The Jewel That Stole The CEOs'Heart/C3 Chapter Three - Feelings
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The Jewel That Stole The CEOs'Heart/C3 Chapter Three - Feelings
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C3 Chapter Three - Feelings


Amanda's POV

6 weeks later

I walked into the very tall building that was M's just few minutes before I would be considered late.

"Good morning Amy!" Kate greeted me she worked at the receptionist.

"Good morning Kate, please order 2 coffees from the cafeteria with milk and sugar in both okay?!"

"Sure thing," She said making the call immediately

"I know I don't need to ask but is Erica's around?" I asked while she nodded in return and was silent.

With that nod I hope nothing's wrong.

Well I got the job after the interview; I was, according to Erica just what she needed.

I was rather ecstatic; I was her new PA and trust me when I say that she is the best boss ever.

She actually put me through everything on my first day, she didn't assume anything.

She just told me that mistakes weren't allowed at the M's and pleaded with me to just meet her whenever I don't understand anything.

Its been 6 weeks I have been staying at Jessie's she moved to New York at her parents request.

They said that she was needed close at home, but come on after abandoning her with her grandma and just living her with monthly allowances they finally decided they wanted her closer, well she said they have been treating her really well.

She left the apartment for me though she had over 4 months rent left, I wanted to pay her after I got my first pay but she disagreed saying I needed the money since she was practically a millionaire following her parents' wealth.

I got to the 36th floor and was a lil bit worried no one joined me in the lift which is rare considering we are still in the morning, getting close to Erica's cabin I saw everyone gathered round in the small conference room on our floor, staff meeting I guess.

"Amanda, welcome you are late." Erica said.

"No ma'am it just 8:50 am." I responded quietly hoping she would be the only one hearing that.

"Okay," Erica responded we were just starting.

"The boss is coming over tomorrow." She continued turning to face everyone.

I gasped seeming to be the only one in the room as all eyes turned to me.

"Yes? Amanda anything to say?" Erica asked.

"No nothing at all ma'am" I answered.

"Well since you are the only one here that hasn't spent a financial year with the company, this visit happens twice a year. Mr Morelli visits the company here in LA, Its not really every 6 months but he drops in anytime he wants except for December which is the last financial report of the year." She paused looking around to see if everyone was following before she continued.

"He arrives tomorrow and is staying for two weeks, he expects everything to be perfect. As you all know he checks the efficiency of all workers from the top management down to the lower management. If he isn't satistfied with anyone's work the individual will be relieved of work immediately. So I'm releasing you guys to your offices now to please prepare for his arrival, I don't want to loose any of you" Erica stopped.....

"Any question?" She asked

"None ma!" Everyone responded.

"Alright then, that will be all good luck for tomorrow and the next 2 weeks he will spend here." She finished.

They all chorused thanks ma'am while leaving in an orderly fashion.

I waited for the last person to leave before closing the door and facing my boss.

"Do you need anything or we will be moving to your office now?" I asked her.

"No we can go now." She said leading the way to her office; Coffee arrived and I collected it following her to her office.'

"Erica your coffee." I said dropping it on her table.

"The....." I tried explaining her schedule before I was cut off.

"Cancel my schedule for today and tomorrow." Erica cuts in.

"But you have an appointment with the Clark's tomorrow and dinner with the Russell's association also tomorrow." I said

"Amy I know just reschedule them make up an excuse that sounds really genuine. You'd find out why I need to be free tomorrow." She said

"Okay I will go do that now." I said starting to move to my office.

"Hmm Amanda! You are to be Mr Morelli's PA for the next two weeks," she said

"C..can't.... I mean can't someone with more experience do that, and besides who will help you with things here, and what happened to his PA? I asked nervously.

"You have enough experience and for someone that hasn't spent 2 months here you have made quite the impression on everyone." She said getting up and walking towards me.

"And his PA Jessica is pregnant, She fainted yesterday at his home while they were working, of course she was taken to the hospital but her husband says no work till she leaves the hospital all cleared by her doctor. Or she might never return if the doctor decides she needs to be on bed rest till she gives birth." She paused to hold my hand before continuing.

"Just see this as a promotion of a sort. If you please him enough he might just hire you to be his permanent PA because if there is one thing I know about Jessica its that her husband is really protective of her." She said

A promotion can't be that terrible can it? I thought.....

"Okay Erica I will give this a try but promise me you will be with me if I need anything." I said

"Sure! Though I know you will be great." she said letting me go.

"Thanks for the trust you have shown me since I joined this company it means a lot." I said holding her hand.

"You are welcome, and I sure do acknowledge talent and dedication when I see one." She replied brushing me off.

"Okay ma'am, where am I to start?" I asked her.

"Well you are going to be added to the fingerprint for the private lift leading to the 27th floor, am calling Joe in to do that... I will take you there now so that you can go prepare is office for his arrival tomorrow then maybe come downstairs and assist me in arranging things down her." She said while leading me to the lift.

"You know I'm really happy that you gave me this opportunity I promise not to let you down". I said sniffing.

"Hush baby, you don't have to cry. You know you are one special thing, well I should warn you now, be careful I could say Mr Morelli is the pure definition of sinfully hot; so don't get carried away by his looks when you see him." she eyed me jokingly.

"Anything you say Erica. I said entering the lift

"Well then lets get you started then." She said straightening my collar and giving me a light pat on my back.

Next day..

My hair was looking not so good this morning. I have that weird and rear colour of hair, red shining flakes all through high school I seemed to have been the only girl who could be spotted from anywhere, and that really had me getting into trouble in school. I actually wished then that I had the blacks or blonde that most girls have things would have been better.

I knotted the locks on my head it does look business worthy I smiled looking at the mirror though I knew it could have been better.

I checked the time it was 6:45 it would take me 30 minutes to get to work on a very normal day, but it was my first time as the temporary PA of Mr Morelli I didn't think arriving at work few minutes to 8 would be a good first impression so I decided to leave early. Bye Laurel I said patting my sleeping cat.

I wasn't the only one that arrived early the lobby was filled up, I was surprised the office is not usually this filled as we all had separate resumption time, but the crowd here is surely not an everyday sight.

I entered the lift and pressed the lift number soon I was joined by others going up. I just took out my phone and was checking my Whatsapp for messages from my sister and Jessie.

I stepped on the floor and noticed that the light was on I was sure that I switched it off before living last night. A bugler!!! a voice in my head screamed as my heartbeat increased...

Amy get outta here my brain screamed but a rather stupid me dropped my bag and carried the vase on the table; it was the only heavy thing here that I could carry.

God I pray this works I whispered creeping towards the door but before I could open the door to Mr Morelli's office the door opened and the said owner stepped out of the room in all flesh.

"Good morning.... Miss Gray?" The man asked raising his perfectly shaped full brows at the vase in my hand.

"Good morning sir, its Miss Gray." I said looking down because his cool gray eyes were scaring me at the moment.

"You look scared and you are holding a vase; I guess you were thinking I was a bugler, funny how I cant see you handling a bugler though." He said looking at me rather amused

"You can drop the vase now thanks for trying to kill the suspposed bugler am pretty sure that vase is heavy. he said still looking amused, while i desperately wished the floor could open and swallow me there.

Well, way to go Amy, so much on first impression and killing it on my first day as temp I thought dropping the vase.

"I'm sorry you had to see that rather foolish act of mine." I said still looking down.

"Its okay I should have told you that I would be arriving rather early anyways." He said looking down at me

"Okay sir, is there anything I can get you before I go to my office to get the files that were sent yesterday?" I asked him finally raising my head up.

"Yeah, my coffee and my schedule." He said looking at me.

"Well coffee is on the way, so I'm going to get going." I said getting my bag from the floor before I scampered away feeling embarrassed.

Claudio's POV

I went inside my office and was still smiling as I sat down thinking about the redhead that was to be my PA.... she was the redhead from 6 weeks ago I couldn't see her clearly that night but I just know that she was the girl... she actually thought I was a bugler I mean come on she could have been hurt really bad if it actually was I think she was rather stupid than heroic...

She was so embarrassed that she could barely look me in the eye she looked like a little child being scolded by a parent I thought looking at the file on my table.

It was because of her I ordered a report from my investigators last night after Erica told me her name and gave me her number. She was 22 years old, 2nd child, she had a clean record and preferences that were very satisfactory, she was staying with her friend before her friend moves to New York last month....

Well I satisfied my curiosity about my mystery girl but then this is business.

If I had seen her anywhere else, I would have maybe had a drink with her and gotten to know her on a first name bases but I can't afford to mix business and pleasure together.

it never ends well from what I have seen a knock brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come in," I answered.

"Mr Morelli, here is the coffee, and these are the files that were sent to me for preparation by Miss Jessica, I have reviewed everything as instructed so here are the files that need your signature." She said placing everything on the table.

"Thanks, you can go get ready for the staff meeting you are to take note of everything and trust me when I say there will be a lot of things you are going to write down." I said giving her a small nod.

"I'm sure I can handle everything sir." she said going out of the office.

I got to work immediately and followed the notes she dropped for each files she really surpassed my expectations, the notes contained every problem and possible advantages, well whatever Miss Amanda Gray is she sure is smart for a 22-year-old.

Amanda's POV

I went downstairs to Erica's office to go over some things but the whole office was a complete mess, everyone was trying running about trying to do one thing or the other.

"Good morning Erica." I said sitting down so we could both go through the things that would be used in the meeting, I was really happy to see her though she looked like she could use a break.

"Amy good morning, hope Claudio isn't stressing you out he can be a pain in the ass." She said joining me on the sofa in her office.

"No, but so far he barely had time for me after the events of this morning." I said explaining what happened this morning.

"I can't believe he didn't shout, the Claudio I know would have screamed your hairs out of their buns." she said laughing.

"He didn't he just went professional immediately." I said wondering what she meant by the Claudio I know but that's not my business now is it?

"Well he really has to get back to NYC". she said checking out the papers I brought and adding a few others while arranging them in the set orders.

"Well, I should go check the preparations ongoing upstairs. I believe he would like everything to be perfect." I said getting up

"Surely." she said not even looking up

"Amy!" She called

"Yes?" I turned to answer.

"Don't be scared his bark is worse than his bite, he is just so great a perfectionist so just try to be cautious, and don't lie to him no matter how little it is don't." She advices.

"Thanks Erica." I said leaving her office.

Walking into the conference room it was the biggest in the branch and was barely used except for big meetings like todays.

I placed the due report that was compiled on the various seats and got the bottle of waters arranged and everything needed, we were ready I guess with 20 minutes to spare, I should go call my boss I thought

Walking into the our cabin area I could here him shouting at someone on the phone, well someone isn't in a good mood I thought going to my cabin to get my stuffs so I could meet him when the call is over.

Next 5 minutes I couldn't hear his voice. As my cue I went to knock and got a grouchy come in from him.

"Mr. Morelli everything is ready for the meeting." I said hoping that was professional enough

"Okay I will be out in 5 just wait outside for me." he said while going back to work,

"Okay sir!" I went outside waiting, soon we were walking into the conference room were everyone was already seated waiting for him.

When he sat his looks quickly changed to a cold one I noticed, like a wolf seeking its prey I was quickly dragged out of my thoughts as he said Begin motioning to Erica who therein motioned to the various head of departments to present their reports.

It was about 6 when Erica decided to end the meeting and I was sure everyone was surprised when he accepted to.

Well after 8 hours of meetings with 2 breaks in between I was ready to call it a day but then I had to wait for my new boss to say the word.

I got his files and after giving instructions to the planning body I left to join my boss.

Getting into his office he gave me some documents that were to be prepared and given to him before I closed and kinda shut me out

When I finished it was almost nine I guess I got carried away.

Walking into his office he was so engrossed in the file he was working on that he didn't even notice until I called him.

"Sir! I'm done with the files." I said placing them on his table and watched him go through everything.

"Miss Amanda these are good reports, you've treated each file better than I would have." he said smiling.

I was awestruck I guess because I couldn't say anything just blushed and cussed myself inwardly for blushing like a whining teenager, but trust me that smile turned my insides upside down.

"T.. thanks sir." I said stuttering

"You are welcome, I can see us working well in the future If you keep this high level of competence up. You can go home, I still have things to do." He said still smiling.

"Okay sir, I promise to be at my best sir." I said smiling before leaving the office while on high after the praise high level of competence who knew such words could move my insides before and the weird thing was that the worlds would sound so professional coming from any other person but from his mouth it sounds like he was complementing me after a date.

Come on girl get it together he is the boss no daydreaming and so therefore no crushing.

But you have to admit it that smile really was something, a voice said in my head.

You know what Amanda Gray am done with you I said out loud for no one to hear getting into the lift.

Claudio's POV

I was so engrossed in work and my thoughts of my new temp that I didn't even know that the woman in my thoughts was inside my office till she called my name.

Well great isn't it am now spacing out something that I never do neither tolerate from others while she dropped she file on the table I got a sniff of her scent it wasn't wild but just a soothing scent it was like rose I thought.

Getting my head back I began checking the files out and I was really impressed she really was competent.

Complementing her she blushed I mean come on a woman still blushes I thought amusingly.

After she left the office I couldn't even concentrate on work anymore she was there, the hint of her scent was still in the office with me driving me a little bit crazy.

She was beautiful well not in the way I would describe my type. her fiery red lock which looked so real by the way and her eyes were just so green it was like they could look right into my dirty soul if they wanted to.

She is so out of your line, an inner voice said, she is your PA, your worker, so that means hands to yourself pretty boy

Well she really is business I thought bitterly.

While struggling to continue working a call brought me out of it totally.

"Mom!! Good evening." I said answering the phone.

"Don't greet me where are you?" She asked

"I'm at work mom." I replied dryly knowing what was coming anyways

"Well get yourself home this instant!" She shouted.

"While I'm here you're not going to work yourself to your death, so move immediately now I'm waiting for you outside I won't go in until you come back so if anything happens to me you can take the blame. She said ending the call

Now that's just what I needed my mom watching after me like am still her 5-year-old child that needs pampering.

But well I've been blackmailed I thought gathering my things to go home, but that woman really needs to stop monitoring my life am freaking 27!!

Knowing that she was more ruthless than I was in getting her way I drove off immediately.

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