The Only Heir/C6 Chapter 6
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The Only Heir/C6 Chapter 6
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C6 Chapter 6

I was running from something, I was running but I didn't know what I was running from or who I was running from, but, I was running fast.

I saw a door ahead of me, and it was lit, there was light behind the door, soft glowing light, and immediately a feeling of relief washed over me.

If only I could get to the door and lock myself from the thing…but as I ran closer to the door, it seemed to stretch further, I tried running faster, I couldn't get to it, it was as if I was chasing the sky, then it dawned on me, no matter how much I chased the door, I wouldn't get to it, I couldn't…..I tore out of the dream and I sat up, cold sweat fell from my face down to my neck, I felt depersonalized.

I wasn't scared, I was angry.

For a long time, I sat on my bed, staring at nothing in particular, I didn't know what to do next.

It was 4:28am when I looked to the clock.

I went Into the bathroom and had a cold shower, then I went for a run outside, it kept my mind busy.

The weather was cold, I liked the way the breeze brushed my face as I ran, it was relieving.

It's been ages since I had a nightmare.

As soon as I got back to the house, I packed a few clothes and I left, I entered into the car and I drove, I drove far away from home, far away from the place I've always known as home. I drove far so if they tried to look for me, they wouldn't find me.

I didn't have a certain destination in mind, but, I knew that I had got to stop for food.

I stopped at a place, it caught my eye.

It was a hotel, like the ones I used to go to all the time, it's name was El Royale and it was grand.

“Hello, good afternoon, welcome to El Royale hotel and suites, how can I help you?." I turned my attention to the lady behind the counter.

“Good afternoon. How much for a grand suite?."

I opened the door to the suite and I walked into it.

Cold air kissed me, the room was painted brilliant white and in some places turquoise, the marble decor was requisite and it had a refreshing feel to it,

It had a king sized bed and it was at the penthouse, I would have a view of the world from up here, it was really nice, I took a shower and I called room service.

The sun was setting when I woke up, the last I remember, I had layed on the bed, I must have slept off then, I heard a knock on the door, that was the reason I woke up from sleep, it must have been the noise that woke me up in the first place.

I opened the door and I stared at the person that woke me up, it was a she, she was tall, about five foot eight, and she had beautiful brown eyes, and curvy lips and long straight hair, I watched her scan me then her face held surprise, in a good way.

“Oh, hi, sorry, I was looking for someone, are you Adrian?."

I stared at her for what seemed like a long while. She didn't even know who she was looking for, I was not about to repeat the mistake of asking whether or not she was sex worker, but, She looked familiar, that I would ask her, I would ask her if we've met before.

“I'm sorry if I bothered you." She said and turned to leave.

“I'm Darwin, not Adrian."

She turned to me.

“Oh, thank you. It's crazy that I came to see someone and I don't even know who he is.“

“Like a blind date or something?."

“Yeah, like a blind date." She said and turning her head to the hallway, I liked the look of her side face.

“Thank you though."

“For what?."

“I dunno, probably talking to me, thanks, bye." She said walking out to leave.

“You look familiar." I told her and she stopped.

“I do?." She asked walking back to me.

“Yeah, you do, I might have seen you somewhere, are you sure we haven't met?."

“Where do you stay?." She asked me.

“Top of the hills, Detroit."

“Oh, I'm also from Detroit but not from the hills, I'm more of low class than that, but, I also live big, wait, you live there?, top of the hills is for like the Multi Billionaires." She said and grinned, I liked her smile, very much. “Are you a Billionaire?." She asked me.

“No, I'm not a Billionaire, I'm a Multi billionaire, with the looks of an angel." I said and she laughed.

" I like that.“ She replied. "I like it very much, sir."

“Come on In." I said moving out of the way for her to come into the suite.

“Uhmm, I was actually looking for someone, you know, he would probably be waiting for me."

“C'mon, Adrian can wait, can't he?."

“Maybe he can." She replied.

Then she walked into the room and I smelled her sweet cologne while she walked past me, I closed my eyes to take in the scent and then I shut the door.

“Melissa." She said.

“Beautiful name, do you ever short your name to Lisa?." I said handing her the glass of wine.

" Yes, my friends call me Lisa, some call me Mel.“ She said.

“Which do you prefer?."

“Lisa, I prefer Lisa."

My mind flashed to Lisa and I quickly withdrew it back to the room.

“You're very beautiful Melissa."

" Thank you.“ She replied and her eyes got damp with emotions.

Surely, I was smoother than Adrian and in a very short while, I had stolen his girl with looks, charm and charisma. I had seduced his girl.

And I had her, she was like no other girl I had ever been with, the night was pleasant and I hope it would get better in the morning.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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