

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror; White floral pleated gown, silver jewelries and a black stilettos was all it took to have me looking like a princess. Alejandro would be wowed when he set his eyes on me.

Picking on my black handbag, I tossed my cellphone, lip gloss and a bundle of money into it and zipped it close.

One last quick survey at my reflection on the mirror, I picked up my car key from my dressing table then walked out my room door.

Today was Alejandro and I's first month anniversary. Funny how time flies, I couldn't believe that the little moment we both shared had immediately skidded into a month. And the couple of weeks had been my best moments in my entire life. Alejandro had given me the best sex, amazing kisses that made my heart flutter even at the thought of it, and most of all, comfort. I felt absolute warmth and peace in his arms.

Although we had not seen each other for three days after the incident at the cake shop, I couldn't wait to meet him today. When he called this morning, I actually thought it was to wish me a happy month anniversary and how glad he had been to have had me in his life, but I was wrong. Alejandro didn't remember a damn thing. All he mumbled was incessant words of how much he had missed me and couldn't wait for us to be together once more.

The moment I told him we had completed a month, his silence afterwards proved he had no single idea about it. But why I liked Alejandro was the fact that he would always admit to his faults and made quick efforts to correct them.

Igniting my car engine, I typed in the location he had asked us to meet on my google map, then my car reversed out of our parking lot into the main road.

In no time, I arrived at the said location. Marvelled by how magnificent and alluring the five star hotel looked, my lips curved into a smile. Alejandro had outdone himself once more.

Suddenly, my phone beeped and I stared at the message on my screen.

Just walk in to your left. There are people there to direct you.



I smiled then picked up my handbag. As soon as I opened my car door, a young looking valet walked up to me and offered to help park my car properly.

Without further ado, I handed my car key over to him. Then, I strode into the building. Everywhere was dark and serene. At first, I thought I was at the wrong place because I was unable to see thoroughly and the atmosphere was very quiet. So much thatone could hear a pin dropped on the floor.

Suddenly, the whole room illuminated with bright blue light and a cool crescendo Chris brown music immediately altered my mood.

With a wide smile plastered on my face, Alejandro strode across the room to me. He looked absolutely dashing in a black leather jacket, denim jeans trouser and a white shirt. Holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and the other was in his pocket. The charisma and self confidence radiating from him made me feel proud to have him as my man and I felt like screaming on top of voice, telling everyone in the whole wide world that I have got the best man any lady would ever wished for.

"You look stunning." He said, placing a soft feathery kiss on my forehead.

Pulling him into a deep warm embrace, I muttered beneath my breath. "Thank you."

He tore himself away from me gently, stretched out the bouquet in his hand and I immediately collected them, sniffing in the nice scent attached to it.

"Smells nice."

Alejandro nodded. Then his hand clasped around my wrist, guiding me to our table.

It was just a lone table with two chairs, situated at the center of the large room. And I couldn't help but wonder if he had booked the whole room just for us. I smiled at the thought once more.

He gently pulled out a chair for me, and I sat on it. Then he plopped on the other.

"What would you like, Mia signora?"

I smiled at his smooth Italian accent and my cheeks flushed.

"V-vo-g-lio—" I stammered, choking on my words.

"No, don't give up, Emily. You're doing great." He prepped. "Please continue."

I was about to say something again when a sturdy looking man, with a fake moustache affixed above his upper lip walked up to our table, distracting us both.

"Ma perdonami che vino vorresti ordinaire, maestro Alejandro?" The man who was dressed like a chef asked.

Based on my little knowledge on Italian, I knew he meant ' what would you like to order, but the fact that he called Alejandro by his name and also added a master title got me on edge.

"Dammi un po' di tempo." Alejandro responded back at once.

I also knew he meant 'give me a little time. The chef nodded and walked away.

To be honest, I was so impressed with how fluent Alejandro was in italian. The man was too talented to be able to speak English, French and Italian fluently. I, on the other hand, started doing a little research on Italian when I discovered his origin and I also wanted to surprise him.

"That was impressive, Al." I beamed at him sweetly. "I have never heard you speak Italian before."

Alejandro took my hand in his. "No you're more impressive, Emily. I never knew you could say a thing or two in italian." He commended.

"Actually, I did a little research because of you."

"Oh really?" He asked, surprise clearly evident in his voice.

"Yes, really." I said, smiling.

Alejandro squeezed my hand softly. "Then you deserve some accolades, baby girl."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Are you going to pay me in kind or —"

Before I could complete my statement, he reached out from across the table and crashed his lips down on mine. Almost at once, my knees felt wobbly and my head was as though it was going to explode. This guy knew how to make my body respond to each and every one of his touches.

Deepening the kiss, he slid his tongue into my mouth and I let out an inaudible moan. I wanted every inch of him and more. But then Alejandro broke the kiss.

I was a little disappointed. My lips felt sore and swollen, yet, I did not want us to stop.

"We will continue this later." He said, wiping my lips with the tip of his fingers.

I nodded.

"Why did the chef address you as master Alejandro?" I blurted out suddenly.

"Oh that?" He sat down back on his chair. " I know the owner of this restaurant."

I nodded again, not uttering a single more word.

"So what would you like, Emily?" He asked.

I ran my tongue over my upper lip in a seductive way. "Surprise me."

Alejandro chuckled at my little gesture. Then, he beckoned on the chef, who came running to us immediately. Having disclosed his order, the chef nodded and walked away.

Soon, he came back with two servings of pasta carbonara. And I found myself salivating at the alluring sight of the dish.

"So how was your day?" I asked him, picking up my fork.

Alejandro sighed. "Stressful." I watched him rubbed his eyes lazily before speaking up again. "If not because today marked a month of us together, I wouldn't have been able to meet with you today."

My smile fell to the floor and my face turned sour. "Why?"

"Let's forget about it. At least I'm here now, that's all that matters." He said, picking up his fork, he began to dig into his meal also.

A lot of scrambled thoughts immediately began to plague my head, but I shoved them down all at once. Today was a good day and nothing, absolutely nothing would spoil my mood.

We started with chatting about how our past few days had been, apart. I was intrigued to disclose to him about finishing the romantic novel I had been reading for two whole week. That was when I discovered Alejandro has not been an avid reader lately.

"Why haven't you been reading novels, Al?"I asked with a tone of concern.

"Work doesn't permit, Emily." He said, dismissing that particular discussion immediately.

I shrugged.

Pushing my plate forward for the waiter to pack up my empty plate alongside Alejandro's.

Surprisingly, we were served another desert which I couldn't fathom what it was precisely.

"Canestrelli." Alejandro chipped, knowingly.

I raised a brow. "What?"

"They're canestrelli. Freshly made Italian egg yolk cookies."

"Oh!" I feigned surprise and picked one from the tray. By the time, it landed in my mouth, I was amazed by how tasty and soft the cookie was.

"Great right?"

"Amazing." I replied, biting into the cookie once more. Never have I tasted a cookie as good as this. And I was totally impressed with the italian dishes I had so far.

"Alejandro Russo." An unfamiliar voice suddenly said and I looked up to see two men dressed in black walking towards us.

They stopped at our table, gazing from Alejandro to me then back to Alejandro.

"Alejandro Russo, the invisible mafia king, it's quite a pleasure to see you in person." The taller one said.

Immediately, the cookie in my hand dropped back to the tray in a loud thud.

What did the guy just say?

I shook my head slowly. Perhaps, I must have heard wrong. Maybe they were just pulling his legs.

Staring at Alejandro's blank face, with no expression whatsoever. My chest heaved as I returned my gaze back to the men.

"She's beautiful." The shorter one blurted. "I guess the almighty mafia king has a good taste."

At that moment, I knew this wasn't a joke. They sounded dead serious and Alejandro clenched fist right now proved their notion.

"I will kill you both, if you lay a single one of your fucking fingers on her." Alejandro said between gritted teeth and my heart dropped to my stomach.

This tone was unfamiliar. I had never heard him speak like this before. He sounded so stern......so ruthless.

I couldn't believe it.

Alejandro was a motherfucking mafia!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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