The Only Heir/C31 Chapter 31
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The Only Heir/C31 Chapter 31
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C31 Chapter 31

I was done with checking the cabin, I couldn't see anything inside from the outside, but I knew that if anybody was inside they could see me, so I was careful not to make any noise.

I looked around, there was no vehicle around, no sign of human life, the cabin was just like a mini prison of some sort.

I knocked on the door, my pulse was as normal as when I was sitting still. I wasn't scared, no, fear was not part of my feeling, although I felt anxious for Mandy, I wanted her to be safe, God knew I did.

I stood there after knocking but nobody answered the door, I was as silent as I could be, I didn't hear a sound, just the swooshing of pine trees and the steady beating of wood peckers.

I wondered how this place would be at night time. I didn't like the woods very much, for one thing, the smell that the trees gave the air, I didn't like that smell, although I liked to see pictures of woods like this.

Nobody had answered the door yet

I waited a short while, before I knocked again. My gun in my hand, ready to shoot down anybody that showed up at the door.

Then I heard small noises behind the door, before the voice came.

“Yes, who is it?." I heard from inside, the voice was familiar, I had heard it over the phone.

“An old friend." I said.

I had seen a picture of Geoffrey, I knew what he looked like, blonde hair, straight nose.... There was nothing about him, nothing that made him look handsome in any way, he was just plain.

But I knew that he had a serious reputation with harassing women, God knows why he built a cabin in the woods far from all human activities.

Slowly, I heard the locks come undone.

Then I saw his golden head peer through the door.

It was him, this was Geoffrey.

I saw his eyes scan me, from where he was, he wouldn't see my gun.

“Do you know me?." He asked, not getting a hint of what was happening.

I wasn't going to waste anytime with him. I kicked the door in a way that his head would have come off, but it didn't, although his neck had suffered the pressure.

Now he was on the ground in his living room, crawling. Crawling towards the hallway door.

I looked around, there was a dinning table in the corner, the living room looked like a normal living room, it had all the furnitures.

I bent on one knee and I held him by the collar. He must have figured it all out by now.

“Where is she?."

He spat on my face, his saliva was mixed with blood. I wiped my face with my sleeve.

I smiled and I brought the gun to his forehead.

" I'm not joking with you, one more silly act and I'll surely pull this trigger and have your brains all around your own shitty living room, you picked the wrong person to mess with, Geoffrey, now where is Madeline. “

He laughed, his face was mixed with pleasure and pain.

“She's dead." He said and suddenly, he held me by my neck.

He must have been waiting for the right moment to strike.

Compared to mine, his hands were small, as if he was over bred and over pampered.

I threw him a punch that landed in the bridge of his nose.

He shouted as if life was escaping him, as if to save his life, he had to scream.

I took him by the leg and I pulled him across the hallway, stopping at each room and trying to open them. In total there were just three rooms and I wondered which one he was keeping Mandeline.

“Mandeline!." I shouted, I continued to shout but I didn't hear a response, I waited for something, anything, a yelp, a tiny scream, I heard nothing, it was just pure silence that was later crackled by Geoffrey.

“She's dead mate, I hit her in the head with a baseball bat, if you think I'm lying, go look, the bat is on the kitchen counter. You're too late, you should have come some hours earlier, she was alive some while ago.“

" Where are the keys!. “ I asked him.

" I don't have them, why don't you find them yourself.“

I watched him, he irritated me so much.

“You're no use to me Geoffrey, remember to say a little prayer." I told him and I bent on one knee, I would love to look in his sorry eyes when I did it.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, you're not gonna kill me over some bitch, she's not worth it."

I put the gun to his head, just above his eye brows and I pulled the trigger while staring into his soul, I watched his soul leave him and his eyes turned dead.

I shot the locks of the doors, all three of them and I went in.

I tried the first room, I searched for her but I couldn't see her, I tried the second, I still didn't find her, I hoped Geoffrey was just bluffing about her being dead.

Finally, I opened the door to the last room. Then I saw her there, laying on the bed.

I ran to her, blood had soaked the white sheet, it was darker where her head layed, I raised her in my arms and I carried her to the car, then, I drove as fast as I could.

I kept driving and I kept praying that she was fine, that she would be fine.

“Mandeline, stay with me, please." She wasn't conscious, but she wasn't dead, she could be dead any time from now, so her life depended on me, I knew where to get her to, I knew the way to the hospital.

But we were still in this darn woods.

After a short while, we drove out of the woods and into the high way, I reached back and I took Mandy's hand in mine, it was cold, I gave it a gentle squeeze.

And I whispered one more time, for the last time.

New chapter is coming soon
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