The Only Heir/C8 Chapter eight
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The Only Heir/C8 Chapter eight
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C8 Chapter eight

I packed my bag and I was ready to leave the hotel. I had stayed for a week, it was time to go home.

I went into the elevator, there was a guy standing there, he moved aside for me when I entered.

I heard his phone ring but I wasn't facing him, I was facing the door.

“Yes, this is Adrian." He said and I turned to look at him, to take in his features.

So he was the Adrian…

“I'm coming down now." He said and then the elevator door opened.

I walked out and then he did, but, we were walking to the same direction, towards the car park.

I kept my distance from him, I felt like kicking him in the balls.

I opened my car and before I got in, I heard him say.

“That's a really cool car."

I looked at him. “Thank you."

“I'm Adrian and you are?."

“Soniva." I cut out Darwin from my full name, In case he ever tries to mention me, Melissa doesn't know me as Sinova.

“You look familiar, are you from around here?."




“Nice car though."


I drove away and I watched him from my side mirror, he took Melissa away from me, but no qualms about that, if she was meant to be with me, she would be with me.

I drove home, it was a long drive, longer than when I was coming here.

As I stepped into my house, I felt a deep familiar feeling, like leaving home and returning, I felt like the prodigal son.

I went for a cold shower and I decided to call a friend of mine.

“Hey, Charles."

“Is everything alright?."

“Yeah, why do you ask?."

“'Cause you never hit me up, like ever."

I laughed.

“What's good, brother?."

“I'm not so good."

“What's the issue?."

“I can't talk about it on the phone."

“You could come around and we'll discuss it over some drinks."

“That's fine with me."

I went over to Charles's house and I told him everything, formerly, I had forgotten how good a friend he was.

“You're a great Listener, thank you."

“Family don't say thank you, it's my responsibility to help a brother, I understand where this would go but just go see Hensley and observe him, we'll take the rest after that."

Morning came fast. I wore my best clothes, not to impress but to look presentable, first impression was everything to me.

I walked into the living room through the grand double doors and I heard small voices coming from the sitting room.

I saw my mum, my dad, Mark, and then my eyes fell on a woman, dark hair, dark eyes, she looked daunting, she must be Alice, my gaze lingered on her face and she turned to look at me, I held her stare, then, I turned to the other male, Hensley.

The room was quiet, I was anticipating what to do next, the next move must always be a right move.

“Good afternoon." I said to everybody. I was impressed with the sound of my voice.

Everybody replied in collision.

I sat down, and I looked at Hensley, it was hard to know who was more good looking. He had sandy blonde hair, dark eyes, he would be around my height if he was standing, we both had well built sinew muscles, he looked good…

I knew he was scrutinizing me when his eyes roamed around me, I felt comfortable with it, let him see who he's up against, or what if he wants peace.

If he was cool with me, then I was cool with him.

There was no competition, I was in competition with nobody.

I was a little glad that he was alive and not dead, my mum had changed her mind or were they planning something more sinister.

“My son and I are here to claim what was ours in the first place." Alice said.

I watched her lips move.

I turned to look at my dad, to take in his reaction or response.

He was quiet, almost frozen, oh how the mighty have fallen.

" Alice, we haven't confirmed whether or not he would be allowed into the family yet, Mr Anderson could disown him before he even enters into the family.“

" Let the man speak for himself.“ Hensley said.

“Uhm, I'm going to call my lawyers, they'll make things formal, for now, let's just talk and get to know eachother, that's the reason why we came here, to get to talk and know eachother.“

" What do you mean by talk and get to know each other?, We didn't discuss that, that's not what we talked about, you said when they come, you'll send them out.“

" Bridgette, that's not how things work.“

" How do things work?.“

" Look, honey, we can't just act irrational, everything has to be calculated.“

" This isn't fair.“ my mum had said.

" Fair?, did you just say fair? This man left me, left me with a child, a child that I wasn't capable of taking care of, was that fair?, My son grew up, in a small house and with hand me downs, but your son, he got to live in a big house, he had everything he wanted, luxury, wealth In abundance, is that fair.“

My mum was quiet, so was I.

I was sorry for them, what they must have passed through.

“What I came for, was my share of the money, the one I deserved to have and nothing else, I'm not here to make trouble." Hensley said.

“Taking money from us, means trouble." My mum had spat.

My eyes fell on Mark, his emotions were not evident on his face.

" Believe us, we don't want trouble.“ Alice repeated.

" How did you even find this place, how did you find this family.“ Mark had asked.

“It was easy to find the Andersons, we just needed the right amount of money and connection."

“There's no need to get to talk and know ourselves, I don't want to associate with people like you, so we're going to leave, when your lawyers are ready, mine will be too, that k you for accommodating me into your lovely home." Alice said and I watched the both of them leave.

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