The Only Heir/C13 Chapter 13
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The Only Heir/C13 Chapter 13
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C13 Chapter 13

I drove to my office, it was 9:36, as I was coming towards it, I had sighted the big sign in front of the building, written on it was Sinova in big golden block letters, it sent chills down my spine.

It was a fifteen storey building, but I wasn't staying at the top floor.

I entered into the building and I was met by a pretty lady.

“ Mr Darwin, she called.

It's nice to finally meet you, please come, let's introduce you to your employees, I'm Mandy, your assistant. “

" Hi Mandy. “

" Hi. “ She said and giggled.

I watched her do her job, she was quick and effective, that was what I needed, quick and effective and she had a beautiful streak of grace.

She had brown doe eyes, and brunette hair, small fine lips that I liked to watch.

She had introduced me to everyone, every single person had gathered to see me.

I gave a small speech that wasn't practiced, I had talked to them with my heart and I felt they liked me.

Everything was going very good on my first day.

I heard a knock on my door, I could see everything and everybody outside because my wall was made with glass.

I saw who was knocking, it was lady, I didn't know her name yet.

“Good afternoon." She had said when she opened the door.

“Good afternoon."

“I'm Sophia, I'm your company's manager, I'm here to discuss to you about somethings that I think would be great for the company."

“Come on in." I told her.

I heard her ideas, she was a very smart woman and she was pretty too, but not as Pretty as Mandy.

About half an hour later, someone else knocked on the door, this time it was a man.

“Good afternoon sir, get ready for your first meeting with clients, the meeting starts in ten minutes."

" Thank you. “

" I'm doing my job, sir. “

" You look like someone I've met before.“ I told him.

" Almost everybody says that to me.“

" What's your name?. “

" Edison. “

" Finally, I get to meet people who's names are in old English. “ I said and he laughed, Instantly, I liked him.

I had finished my first meeting and everything went as planned.

It was 3:25 when Mandy walked into my office.

“Sir, I brought some files for you, I've been reviewing them all afternoon and I've selected the ones I want you to take a look at."

" Thank you, I asked for some documents earlier. “

" Yeah, I included them here. “

" Thank you. “

" You're welcome sir. “

She dropped the files on my desk and before she took her hands up, I saw a cut on her wrist, or I thought I saw because it just flashed before my eyes for a second.

“What's your full name?." I asked her.


“Your full name?."

“Mandy Scotts."

“What does Mandy shorten?."

“Oh, Mandeline, that's my full name."

“Mandeline, that's a beautiful name."

“Thank you."

“I'm hoping this isn't too personal."


“The question I'm about to ask you."

“What's that?."

“Take a seat."

“Thank you."

“You have a cut on your wrist."

“Oh, you have a sharp eye."

“What happened to you."

“Oh, I fell, when I was little."

“Mandeline, you can trust me."

She stared at me for a short while but it was enough for her eyes to pierce my soul.

“Okay. I had this cut, when I was a stupid teenage girl. When I was young, about eight years of age, my mum, my mum was discovered dead by a group, a group of children, they had found her lying dead in the alley, I was playing in the park when they had come to tell me that my momma was dead, I didn't understand what they were talking about, how come my mum was dead, she had told me that if I go to play with my friends, she would make me some pie, I loved pies and so I left to play with my friends in the park and by the time I got to where her body was laying, she was surrounded by a group of people, who didn't let me hold her, they felt I was too young, I could see her but I couldn't touch her, so they took her away and I never saw her again, I didn't have any siblings, it was just me and my dad, I knew that he had something to do with her death, that man was a devil, somehow I always knew, even though he never told it to me, he didn't look as if he was grieving her death, he just became more of an alcoholic and he drank himself to nothing most times and he would come back to the house late sometimes, or he wouldn't come home at all, so as a child, that didn't have anybody to take care of me, I looked for ways to take care of myself, of course I had to survive, I became quick on my feet and sharp, I learnt to do by myself what my age mates would still be dreaming of, I had worked to pay for my secondary school education, I worked part-time at a convenient store, and I didn't loose focus because if I did, I could die, but I didn't forgive my mum for leaving me behind, I didn't forgive her, it was all her fault that I was suffering. “ I watched some few drops of tears slip past her eyes, she reached out for tissues to wipe her eyes.

“I'm sorry for getting all emotional, I haven't told it to anybody in a very long time."

“You don't have to apologize, I'm sorry for asking you to tell me the story, if you hadn't told me, you wouldn't have cried."

“It's fine, I haven't said half of the story yet, and I cried I'm such a weeper, it's just that I felt that I could tell it to you, I don't know why but I feel I can trust you, I have only told my story to one person."

“ Thank you for trusting me."

“You're welcome."

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