The Lost Luna/C3 The Subconscious Connection
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The Lost Luna/C3 The Subconscious Connection
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C3 The Subconscious Connection

As I lay in bed that evening, the events of the day spun through my mind like a whirlwind. The knowledge of my true heritage weighed heavily on my thoughts, and I found myself wrestling with a myriad of conflicting emotions. The truth, once hidden from me, now loomed large and daunting, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation about the newfound path I had to tread.

The pendant lay on my bedside table, its presence a constant reminder of the enigmatic encounter at the festival. There was an undeniable pull to unravel the mysterious connection between the symbol on the pendant and the recurring dreams that had plagued me since my eighteenth birthday.

As I closed my eyes, I willed myself to summon the vivid images that had haunted my subconscious. The forest, the circle of werewolves, and the elusive figure—each fragment of the dream seemed to hold a piece of the puzzle, urging me to delve deeper into the secrets that lay within my bloodline.

In the depths of my slumber, the dreams once again unfurled before me, unfolding like a cinematic tapestry of hazy memories interwoven with untold truths. This time, as I stood within the circle of werewolves, the blurred image of the mysterious figure began to coalesce into a clearer form.

I reached out to grasp the enigmatic vision, desperate to unravel the mystery that had shrouded my subconscious for so long. But just as clarity seemed within my grasp, an unyielding darkness swirled around me, obscuring the truth I sought to uncover.

Suddenly, the vision shifted, and I found myself standing in an ethereal clearing dappled with moonlight. In the distance, a solitary figure emerged from the shadows, emanating an aura of strength and authority that sent shivers down my spine.

As the figure drew closer, I recognized the stoic features of the same man, his intense gaze locking with mine in an unspoken exchange of recognition and understanding. It was the same man from my dreams—the one whose enigmatic presence had haunted my subconscious, the one who seemed to hold the key to my destiny.

In that fleeting, ephemeral moment, a surge of recognition and longing surged through me, weaving an unspoken connection that transcended the boundaries of time and space. I was drawn to him, inexplicably tethered to the enigmatic figure who seemed to encompass a realm beyond the confines of my reality.

His eyes held a depth of understanding that spoke of shared experiences and unspoken truths, and in that singular moment, I felt a profound kinship with this enigmatic stranger.

As our gaze met, a whisper carried on the breath of the wind brushed against my consciousness, unfurling a revelation that transcended words. It was a message woven into the fabric of my being, a truth that resonated with the deepest recesses of my soul, guiding me toward an understanding that eluded my conscious mind.

The vision began to waver, fading into an intangible mist that teased the edges of my perception. Yet, the profound connection I had forged with the mysterious figure lingered, imprinted upon my subconscious with an enduring clarity.

In the quiet seclusion of a nearby clearing, the man turned to face me. His hazel eyes seemed to hold the weight of countless untold stories, and as he spoke, his voice carried a strange, ethereal quality.

"Emily," he began, his words echoing with an air of solemnity. "There are secrets from your past that you have yet to discover. The pendant I have given you holds part of unlocking the truth of who you are and what you are destined to become. You still have to find out the other truth yourself, the answer lies within you, Emily."

I listened intently, the words resonating deep within me. He spoke of my connection to a world beyond the ordinary, a world where ancient powers and prophecies intertwined with my very existence. He revealed that the symbol I kept seeing in my dreams held a significance that stretched back through generations, binding me to a destiny that was both formidable and profound.

As he continued to impart his cryptic wisdom, I felt a strange surge of power coursing through me, as if the pendant itself had ignited something primal within my being. It was inexplicable yet undeniably real, and I could sense that I had been irrevocably changed in that moment.

“Who are you? Who are you in my life? Why are you helping me?” I said quietly.

Before I could comprehend the full weight of his words, the man reached for my hand, and I felt a jolt of static energy course through my body as our skin made contact. Before I could react, a rush of images flooded my mind—flashes of ancient symbols, distant forest, and a feeling of profound connection that shook me to the core.

As the whirlwind of visions subsided, I found myself staring into the man's eyes, a new understanding dawning within me. “ The necklace…. What does it mean?” I asked.

"It's a symbol of your heritage, Emily. You carry the blood of ancient lineage, one that has been entwined with the fate of the werewolf moon circle for generations."

I struggled to process his words, my mind reeling with the implications of what he was telling me. "But how is that even possible? I've lived my life as a human, and I've never known anything about my true identity." I paused, a surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. "And what do you mean by 'werewolf moon circle'? What does any of this have to do with me?"

The man's eyes held a mixture of empathy and resolve as he spoke, his words carrying the weight of centuries-old secrets. "The werewolf moon circle is a sacred and ancient order, tasked with maintaining the balance between our world and the human world. Your lineage, Emily, is intimately tied to this delicate equilibrium."

I took a step back, my mind racing with questions and uncertainties. "I don't understand. Why me? Why now?"

The man's expression softened as he reached out to steady me. "Your eighteenth birthday marked the beginning of a pivotal awakening, a phase in which the dormant powers within you begin to stir. You are destined to play a crucial role in the events that unfold, but I fear that forces are already moving to disrupt the balance of our world."

As his words settled over me, a surge of determination surged within me, mingled with an unfamiliar sense of purpose. "Tell me everything. I need to understand. My dreams, the necklace, this... heritage. I need to know."

The man vanished into the shadows, leaving me standing alone in a trance with the pendant clenched tightly in my hand. Confusion and wonder swirled within me, and I struggled to make sense of the enigmatic encounter that had just unfolded.

It was already nightfall. The Moon was unusually full tonight, and Staring at it made my spirit soothe. I have never felt this way before, I was so concentrated on the movement. Just then, I felt a sharp discomfort. I had an urge for food, it was just normal food but flesh, fresh flesh.

It was as if my senses grew rapidly. I looked at my hands and I discovered my nails were growing rapidly. I felt my bones snapping. I looked in the mirror and saw that I just developed fur. Scared to death I let out a loud scream.

I immediately ran out of the room. My Mother ran towards me but stopped instantly. She was frightened by the sight she just beheld. I sensed the fear and loved it. I wanted to pounce on her and tear every single piece of flesh in her body. I couldn't control myself even when I tried so hard.

As I wanted to make a move, I heard a bang on the door. Which made me charge straight to the door. I sensed another blood. Surprisingly I was happy, it seemed like meals had been placed before me like a platter of gold.


After she ran straight to the door. I was still terrified, so I gathered my courage and ran to her room to pick up the pendant. I remember seeing her father constantly wearing a pendant similar to this one to help him control his animal side.

I was terrified I couldn't think straight. I never imagined her transformation would start with the urge for blood and flesh. Anyways, what do I know? I said to myself.

On getting to the door, I saw a body a few steps away from Emily. I figured the body belonged to her friend Jason. He must have passed out, I said in my mind.

Emily sensed I was behind her, she felt I was a threat. Trying to think of a move to make, I moved the pendant face-to-face with my daughter. She stood straight up, looked into the pendant, and stared right at me….

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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