not a dog at all. He lived a very regular life, and he was very particular about hygiene. He would not lose himself, nor would he casually urinate on the streets. It could also take the elevator or the stairs by itself, and it even knew which floor it wanted to go to.

There were also some very simple things it could do, like helping him get slippers or something.

However, Gao Han would never let it do anything. One must know that only by treating a dog as his pet would he let it do these things. However, he would never treat his friend like this. Colonel Gao was his closest friend. No one could compare to it.

When he was penniless, he went out to wander. He still remembered that in the middle of a rainy night, he and it went to the train station to meet a gangster. However, that hooligan actually stood him up just like that. They had originally agreed on a price, but in the end, they were stood up. At that time, he really felt that his life was very bleak, just like that man and dog. Just like that, he quietly sat on the steps outside the train. And those who passed by thought that they were beggars. Sometimes, there would be one or two people who would leave some change for him.

When he left last night, he found that in front of Colonel Gao, there were already several banknotes and coins.

Sometimes, many people were the kind of people who would step on the high and low people. They could leave your side at any time, but Colonel Gao would not.

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