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I gulped. I know that stare. "Why did you stop?" I tried my voice to sound normal.

"How long will it take?" He asked me.


"This. Or maybe tomorrow you won't pay attention to me." He said sadly, I just smiled at Saint.

"Don't worry, Saint. I am giving you a chance to prove yourself in me." Saint smiled at what I said.

"Smile at me." He suddenly ordered, and I eyed him.

"I thought you hated my smile?" I asked him, and he just shrugged.

"Nope. I lied. I love your smile, smile at me." Because of what he said, a smile appeared on my lips.

He looked at my neck where the necklace he gave me was placed. He smiled and then looked at me again. It's really unusual for me to see him smile, but maybe I should get used to it because I always see it on his face.

surprised when he suddenly approached me and planted a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. He immediately walked away from me and winked at me, and continued to drive the car home.

Oh, My heart is so well fed up, what is he doing to me?

When we got home, we were surprised when Saint opened up to us. We did not expect what we saw.

Savienna? What did you do?

I hurried to Savienna and saw her standing in the kitchen with a knife in her hand. It's the kitchen knife! I looked at the floor and saw some of our helpers wounded and others unconscious and bleeding from the forehead. What is it?

"Savienna? What did you do?" I asked her angrily, she smiled at me. A creepy smile that he always shows to everyone.

"Sorry sis, I got bored. Besides, I'm irritated by the maids here, they don't want to follow my wishes!" He said irritated.

"What did you do to her?" I asked. The maids here are obedient and follow everything they are told to do.

"I want them to kill themselves in front of me, if they don't want to, I'll do it." He said simply that I immediately looked at Saint and I can see that he is already dialing 911.

"The ambulance is on its way here with the police," Saint said I looked at Savienna again and she was not even surprised by what Saint said. Almost everyone is afraid when they hear the police but why him? He seems to be very used to it.

"I suggest you don't call the ambulance. Just treat Sister Mary, because you won't like what will happen when they bring the police." Huh? What does he mean?

"Shut it down Hellion and tell them it's a joke, do you want me to go crazy and hurt you too?" He said with a grin as he played with the knife in his hand. I saw the fear in the eyes of our maids.

I heard Saint canceled the call. I took a deep breath and looked at Savienna, and I saw how her eyes changed. That bloodlust again. I see, it seems that his desire to kill becomes active when someone looks at him badly.

She tossed the knife in the air so I looked at it. "I don't like the stare that you have in there, sis."

"I told you to behave Savienna right? Why didn't you obey?" I said emphatically. She laughed a very creepy laugh.

"I will not follow someone like you, you're just a normal citizen of this country. Just like what you wanted." He said laughing.

"You know Sabrina, nowadays only the smart and strong can survive in this world. What about you? What are you doing? You only rely on Hellion." He said laughing. I felt a strong pain from what he said, he was right I just hope for Saint.

If Saint didn't come every time I was in danger, I'm sure I wouldn't be in this world anymore.

"You have no place in this world, weaklings like you are useless-" I didn't hear what Savienna was going to say next when I felt Saint's palms on both of my ears.

He is covering my ears so I can't hear Savienna's words. I looked at Savienna and saw a smile on her face as if to say that she was right in everything she said.

Savienna left and Saint and I were left with our wounded maids. I looked at Saint and smiled slightly.

"Don't believe what he says." He said and cupped my face with his hands. I grabbed his hand and removed it from my face.

I just shook my head. "It's true, Saint. He's telling the truth."

"Just don't mind what she just said okay? She is just being crazy." Saint promised.

I just nodded to him, and went to the injured maids and helped them stand up. If only I could erase Savienna's words but I can't.

All of that is true. I always depend on Saint, and I don't want the time to come when I still act when Saint is gone. I need to learn too. I need to protect myself because Saint is not always there.

I've been thinking a lot about this. I know Saint won't agree but it's for my own good. And I need to learn, I want to know how much I can do.

I want to join the underground school.

The next day it's like nothing happened for Savienna, she acts like she didn't do anything bad yesterday, which really annoys me. She's only been staying at Saint's mansion for a few days, but if she gets a chance, it's like she's the queen of this mansion.

Saint let her use my room, it is against Sister Mary that Saint and I are in the same room because no matter what Saint says, he is still a man and I am a woman. So right now I'm the only one sleeping in Saint's room because he sleeps in his office.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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