The Good Wife/C4 The Bonding
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The Good Wife/C4 The Bonding
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C4 The Bonding

Athena woke up early and saw his handsome friend asleep on the sofa. She also stared at it for a long time, when it suddenly started.

"You're late, you're fantasizing about me." Akiro teased, pulling the comforter and covering his body at the same time ..

"Hey you idiot, what are you fantasizing about?" stuttering he said once rock of his holding thru pillow.

"Come on baby, don't be shy. I know you've been wanting me for a long time." Akiro teased again.

" Get out of my apartment before I throw you all my stuff here." Athena's angry voice shouted.

"You're not really funny. You're really nice when you become a dragon." he teased even more, once he approached her and hugged her back.

He didn't object anymore because he also liked his hug. She felt safe and secure when Akiro was there. Akiro makes up his days, and he knows the days he’s with it, the more his love for it increases. He just can't answer it because he doesn't want to break his promise to his grandmother.

He loves it very much and he doesn't want to feel bad about it later. He also let go of her embrace before I could go anywhere and he might fall again and sin against his grandmother.

"Aren't you going yet?" Athena asked as she tried to get rid of it.

"I haven't missed you yet, so can I stay here first? Please." he said while pa cute pa.

How could he refuse the handsome face of his friend? But she still insists that.

"Sorry, but you can't stay here. Men are not allowed here, the landy lady got mad when she saw you." I explained to him.

I could see his sad face. I felt sorry but I have too.

"Ok! Fine if this is what you want, but please don't be mad at me." he said while smiling widely.

I simply nod my head, so that he stops making fun things and I might not be able to stop kissing her too.

He said goodbye..

At Akiro's house, he was very happy because he finally kissed his friend. He loves it so much and he will not deny it.

I can only pull off the day he finishes school.

It's too long, but really worth it. I'll wait for her, until I get her YES.

The next morning the two woke up early. Akiro was excited, because he was called by the airlines and he had an interview later.

As Athena is about to go to school, she is also in a hurry so she might be late for class.

It is true that when he arrived, his professor was not there yet. About a few minutes ago it arrived and suddenly recited immediately.

Everyone was quiet and no one wanted to answer the questions. She noticed that no one raised her hand so she was the first to raise her hand at the same time as Bella.

Bella is a transferee to their school and since it's new so they can't get along ..

Bella was called by Ms.Reyes and Bella got the correct answer. Athena started to lower her hand.

Bella was happy and looked at her.

While Akiro's at the airlines. He just finished his interview and he made it. He will start next week and he is excited to tell it to her friend.

He was in a hurry to leave that place. He looked for his car where he parked, he quickly found it and got in. He drove it quickly.

He tried to call Athena's phone but she couldn't answer it.

He arrived past 12 then, her friend left and was waiting for a taxi to take her. He hurried out of the car seeing Athena.

"Athena waits for me." he shouted as he gasped as he ran just to get close to the friend.

"Oh Akiro, why are you here ,?" he asked, wondering because she knew about the interview.

"To fetch and invite you for lunch." he said while holding her hand.

"Hey for what? Don't tell me, Akiro, you passed the interview." glad it says.

"Yessss that's why I'm here to tell you the good news." he said happily.

Akiro suddenly hugged Athena tightly. There is no vessel for the pleasure the two feel.

If the two are happy, it's the opposite of Bella. It would have been better when I saw who was hugging outside the gate.

"She felt so much pain. You're a flirtatious woman." she whispered it in the air.

When they separated from the embrace. Akiro helped her friend into his car.

They are going to the Mall right now. Akiro thought that they would just have lunch there and he planned to confess to Athena ..

During the flight, Akiro suddenly squeezed his friend's hand. He was startled and shook his hand.

"What are you Akiro? Focus on that later we'll collide." disgusted it says.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe with me." he said with assurance.

"Hahaha how can I be sure that I'm safe with you. You just suddenly kissed." He laughed jokingly.

"Ah so do you want me to kiss you again and again." he said while laughing.

"W-what you might want to slap with a twin child," she says.

"Really do you want to slap me. Ouch my handsome face." he said artfully holding his cheek at the same time.

"Exaggerated! Maybe you want me to do that." raised hand and acted slap.

"That's bad." he said as he approached it.

Athena's treacherous body again. She inhaled again, because of his friend's manly scent. She admitted that she was always attracted to it. She wanted to protest but it was too late to cover his lips and he was just waiting for her response so that it would deepen the kiss even more. Athena did nothing but let the friend do it. Thankfully, the car is really tinted and no one can see them.

Athena enjoyed the kiss of his friend who is obviously accustomed to it and It just asked her how many times she has kissed her. He is definitely a good kisser. Their kiss lasted until suddenly his hand started moving. Suddenly she felt like she was drenched in cold water and she pushed it away, because she was afraid of what might happen if she didn't stop him.

He apologized and continued to drive.

They reached the Mall without saying any word until Akiro, broke the silence between the two of them. He apologized repeatedly so that his friend could forgive her and he promised not to steal a kiss from her again.

At the mall, her friends are having fun and eating at a Chinese restaurant. When Akiro suddenly asked.

"Athena, I'm not in a hurry. Can I ask you something, if you don't mind." said Akiro, starting to sweat. He's like a teenager letting go of his crush. All though he is 27 years old now. He was still numb to the friend.

"What is it Akiro, do you have a problem ,?" astonished, it asked him.

"C-can I court you Athena ,?" stutteringly says.

Suddenly the two of them fell silent and Athena still couldn't speak. Until Akiro just retracted what he said so he wouldn't be embarrassed.

"I'm just kidding. Hahaha. Let's eat, our food is already cold." Akiro said disappointed in himself.

He knew his friend was studying first so what he said was wrong. He thinks so much of it. It was quiet and looked thoughtful.

"Hey, don't mind it. I'm seriously waiting when you are ready." Akiro said so as not to think about it again.

He saw his friend smile again, now Akiro knew that she wasn't really ready for relationships yet.

When they finished eating. They decided to take a walk and Akiro suddenly grabbed Athena's hand. Electricity seemed to flow through the depths of his body and suddenly his cheeks turned red. He knew in himself that he really loved it. It's just a case of him always thinking about how his dear grandmother would feel if he disobeyed her order.

Athena didn't want him to feel bad for her.

They found a crane machine. Athena invites Akiro here. They line up at the cashier to buy a token. They walked back to the crane and Akiro dropped the token and he started operating the crane. He was recognized again but still couldn't get any stuffed toys. While Athena was eager to cheer on him. Then he closed his eyes, he prayed to be able to take it and he didn't want to embarrass his friend. Then after that he started to move the crane again and he did it.

He saw the smile flicker on the friend's lips. He reached for the teddy bear here. He happily accepted that and what Akiro didn't expect when she hugged him. Surprised, he responded with a hug.

When he loosened his grip on her, he suddenly bowed and apologized.

"I'm sorry Akiro, that carried me away. I'm just excited, sorry again." she said with a bow and didn't even want to look away.

Akiro grabbed her chin to lift her so that their eyes met. Athena is a little tired of what her friend is doing, but she seems to be bound and unable to move in her friend's presence. He looked at her lips and threatened to kiss her. Athena closed her eyes but felt no touch of her lips. When he opened his eyes he saw a furrowed forehead wondering why he was acting like that.

So as not to be embarrassed, he invited her to leave the toy land. The two of them walked until they thought of buying ice cream. They happily ate ice cream at the food court while chatting. They also talked about Akiro's work.

"So how's that, you're busy starting next week." reminder of Athena.

"Slight but I'll just make sure I have some extra time for you." assurance and its language.

"Hmmm I don't want to expect it might not happen." she said in a raspy voice because she knew it was not a joke to be a pilot.

"For you I will." simultaneously holding both his hands and kissing it.

"A-what are you, a lot of people here." at once removing his hands.

"I'm sorry, I was just shocked. I love you Athena." he said seriously that he was still making eye to eye contact with her to know that he was serious about it.

"M-dear? How? And why?" he asked one question after another here because he couldn't believe it.

"Remember the first time that we met. You still teased me. I'll admit I had a bad trip with you that time, but it got to the point that I just wanted to always annoy you just in case you notice me. When you love the person, no but and if Athena. " he said seriously and grabbed her two hands again while squeezing it.

Athena is still shocked by what she hears. He did not know what to answer.

"Hmmmm sorry Akiro but you know I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend so I can only offer you as long as you are a friend in the meantime." its direct answer because she does not want the friend to rely on nothing.

"I said, and I mean it. I'm willing to wait for you Athena." he promised.

"Thank you Akiro for understanding." she smiled and once squeezed the tip of its nose. Athena likes to squeeze its nose because of its nice shape.

When they had finished eating. They have already decided to leave the Mall. Walked and went to the parking lot to find Akiro's car.

While Akiro drives a car. Athena was silent while listening to music. She is somewhat related to the song 'Di totohanin', what do the two of them have that are the questions that are bothering her mind. She knew that his friend had a place in his heart.

"Athena, are you ok? About a while ago, I'm sorry that shocked you." he said smiling at the same time holding his hands looking at him and waiting for his answer.

How could he refuse the charm of a friend? Any girl who smiles at her goes crazy with him.

"Yah, I'm really ok. I know you're upset, so don't you worry. I'm not angry." she said, smiling more consolingly for his friend.

"Thank you Athena, I don't know what I'll do if you get angry forever. I'm feeling better now." he said.

Athena's nod her head proof that it's really ok. In fact, she can't really be deceived by her heart, she knows who the flesh is. She believes that there's a perfect time for them. She believes that everything is possible when you patiently wait for the right time.

Akiro was driving so fast that Athena did not realize that they were already in front of the gate of her apartment. She quickly kissed his friend on the cheek and then suddenly came out. She was also surprised by what she did so instead of waiting for his friend to get out of the car, she just said goodbye.

Akiro waved with a smile. He was surprised by what his friend did, but the smile could not be erased from his lips. He fixed himself up and drove back to his condo.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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