The Only Heir/C11 Chapter eleven
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The Only Heir/C11 Chapter eleven
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C11 Chapter eleven

I woke up by four am in the morning, my alarm hadn't even gone off yet, I had set it for 5:15am.

I changed from my pyjamas and I went out for a run, when I got back, I took my bath.

I went around my house for a short while to take in the scenery, I would miss the house, I was still taking in the scene when I remembered that I hadn't packed my bags yet and my flight was leaving in a few hours.

I went to the closet and as fast as I could, I packed my bags, I took the things I really needed and I left the rest.

It was about six am in the morning. The sun was still far east, the weather was cool, the sky was grey and dark and everything was quiet and still, I made coffee and I called my driver that would drive me to the airport.

I was done with drinking my coffee when the driver came.

“Good morning sir."

“Good morning." I told him and I climbed the car while he took my bags from me to drop them in the back seat.

I took a look at my house once again, it was the last time that I would be seeing that big white perfection, its large bay windows, its beautiful walnut doors, its structure, everything was majestic, I still watched it as our car climbed down the hills, I watched it until it disappeared from my view into nothingness, now, I could only see the claar blue sky, stained with bright golden streaks from the sun, the clouds were soft and they floated across the sky slowly, there was cold in the air and it was foggy and damp.

I rested my head on the headrest and I shut my eyes, there was slow music playing, it felt like I was taking a giant leap, I was going to another continent, and I was leaving my home, and I was leaving my family.

I inhaled deeply.

In shot while, we were at the airport.

I took my leather bags and I walked to the check in.

According to the attendant, there was going to be a delay because of the weather.

“Oh this darn weather." An old man shouted beside me, I looked at him and I turned away, I would have just taken my private jet and save myself the crap of being with people.

Thirty minutes had passed and still, I was at the airport.

A baby was crying behind me and his mother was shushing him, his cry was ringing in my ears and echoing in the hollows of my mind, I felt very frustrated, I turned around to look at the baby and his mother, she had sat the baby on her laps and started whispering to him.

I turned back and I brought out my phone to scroll through.

“Hi." I heard someone said, everybody just feels it's a good time to talk to me whenever I'm trying to scroll through social media.

But it wasn't just anyone, It was a little girl, she was about nine years old, she had Lisandré's eyes and beautiful brown wooly hair.

“Hey there," I told her and I watched her smile.

“Are you waiting because the weather is bad?."


“Me too, that was my baby brother crying, Toby, he's loud sometimes." She said pointing to the baby that was behind me.

" Yeah he was pretty loud, but he's stopped now. “

" Yes, Marie had put him to sleep. “

" Marie?. “

" Yeah, that's our nanny, my mom and dad are in London, were flying over to meet them. “

"Oh." I said realizing her soft English accent.

“Are you flying first class too?."she asked me.


“You look like one of my daddy's friends." She said taking the empty seat beside me.

“Oh, I do?."


“Your daddy, he's a busy man isn't he."

“Yeah, I hardly see any of them."

“Your mum is as busy too?."

“Yes, she's as busy, after she had Toby, she went right to work and I miss her, but anytime I try to say that I hardly see them, they tell me that they're working for us. “

" That's a little bit sad. “

" It's more than a little bit, do you have kids?. “

" No, I don't. “

" Do you have a little brother or sister?. “

" Nope. “

" Do you work so much?. “ I thought about the answer for a little bit and I replayed the question in my head.

" Well, I work but not so much. “

" What's your name?. “

" Darwin, what's yours?. “

" Adaline. “

" That's a very beautiful name. “

" Thank you, yours too. “

" Would you like to have kids?. “ she asked me, she thought too deep, more than the way her agemates would think.

" Yes, I'd love to. “

" Would you be too busy to take care of them?, If you would be too busy, it's better you don't have kids at all, because kids need love and candy. “

" They do, don't they?. “

" Yeah, they do. “

" Ada, come on, come over here. “ The nanny called.

" Byeee. “ She told me.

" Bye. “

At last, the weather was clear enough for us to fly safely.

I had seen Ada and her nanny holding the baby in the first class section, I knew that after today I might never see her again, she was really adorable, I pitied her, if she was my kid, we would go everywhere together, she made me want kids.

After we landed, I had booked a car and I was going to go to my house for the first time, I had seen it, of course but walking into the house itself was a real pleasure.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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