
Emily's POV

I arched high, attaining the highest level of ecstasy my body had ever felt. Alejandro, on the other hand, mumbled incoherent words, calling my name repeatedly. It was obvious, he had attained orgasm as his tongue licked my ear.

"Emily!" I felt his whole body shudder as he slumped onto me.

With ragged breath and incessant gasps for air, I smiled. That was the best sex I have ever had in my entire life.

"How do you feel?" Alejandro asked, nursing my chin.


Alejandro pulled me closer to him, covering the little distance between us. He slowly and gently placed a light feathery kiss on my sweat-slicked forehead.

"I think I'm falling in love with you, Emily." He confessed.

My stomach knotted. Alejandro confessing his feelings to me felt so surreal and I felt my heart thumping real hard against my chest.

Oh my goodness! Did he just say that? I asked myself.

Turning my head to face him squarely, I grinned.

"I feel the same way about you too, Al."

I stared at the man lying beside me. He was the most gorgeous and the most handsome man, I had ever seen and I couldn't believe he was mine. My stomach did a flip-flop this time, making me feel all giddy and warm inside.

"We should go out later, Emily. I want to hang out more with you and listen to you speak all day long." He stated, stroking my disheveled, tangled black hair.

"That reminds me, Al. Yesterday, some men dressed in all black, shot two men dead—" I paused to see his reaction.

But his face was blank, expressing no emotions whatsoever. Instead, he kept quiet and prompted me to go on. So I did.

"— I'm guessing they're mafias, Al. Like how could human hunt down another human in their own blood and flesh. That's why I don't want to ever have anything to do with mafias. They are ruthless, aggressive and very, very dangerous."

Alejandro said nothing still.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything, Al?" I asked, confused by his state of profounding silence.

He could have just agreed with me, or perhaps commented a thing or two about his opinion on mafias. Him, deciding to remain mute on the matter kept me on edge.

"I was listening to you, Emily. I didn't know you wanted me to talk yet."

My nerves suddenly calmed. Almost at once, my gaze drifted to the alarm clock on my nightstand. Then, it dawned on me that my Dad would be arriving any moment from now.

I pulled up to a sitting position, adjusting the sheets to cover my naked breast. "My dad would be back home soon, Al."

Without further ado, Alejandro sat up.

"Let's take a shower, Emily." He instructed and I nodded. Gently, he pulled me with him to a standing position. Unbothered by our sweat-slicked naked body, we kissed again. This time, it was passionate but brief. Sealing the kiss, Alejandro ran his tongue over my lip and I felt myself tightened down there.

"Where is your bathroom?" He asked.

Gesturing at the closed door, right at the end of my room. Alejandro immediately scooped me into his arm and whisked me towards the bathroom. I giggled all the way, appreciating and hoping this happy moment of ours would last forever.

As light as a feather, he laid me into the bathing tub and opened the tap. Almost at once, water gushed out, cascading down my back into the tub and I cringed at the cold sensation that ran through my spine.

I watched Alejandro pick up the bar of my bathing soap along with a sponge.

"I'm going to bath you, Emily." His voice was taunting, and I got wet for him again.

As if acting on cue, he slid his two fingers into my clit, circling around the area while I felt myself tightened.


"Yes, Emily. Say it."

To be honest, I was going to tell him to stop. I was enjoying it and my mind was on fire, refraining from exploding from the ecstasy. But what came out of my mouth next surprised me.

"Don't stop, Al."

Alejandro quickened his pace, thrusting and trudging faster than he did before. All at once, a sudden rush of sweet sensation ran through my body. I yelled out his name and collapsed afterwards.

He removed his fingers and slipped them into his mouth, tasting and licking my juice right off them. I blushed at the act and covered my face in sheer embarrassment.

"You fucking taste wonderful, Emily." His husky and raspy voice said.

"Thank you, Al." I mouthed.

"For what?"

"For making me feel this way."

"No, thank you, Emily. For making me discover some part of me, I never knew existed."

Several minutes later, we were both done taking a shower. Fully clothed, Alejandro and I stood in my lounge hand in hand.

"Please stay for dinner, Al." I begged.

"I'm sorry, Emily. Gotta go."

"But why?" I queried.

"I've got urgent business to attend to."

I scoffed. "Business? Al, did you just say business?"

Alejandro ran his hand through his hair, smoothening out the strands that stood fiercely among his layers of hair and I found him quite sexy.

"Yes, Emily. I've been here for two days. I can't ignore my business much longer." He complained.

"Atleast, wait to have dinner with my Dad and I." I pressed on.

"Emily, I —" he started but I interrupted him immediately.

I folded my arms in akimbo beneath my chest. "—what kind of business is so important that you aren't willing to have a dinner with my Dad, Al?" I shot at him.

To my utmost surprise, Alejandro placed a sweet soft kiss on my forehead, and one kiss was all it took. Just one, had me grinning sheepishly like a little kid.

"It's confidential, Emily."

My brows furrowed and I pouted. "But—"

"Shhhh!" He placed a finger on my lips, a tingling sensation tugged at that part right after. "See you later, Emily."

He squeezed my chin softly, placing a sweet kiss on my skin thereafter. Then, he walked out of the door.

"Alejandro!" I called. Not wanting him to leave me.

"I will call you, Emily!"

My shoulders sank and I plopped on the couch in the lounge. My mind drifted to everything that transpired between Alejandro and I in the last forty eight hours. My sweet Italian gorgeous hunk, the man of my dreams. I blessed the day I set my eyes on you.

Smiling coyly to myself and replaying the memories over and over again. My eyelids became heavy, and soon I slipped into oblivion.

"Look, who's home!"

I jolted awake by the sound of the voice, only to see my Dad walking in with his luggage and a briefcase.

A pang of headache tugged at the corner of my head. My vision blurred as I slowly tried to collect myself.

"Why are you sleeping here, Emily?" My dad asked.

I stifled a yawn. "I think I fell asleep here right after Alejandro left."

My Dad raised a brow at me. "Who is Alejandro?"

"Oh!" I face-palmed myself. "He is my boyfriend."

"The one you told me about?"


"What was he doing here?" My dad asked, plopping on the couch beside me.

"Come on, Dad!" I shrieked. "Can't my boyfriend come to visit me?"


I cut him off. "I'm not a child, Dad. So please!" I feigned annoyance.

My Dad thumped his feet on the floor. I knew him, that was exactly what he does anytime he was angry or about to get angry.

So I inhaled deeply and let it out in a loud gush. "I'm sorry for yelling, Dad. I invited him over." I confessed.

My Dad turned to face me. He took my hand in his. "Emily, I'm not saying you shouldn't have a boyfriend or something. Of course, you can. You're a grown woman and you have every right to choose whatever you want for yourself."

My eyes felt misty. "Thanks Dad."

He patted the back of my hand. "But do you know what he does, where he lives, and who he really is?" My dad questioned.

"I'm still asking him, Dad."

"And what is his response?"

"He hasn't said anything yet."

"Emily—" He started again and I cut him off.

"No, Dad. I know what you are going to say. Alejandro is not a mafia!" My voice raised a little and I struggled to regain my poise immediately.

Dad stood up, removing his hand from mine. " Okay, if you say so, Emily. But—" he paused for a moment. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

I bit my lower lip.

Picking up his luggage from the floor, I headed for his room, signalling the end of our mafia discussion. My dad was about to ruin my lovely mood and I wasn't willing to take that chance.

"What do you want for dinner, Dad?" I asked, hoping to change the whole atmosphere from a sulking mode to an elated one.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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