


Damn! I missed her so much. Without a second thought, I picked up my second phone from my bedside table and dialled her number.

"Hi, Alejandro." She said, her voice sweet like it was laced with honey. Plus, I love the way she always says my name. No one has ever swept me off my feet, just by calling my name. But she did so effortlessly.

"Emily, how are you doing?" I asked, rubbing my eyes lazily.

"Not so fine, Alejandro. Dad has travelled and he will be gone for two days. So, I'm home alone and it's very boring." She complained, oblivious to how cute and amusing her voice sounded.

"Watch a movie or something, then."

"Alejandro?" Her sweet voice called, soon after it was followed by utmost silence, with just her breath reverberating from the other end. Then, she asked. "Would you like to come over?"

Those last statements of hers brought me to my feet immediately. I would pay anything just to be with her and, here was the offer without a single price tag. I felt my stomach did this back-flip that was unexplainable. To crown it all, I was fucking smiling. Alejandro was smiling because a girl invited me over.

I think I needed to get my brain checked.

"I'll be right over, Emily." I said at last.

"Okay." She muttered beneath her breath. "Don't be late."

Without further ado, I hung up. Heading straight into the bathroom to take a shower.

Several minutes later, I was fully dressed, spraying my cologne all over my body to make it all complete. For one thing, there was no way I left my home without spraying my perfume, inhaling the sweet fragrance. It was a necessity. Infact, it was inevitable.

Walking out at once,with my car keys in one hand and my cellphone in the other, I closed the door softly behind me.

After visiting the florist, to get a bouquet for Emily. An hour later, I was standing in front of the main house door.

My gaze drifted to the exterior of the mansion. Although I had been here once or twice, today felt like my first. I had never taken a proper notice of Emily's house.

Her house didn't look much different from mine on the outside. Those bricks were laid one at a time, perhaps on a fine spring day. I let my eye wander the roughness and how each was so very straight. This house was made with love, that's for sure.

Suddenly, the door flung open, revealing a smiling Emily, who held out her hand to me.

"Hi" She said.

I held out the bouquet in my hand to her and she took it, grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you." She placed a brief kiss on my forehead and looked away coyly. "Come on in."

The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. Upon the walls were photographs of Emily's family, so obviously loved. The floor was an old fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were the greens of summer garden meeting a bold ingenious done piece of artwork. The banister was a twirl of a hand, tamed by the carpenter's hand. Its grain flowing like water might, in waves of comforting woodland hue. Under the lamp-shine it was nature's art. Something that soothed right into the soul.

The dining table was to the right, and was situated in a turret of windows. Both rooms were a shade of yellow and I smiled. My house was white. Of course it was the parsonage. I could see a bar curving into the galley styled kitchen. The window shades were pulled up so the morning sun beamed into the room.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Emily said, gesturing at the whole living room.

"It's beautiful." I retorted, smiling as I stared at each and every single detail the interior portrayed.

"Let's go to my room." She said, pulling me with her and I made no effort to argue. Instead, I succumbed to every direction we took. Soon, we were in Emily's room.

My eyes hovered around her room as I walked in. Unlike other girls that preferred pink, Emily was different. Judging by the lilac coloured paint down to the beige furnitures, I could tell she was no fan. Her room wall was covered in beautiful and creative posters of ballet dancers and a single one of Chris brown.

I smiled again, impressed by the whole settings. Then my gaze drifted to the miniatures exquisite frame of she and her Dad on the dressing table. The resemblance was quite striking, I must say.

"You like Chris brown?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied, switching on the television. "You?"

"Well, I won't say he is my favorite but I'm not biased about him either."

"Please sit."

I looked around for where to sit, but the only option seemed to be her bed. At first, I didn't want to appear so forward by jumping on her bed, so I stood.

"Sit on the bed, Alejandro. It won't bite."

That was the permission I needed. Without further ado, I plopped on the bed, removing my leather jacket.

Netflix was boldly displayed on her to screen, I watched how she scrolled through each genre and collection of movies before she finally settled on one, titled 365 days.

Few minutes into the movie, and I was able to tell it belonged to the romantic genre. The chemistry between Laura and Massimo also had me on edge.

Seeing the characters were also italian like I was, pulled me deep into the movie and my attention was solely focused on them. Until, Emily asked me;

"What kind of foreplay do you like?"

I looked into her eyes, searching for the kind of answers she seeked but when I opened my mouth to respond, what came out was utterly rubbish that I, myself was also dumbfounded.

"BDSM ain't a bad idea. Would you like to be my puppet?"

Emily's eye widened at me.

I thought of all the scenario that could take place. She may slap me across the face, yelled at me for being so irreasonable or tell me how much she hated my guts. To my utmost dismay, she said nothing. Instead, she placed a light feathery kiss on my lips and pulled away.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Emily's POV

He pulled me tighter to him and crashed his lips on mine hungrily. The chemistry between us was undeniable as our lips moved in rhythm against the other. Gently, he raised one of my legs and wrapped it around his waist, without breaking the kiss.

This felt too good after a very long time.

I moaned, parting my lips slightly while he teased my mouth with his tongue. He tasted like mango and I couldn't get enough of it. I licked every corner of his mouth while his hand moved to cup my butt.

He squeezed my butt cheeks softly. Pulled away from the kiss and trailed his lips down to the fabric covering my breast. Slowly, I released another moan.

"Kiss me right there, Alejandro." I muttered underneath ragged breath. "I'm all yours."

Then he paused, smirking as I shot him a confused look.

"Why did you stop, Alejandro?"

"Are you sure about this, Emily?"

I nodded, avoiding his eyes out of shyness and my cheeks turned crimson red.

With a swift manoeuvre, he placed me on top of him and settled between my legs. And with a lot of burning desires, our lips collided again. While, he massaged my ass and let his hand travel to my boobs. I let out a shaky moan and Alejandro smiled.

He knew what he was doing to me, seeing the amusement in his eyes as I responded to each and every one of his touch.

Yanking off the cotton fabric, revealing my round tits adorned with a pink nipple.

Alejandro murmured. "You're beautiful, Emily." And I blushed again, feeling all giddy inside.

He lowered his head and teased my nipples, licking, teasing, tasting and sucking.

"Alejandro." I moaned his name out loud.

"Yes?" He replied, with my nipples still in his mouth.

"Don't stop."

He increased his pace and squeezed a small part of my thigh softly. I immediately felt wet as he closed the little distance between us. We resumed kissing, it was passionate and hot, full of wants, needs and desires.

Shit! This should last forever.

Moving from my breasts, he placed soft feathery kisses on my skin all the way down to my belly button. I must confess, this wasn't the first time I had sex. But Alejandro made it feel afresh and he was just on foreplay.

I parted my legs further for him. He slowly removed my panties, his gaze watching my reaction like a hawk. Tossing my panties on the floor, his mouth replaced my opening. I felt his tongue teased my clit and it felt like heaven.

"Oh Alejandro!" I moaned.

His tongue thrust deeper and deeper, with each stroke leaving me in desperate need for more. Damn, I have never felt so alive. Slowly, I arched high and I felt myself released.

I watched Alejandro licked my juice from every corner of his mouth and smiled. He proceeded to remove his shirt, tossing it to the floor. Soon after, his pants followed.

I gasped at the sight of his cock. They were huge and ready, waiting to penetrate my already wet hole. Alejandro pulled out a wrapper from the back of his trouser pocket and slid it on his manhood.

With a ragged breath, he thrusted into me. The feeling was so surreal and our body moved in rhythm against one another.

"Emily!" I heard him moan out my name.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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