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C2 Kelvin

“Mother, You can’t do this.” I flutter, my thoughts filled with the information she just gave me, series of questions flooded my head. My fingers fumbled against the hem of my dress, a tear rolls down my cheek.

“It has been decided princess.” She smiles, she caress my hair. “You will be happy with him.”

“You sold me.” I whisper, the words sounded foreign coming out of my mouth.

“Stop being a child, it’s an arranged marriage. I was forced to marry your father too and I ended up being happy.”

“He is nothing like father, he is a monster.”

“Even a monster is capable of love.” She gritted through her teeth, I know she is getting annoyed.

My mother, she sold me to a notorious man. A man known for his vicious acts, a Lycan feared all around the kingdom.

“It has never been done before. I can’t marry a Vampire.”

“I am a vampire married to a Lycan, for God’s sake, stop being a child.” She yells, I couldn’t stop the tears anymore. I swing open the door running out of her room by the time I got into mine, I locked the door from behind.

“You are getting married to Kelvin in one week.” Her words ring in my head, Kelvin Kane, a notorious vampire known for torturing his people. I am to be wed to him in some few days.

He drinks blood to survive, unlike me. I was scared of the sight of blood. What if he forces me into drinking the blood of innocent humans. I choke back on a sob when I recall all the rumors I have heard about him.

I cried for hours until my eyes were sore, my eyes were hurt from all of the crying. I didn’t have anymore tears left in me again. A knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts.

It was Sara, Sara worked for us. She worked for me.

“My princess.” She smiles, “mother insist you join her for lunch.”

“Tell her to-“ I stop myself from letting out the vile language that was about to escape my lips. “I will be there.” I smile.

I took a quick shower, by the time I got back into the room Sara was there to help me get dressed. A gown that is mother’s choice, it is always her choice my subconscious says.

“I am happy you joined me for lunch.” Mother smiles. I glanced around the room and my eyes caught Connor, I felt my heart melt at the sight of seeing him. He stood behind mother, I didn’t miss the small smile he gave to me which I returned.

The aroma of the food filled my nostrils.

“What is the purpose of this?.” I asked, I wanted to yell at her for destroying my life but I knew I couldn’t, after all it wasn’t all her decision. I’m sure father had something to do with it.

“Can’t I spend time with my daughter.”

“Save the crap.” I whisper, A dramatic gaps escapes her mouth and I roll my eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper, I didn’t want her speaking about this for hours and God forbid father hears about this, his little princess cursed. I won’t hear the last of it.

I managed to go through lunch, mother spent the whole afternoon telling me about my would to be husband Kelvin, how much he is a perfect man for me, if she liked him so much she should be the one to be with him. There was only one feeling I had for that man hatred. I could never like a monster like him.

“Can I leave now?.” I ask mother and she nods.

Mother and I were never close, we didn’t have anything in common while father and I spoke sometimes, I never see him unless it’s an occasion. He is a busy man like mother will always say.

She was nothing like me, sometimes I asked myself if I am her daughter. I didn’t have her blue eyes, mine were brown, I didn’t have her black hair. I didn’t have any of her features but she did try to make me look like her. She dyed my brown hair to black so I could match hers, she tried to tan my skin which I didn’t let her do. I am my own person.

After a long exhausting day of knowing about my new husband, I stroll back to my room.

“You are getting married”. I hear a voice, I didn’t bother turning back to see who it was, I quickly lock my door.

“I don’t have a choice.” I whisper, I can’t meet his eyes.

“When is it?.”

“In a few days.” I muttered against my breath, I swirl around and I was met by Connor. The man I fell in love with, I never expected him to love me back giving the fact that I am a princess, he saw me more than that, he knew the kind of person I am and he loved me for being who I am.

“You can’t marry him.” He gritted through his teeth, his jaw tightens in anger.

“It’s father’s choice, I can’t disobey him. His word is rule.” Connor was about speaking when I stopped him. “We can’t continue this Connor, if mother finds out she will have you killed.”

“We can run away, we can always have the life you wanted”. He says holding my hand, it sounded tempting but I couldn’t. I can’t run away leaving everything behind, I know father will do everything he can to find me and when he does he will have Connor killed.

I can’t do that to him, he deserves to be happy.


“Sage- just leave.” I uttered the words bitterly. An intense pain filled my heart, I push back the tears. He looked at me one last time before walking out of the room.

I lost the only man I could possibly love.

I couldn’t sleep all night, I called the one person that I knew could help me, she came in about twenty minutes.

“What’s wrong?.” She asked.

“I broke up with Connor.” I whisper. I broke down in tears thinking of the possible ways to survive without him. He is the only man I have been with.

“Mother-“ I whisper trying to tell her everything that is going on.

My forced marriage to a man I hate that would be in a few days,

“Maybe I can get my father to talk to yours.”

“No! He won’t like that, it will only get worse.” I whisper.

I lay on head on her lap while she caressed my hair.

I don’t have a choice, it’s going to happen I may as well find a way to be happy.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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