The Forbidden Pact/C2 The Hunt (2)
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The Forbidden Pact/C2 The Hunt (2)
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C2 The Hunt (2)

The aroma was invigorating; it was a sublime 'o' positive that was high in iron and low in fat. It was blood, and it was precisely the type of blood that he preferred.

Nathan could hear the person's heart thumping and their breath heaving inside of what appeared to be an especially round chest.

He smacked his lips together again, this time feeling the expansion and contraction of blood vessels just beneath the tanned skin. When he thought about the opulent flavor combined with the metallic aftertaste that was about to flood his mouth, he couldn't help but feel an intense rush of anticipation.

Nathan's eyes shone with a mixture of hunger and contentment as he knew that this particular blood would provide him with the ideal combination of satiety and gratification.

The victim was a woman who had breasts that were of an extremely large size. It was as if the fetid smell of a thousand different sexual musks and lib*dos had been concentrated into one area. The churning in his stomach made it abundantly clear to him, and the restlessness in his groins provided further evidence to support his hypotheses.

His resoluteness rubbed painfully against the inner lining of his pants – struggling mightily to break free. The scent of a woman's sexual arousal was the only other thing besides food that could in any way overcome the need for nourishment.

As he struggled to recover from his own horniness, which was writhing inside of him like a snake, he threw his head back and let out a piercing scream toward the moonlight, which was gray in color. It was extremely unusual for a person who preyed on others to have a sexual attraction to one of their victims; however, he decided to take a chance on it with this particular victim.

The more one enjoys themselves, the more it will contribute to the overall satisfaction that the food provides.

Nathan used his sixth sense, which was a vampire sense, to conduct additional research and then dispatched it as a messenger to a location that was two kilometers away from him. At this point, he jerked back yet again in response.

They all came at once, assaulting his sense of smell like a tidal wave: the odor of panties wet with squirt and vaginal juices juxtaposed with the odor of spunk. He was overcome!

He threw his head back and opened his arms wide in an attempt to take in everything that was going on around him as he immersed himself in the variety of sexual fragrances.

As he immersed himself in the assortment of olfactory cues associated with sexual activity, he threw his head back and opened his arms wide in an effort to take in everything that was going on in the area around him. An unholy union of blood and sex taking place… he was delighted by the prospect of the freedom that would follow its conclusion.

Nathan couldn't get enough of the moaning sound and the slapping of skin on skin or the slurping of juices rushing from a small hole and an eager, unknown mouth waiting to suck it all up. The whole thing was music to his ears, and although it did make him nervous at times, the excitement that came with whatever angst he felt was palpable.

He found himself drawn to the raw intensity of these sounds, as they awakened a primal desire within him. The combination of pleasure and apprehension fueled his curiosity, pushing him to explore the boundaries of his own desires.

“Excellent!” Nathan made a low growling sound as he licked his lips with his tongue. The person whose blood he whiffed was in a heightened state; they were pulsing with adrenaline and spilling over the edge into a precipice of mindless and wanton hunger.

He perceived this person as though their hands and body were smeared with blood—drawing him in as the predator that he was.

Nathan's evil, predatory brain would normally send him into a frenzy and put his life in danger whenever he was near his prey to hunt, but this time, a confluence of aromas threw him off balance.

He wondered why he was being so hesitant as his parched throat mumbled a song about how thirsty it was. He had to act quickly in order to satisfy his ravenous appetite.

His strength was waning, but he managed to pin a human to the ground and sink his fangs into the crook of the victim's neck. As the warm blood began to fill his mouth, he experienced an instant surge of energy coursing through his veins, which revitalized his weakened body.

The flavor was intoxicating, and it brought to mind the animal instincts that compelled him to hunt in order to ensure his survival. His thirst was quenched with each gulp, and his hunger was temporarily assuaged, which led to a momentary state of contentment on his part.

Nathan leaped from the building without hesitating, plunging headfirst into the space in front of him, which was a deep chasm resulting from the high-rise building. Even though it was only 75 feet away, the wind was able to help him slow his descent to a painful death by preventing him from hitting the ground too quickly.

The wind whistled past his ear, slapping his bare chest and peppering his red, bloodshot eyes as the marbled floor of the sidewalks rushed up to him at the same time.

The man's dark hair and coat both flew out behind him in unison as he tripped and fell, but just as his face was about to hit the ground, he executed a smooth summersault, flipping himself in midair and landing on his long, slender legs without making a sound.

He quickly regained his composure, brushing off any dirt from his clothes, and glanced around to see if anyone had witnessed his graceful recovery. With a slight smirk on his face, he continued on his way as if nothing had happened, leaving behind a sense of intrigue and mystery.

He had died once, and there will ever only be one death in his history!!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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