

I checked my watch for what is probably the tenth time this morning. Alejandro and I agreed to meet up at a local bookstore and out of excitement I arrived half an hour early.

Al is my boyfriend and we’ve been dating for over two weeks now. I love to read books and the fact we connected so well with books made me joyfully elated. I connected with little people when it comes to books but with him, it felt so different, and talking about it makes me feel giddy.

I looked down at my outfit wondering if I overdressed. I’m wearing a beige-colored skirt with a cream long sleeved shirt tucked in, white sneakers and my hair is held back in a high ponytail with a beige ribbon. I went light on my makeup with mascara, winged eyeliner and bubblegum pink lipstick.

I heard the bell that signifies when someone walks into the shop and my head snapped up immediately but my heart plummeted when I realized it wasn’t him. Maybe I should just look around the store; I could get a few new books. Something probably came up and he is running a bit late; that’s all.

I sighed and made my way over to the romance section; I could use a few new romance reads to stomach my disappointment after today. I put two in my cart when I heard someone cough behind me.

I froze and muttered a silent prayer; please let it be him. I turned around slowly and saw Alejandro.

He was wearing a plain black tee that hugged his biceps and washed out jeans. His hair was messy as if he had run his hands through it a few times and he smelled like a fresh shower and cologne.

My lower belly clenched as I took in his delicious features. He looked a bit awkward standing in a quaint bookstore like this. It is obvious that he was made to stand out and not to fit in.

I didn’t know how much it would have hurt if he ditched me until now. I can’t help the relief flooding through my skin as well as something else I can’t exactly pinpoint.

“Hi,” I said softly, “You’re here.”

“I’m here,” he said almost as if he couldn’t believe it himself.

He came closer to me and kissed me on my lips.

“I didn’t think you were going to show up.”

“I didn’t think so too.”

My face fell at his admission. He wanted to ditch me. “You didn’t have to come,” I hate how small my voice sounds.

“That’s not what I meant,” he said, “A few things came up this morning; that’s why I’m late.”

He always has something to do. I don’t want to sound like a demanding girlfriend but there are some things that he doesn’t tell me and I really wish he does.

“It’s alright; you don’t have to explain yourself to me.” He just grunted so I kept walking. “You should try this book; I’ve seen reviews about it on tiktok.”

I held out two copies of The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata.

“I know it looks pretty thick but it's really nice.” I told him, “Should I grab a copy for you.”

He shrugged and I realized he probably isn’t one for conversation so I just put it in my cart. He grabbed it and put it back on the shelf.

“You don’t want to read it.” I deduced. “That’s okay.”

I grabbed about three more books from the romance section before turning to him.

“So what genre do you think I should try?” I asked, “I’m looking to branch out in my reading preferences.”

“Just read what you like.” He replied.

“How about we do a little game,” I offered, “I give you four books from my favorite genre and you give me four books from yours.”

“You want me to read romance?” It was more of a question than a statement.

“Well I’m probably going to be reading some action or horror book,” I joked.

He looked at me with a foul expression and I laughed.

“It's a thriller with a bit of romance,” he muttered.

“Are you serious?” I asked and he nodded, “And you made fun of me yesterday for reading thriller romance.” He just gave me a bland look, “Alright then, let’s get some thriller romances.”

He put four books that I’ve never heard of in my cart and led me over to the counter. The cashier did a double take when she saw him and a part of me wanted to scratch her eyes out.

Since when am I violent? I am a peace loving individual.

When she was done bagging up the books I brought out my card to pay but Alejandro stopped me. He handed her the card and she swiped it quickly.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I said softly.

“What kind of boyfriend would it make me be if I let my girlfriend pay for her own books?” He questions.

I felt my stomach rumble with joy and a sweet feeling overtook my body. Every time he calls me his girlfriend, I cannot help but feel giddy. We’ve been dating for three weeks for crying out loud.

“I have enough books.” His tone was curt and held no room for discussion.

“Well thank you,” I smiled, “For the books; they’ll probably last me a few weeks.”

“You’re welcome.”

I looked around; it’s still very early in the afternoon and I don’t want to go home yet.

“Say, do you want to get something to eat?” I asked, “I’m starving after walking around for so long.”

“Lunch isn’t a bad idea.”

“Great, I know this really good fast food joint just up the corner.”

Al returned shortly with his car and I joined him inside.

He ignited the car and began to drive. I stared at the pedestrian on the road as he drove. We didn’t say anything to one another.

“You want to listen to some music?” He asked and I nodded my head with a smile on my face.

“Leave it,” I said to him when I heard stitches by Shawn Mendes playing and he seemed to want to change it.

“You don’t like it?” I asked when I noticed that he wasn’t vibing to the song.

“Of course. I don’t listen to songs like this.” He replied.

“Of course, you won’t. You are a sucker for a sad ending.” I remarked, recalling how he told me he loved it when a character dies and people go through pain.

He chuckled.

I increased the volume so I could sing along to the chorus.

“You watch me bleeding till I can’t breathe. I’m shaking….”

I could tell he wasn’t happy about it but he didn’t say anything and I kept singing until the song ended. We reached our destination.

“You never told me what kind of music you listen to,” I told him before removing my seatbelt.

“I love sad songs.” He replied.

“Stay here.” He said getting out of the car.

A smile formed on my face when he opened the door for me. “You do not have to do this. I am not a princess.” I told him.

“You don’t have to be a princess for me to treat you like one.” He said.

His words sent shivers down my spine. The effect he has on me.

We entered the restaurant and he pulled back a seat for me to sit. “Thank you,” I said.

He sat down shortly and called for the attendance of the waiter.

After taking our order, the waiter walked away to go get it for us. “I hope you enjoyed yourself today?” He asked.

“Yes. Thank you.” I told him, grateful that he remembered that I wanted to go to the aquarium.

“Anything for you Emily.” He said.

There was just something about the way he called my name that made me feel butterflies dancing in my stomach. My name sounded so different from his mouth each time he called it.

The waiter returned shortly with our order and we ate, discussing ourselves. It was more of me talking about myself while he listened.

“Thanks for today. I told him when he pulled up in front of the gate of my mansions.

“Thanks for coming out with me.” He replied, holding my hand.

Our eyes locked that minute and we stared at each other. It felt as if we were the only ones present and nothing mattered.

“Goodnight Emily.” He said, not letting go of my hands and I didn’t want to let go too.

“Goodnight Al,” I said, sounding out of breath.

We were still staring at one another. My eyes darted to his lips. They were inviting and tempting. I wanted to kiss him.

“Emily.” He called and I raised my head to look at him.


He came closer to me, he placed one of his hands on my waist and the other cupped my face and before I knew it, he placed his lips on mine.

The kiss was short and sweet and when he pulled back, I was out of breath. I felt my cheek flush.

“Have a good night.” He said.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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