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C5 The ball

“You look like you have seen a ghost.” I hear Kelvin’s voice, I give him a weak smile. My mind drifts off to the incident that happened earlier. Connor wanted me to follow him, he wanted us to run away to have a good life but I know I can’t do that to father, not only would he be embarrassed, he won’t be able to show his face in the kingdom anymore. I knew I wasn’t that selfish, I left Connor, the moment he stopped the car I knew I lost him, I would never have him back again.

“Just a little distracted.” I smile, I can’t tell him about Connor. I know he is nice to me but he can’t know I was in a relationship with someone else.

“You are lying Sage.” He says, I avert my eyes from him. When his hand gently collides with my face, he raises my chin causing me to look into his eyes.

“Let’s focus on the ball.” I smile.

“We will discuss this later.” His eyes held promise, his hands were in mine. I felt a shiver of goosebumps appear on his skin when he leans in and whispers “I almost forgot to tell you, you like beautiful.” He smiles.

That was all I needed to get through the night, we met a couple of people, some were jealous of me, I didn’t miss the countless glares from all the women, they can kiss my ass because I care less.

I stood by the bar taking a sip of wine, I wanted something strong yet I knew I wasn’t allowed. I can’t be seen drinking a liquor mother won’t like it. Kelvin excused himself ten minutes ago, he had something to discuss.

I found myself wandering around the mansion, my heels paddled against the floor as I walked further into the hallway. A series of whispers coming from the end of the room.

I shouldn’t do this, I could get punished for overhearing a conversation. There was something that drove me to stand by the door. I pressed my ear against the door.

“Kelvin.” I hear a voice, a powerful voice. I have heard that voice before, my thoughts flickered through my memory trying to place where I heard the voice.

“I don’t care about your opinion, I could care less. It is going to happen anyways and I’m sure the brothers won’t hesitate killing you if you try to stop me.”

A gasp escapes my lips when I heard that, I just made a mistake. Vampires have a strong hearing they must have heard me. I quickly ran downstairs, my heart pumping out of my rip cage, a wave of nausea rushed through me. I let out a breath.

I shouldn’t have overheard that conversation, Kelvin was threatening to kill his brother, we always thought the brotherhood were close for a reason. They cared so much about each other but after overhearing that conversation different thoughts flickered through my mind.

My heels paddles against the tiles as I walked out of the room, I needed fresh air so I settled for the garden. I wanted to know Kelvin what that is about but I knew I shouldn’t, he won’t be happy knowing I overheard his conversation and he has been nice to me, I don’t want to witness his anger.

My gaze meets the flowers that were not far from me, a small smile appeared on my face, I felt a presence behind me. A familiar scent filled my nostrils.

He sat close to me.

“What are you doing here?.” He asks.

“Nothing.” I whisper.

“We can leave if you don’t want to be here.”

“I won’t ask that of you, I know you have a lot of thing to deal with.”

Way the go sage, my subconscious says.

“If you are uncomfortable we will leave, and don’t think I forgot about earlier.” He smiles.

He places his hand in mine and guides me outside. His hand felt warm against my skin.

“Where are we going?.” I ask?

“Somewhere special.” He smiles.

I seat comfortably beside him, the leather seat felt good against my skin.

“Are you going to tell me?.” He asks, “I could read your mind.”

But he didn’t, he wanted me to speak. It made me feel better, it made me feel respected so I told him, I told him about Connor and I, I told him how Connor wanted me to run away with me.

“Why didn’t you?.”

“I could never do that to you, to my mom, to my dad.” I whisper.

I didn’t miss the smile I saw on his face when I said that. His hand never left mine, until the car came to a stop.

“Come on.” Kelvin says opening the door, he helps me get out of the car.

A beautiful garden came in sight, there was a dinner table in the middle of the garden.

“I noticed you didn’t eat much at the ball.” He whispers and I smile.

He notices every little thing about me, it made me happy. I have never had someone pay much attention at me, even when I was with Connor he was always busy we barely had time for each other. He was always on guard.

“What would you like to eat?.” He asks, I saw a glass of wine he was sipping, at least what I thought it was wine. It wasn’t.

“Do you drink human blood?.” I ask, I have heard rumors about him drinking the blood of my kind, it scared me he would hurt me in future.

“You heard the rumors.”

“I- it’s human blood, I would never drink the blood of your kind.” He says, some how his words comforted me, it made me believe him.

My gaze meets his every time I look up from my plate. He has the cutest smile, he asked me questions about myself, about my family. I asked him about his.

“Do you think you will be faster than me?.” Kelvin asks, I raise my eyes brows in confusion until I realized what he meant.

“Not possible.”

“We should have a race.”

“Now?.” I ask looking down at the dress. If I change I would need a new set of clothing.

“No.” He smiles.

I know I can’t be faster than Kelvin. I could run faster than a normal vampire but not one of the brotherhoods.

I wish I could stay here with him, I felt at peace. I was happy for once but all happiness comes to an end.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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