The Healer’s Legend/C14 Ma Yishan Was Scared out of His Wits
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The Healer’s Legend/C14 Ma Yishan Was Scared out of His Wits
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C14 Ma Yishan Was Scared out of His Wits

No matter how hard Ma Yishan didn't want to believe it, it didn't matter. Zhou Kai and Zhao Hu, rolling and wailing on the ground, were constant reminders that they had lost—big time.

The crowd was gawking, their eyes practically bugging out of their heads. This was just too wild to believe.

They had seen it all right. Lee Yifann, with just one hand, had taken down two guys. Beneath his unassuming exterior, he had an extraordinary and freaky strength.

Lee Yifann glanced at Zhao Hu and Zhou Kai, then strolled to Ma Yishan. He grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him up like he was nothing.

"Get off me!" Ma Yishan flailed at Lee Yifann's hand. But man, he couldn't even budge one finger. Lee's grip was like a bear trap, and Ma felt like he'd been snagged like a helpless bunny.

"Let you go?" Lee Yifann chuckled, putting the squeeze on him.

“No...” Ma Yishan wanted to cry for help, but his throat was clamped shut like death had silenced him.

An icy panic washed over him, sweat pouring like a busted fire hydrant.

For a flash, he felt his soul tearing out of his body. The stench of the Grim Reaper had him shaking like a leaf.

Just as he was about to pass out, Lee Yifann tossed him like yesterday's garbage.

Ma Yishan clutched his throat, his face redder than a stoplight, eyes popping, wheezing like an old jalopy, with pure terror in his eyes.

"Pick a fight with the big dog; you'll end up as puppy chow," Lee Yifann drawled.

“You mongrel, I'll take you down!” Ma Yishan jumped up, pulled a fruit knife, and lunged at Lee Yifann.

“Ah!” The crowd screamed in terror.

Lee Yifann wasn't fazed. He booted the knife out of Ma's hand and landed a brutal kick to his chest

Ma Yishan went airborne, leaving a streak of blood behind. He crash-landed some twenty feet away. His face hit the dirt, and the outcome was something out of a horror flick.

“Ah!” Ma Yishan rolled on the ground, screaming in unbearable agony.

That scream sent chills down the spines of the onlookers.

“Oh my God... he killed him!”

They'd never laid eyes on anything this brutal. Three against one, and they all ended up eating dirt.

Many folks got so freaked out that they skedaddled right then. Some of the more squeamish in the crowd turned green, heaving their lunch at the sight of Ma Yishan's bloodied face.

"Mercy... I won't do it again, I swear!" Ma Yishan blubbered, trembling like a leaf.

Lee Yifann strolled up without batting an eye and said, cold as ice, "Hand over all your cash and bank cards. Now!"

"Okay, okay!" Ma Yishan didn't dare refuse, nor did Zhao Hu and Zhou Kai.

The power Lee Yifann had shown was just too freaky. If they didn't comply, they might have been digging their graves.

The three of them went through their pockets, handing over every last buck and bank card, groveling at Lee's feet; their earlier bravado was gone with the wind.

"That's everything!" they stammered.

"Spill the PINs for those bank cards. Hurry up!" Lee Yifann commanded, swiping the cash without a second thought. Ma Yishan, the rich kid, had a fat wad on him, easily several grand. His buddies Zhao and Zhou weren't exactly light in the wallet either.

Ma Yishan, meek as a lamb, bleated out, "Password's six zeros..."

Zhou Kai and Zhao Hu coughed up their PINs too.

"Scram! Cross me again, and next time you'll end up as worm food!" Lee Yifann spat.

"Yes, sir!" Not a word more from them as they scrambled to their feet and took off like bats out of hell, wishing they had more legs to run with.

The crowd scattered like roaches, too spooked to stick around after that horror show.

With the riff-raff handled, Lee Yifann picked up his flyers off the ground, moved to a new spot, and went back to handing them out, acting like it was just another day at the office.

After pocketing his day's pay, he dashed to the bank, slid in Ma Yishan's and the boys' cards, and punched the PINs.

"Well, I'll be damned! This dude's loaded!" Lee Yifann whistled, eyeing the screen with nearly seven figures on it, almost unable to believe it.

He knew Ma Yishan was loaded, but who knew one card could hold close to a cool million?

Keeping up with the Joneses was a real drag.

The other day, he'd haggled over a ten dollar bill for a room. Compared to Ma Yishan, he felt like he was living in the poor house.

Without batting an eye, he shifted the dough into his account. Once it hit his hands, it was his, fair and square. Checking Zhao Hu's and Zhou Kai's cards, he found they were chump change in comparison, just over ten grand, but he swiped that too, all square and legit.

He eyeballed the wad of cash he'd snatched. Keeping about fifteen grand on him, he stashed the rest away.

Clutching the bank cards, he couldn't help but grin, "Guess I'm rolling in dough now!"

This money sure did bail him out of a tight spot; he didn't have to worry about being broke for a while.

When he returned home, night had fallen, and Wang Cuifen had supper all ready and waiting for him.

"Yifann, you're home! Wash up and come eat!" Wang Cuifen cheerfully set the table, then turned to her frolicking son, "Kiddo, quit playing. It's chow time!"

"Okay," little Wang Zhizhi bolted to the sink, turned on the faucet, washed his hands, and wiped them on his clothes, "All clean!"

He then hopped to the table and grabbed his cutlery, ready to dig in.

"How often have I told you to use a towel to dry your hands? Wiping them on your clothes? They're filthy, you know?" Wang Cuifen scolded her son.

Wang Xiaozhi pouted. "I know, Mom!"

Wang Cuifen sighed and looked at Lee Yifann, "Yifann, come eat. I cooked fish tonight; it's fresh as can be."

"Sounds good," Li Yifan nodded, taking a bite of his food and looking at Wang Zhizhi. "Auntie, Zhizhi's all better now. Aren't you sending him to school?"

Wang Cuifen stopped, put down her cutlery and sighed. "Yifann, you don't know. Zhizhi got sick when he was eight, and he hasn't been to school since. He's eleven now, and he wouldn't be able to catch up if he went back. And with all the money we've spent on his treatment over the years, we're flat broke."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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