The Reborn Son-in-law
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The Reborn Son-in-law
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Novel was scrapped by the author before it was even 10% complete.

  • ThepoxxedJanuary 3, 2022 2:23 PM

    The initial premise was unique. An mc who has 11 other souls in him. Author could’ve done so much with that. Instead, everything became very convoluted. The initial premise was ignored and forgotten, and just generic son-in-law and cultivation shit was talked about.

    1 reply
  • ThepoxxedJanuary 3, 2022 2:26 PM

    If author is smart, he’d pick the story back up at around c90..and redo it. Just focus on having the mc reconnect with the loved ones ofthe other souls. Have the mc already be the strongest in the world due to the 11 souls. Have the novel be slice of life and lighthearted. Mc can still even still be a son-in-law

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