The Reborn Urban Immortal Emperor/C2 I Told You to Get Lost!
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The Reborn Urban Immortal Emperor/C2 I Told You to Get Lost!
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C2 I Told You to Get Lost!


Upon hearing Ye Luo's words, Zhu Jian felt as if he had stumbled upon the world's most hilarious joke. He was in utter disbelief, unable to trust his own ears. This was the same Ye Luo who used to cower in his presence, who wouldn't dare lift his head or go west if ordered to go east. And now, he had the audacity to talk back to him?

"Hahahaha, did you all catch that? Our very own Ye the Wastrel is telling me to back off. So assertive, so commanding. I'm shaking in my boots here. Are you scared?" Zhu Jian mocked, turning to his companions with a smirk.

The crowd around them erupted into laughter. They all knew Ye Luo's story: penniless, powerless, background-less, an orphan. To them, he was nothing more than a stray dog they could squash underfoot at any moment.

"I said, back off!" Ye Luo's voice was laced with urgency, his gaze at Zhu Jian sharpening with a hint of lethal intent.

Zhu Jian felt a sudden chill down his spine as Ye Luo's eyes locked onto him, and he involuntarily stepped back.

That look was piercingly cold, as if it had the power to drag Zhu Jian into an endless abyss in the blink of an eye.

However, Zhu Jian quickly shook off the feeling. Was he really going to be intimidated by a mere look from this nobody?

"Damn it, I'm already in a foul mood today, and here you are, trash, delivering yourself to my doorstep for amusement. I'll indulge you," Zhu Jian sneered, gesturing to his henchmen. "Grab this piece of garbage. I want to have some fun with him!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the two lackeys moved in, one on each side, reaching for Ye Luo's shoulders.

"Bang, bang!"

Ye Luo struck without a second's delay, landing solid punches on each of their shoulders.

Before they could even utter a sound, both men crumpled to the ground.

Though Ye Luo had lost all his cultivation, his memory and experience remained. Against two men who had never trained and indulged in excesses, they were no match for him.

Zhu Jian was both stunned and enraged to see this 'wastrel,' who usually wouldn't dare utter a peep under his heel, effortlessly take down his two underlings in a flash.

"You've lost your mind! How dare you lay a hand on me? I, I..."


With a swift raise of his leg, Ye Luo delivered a powerful kick to Zhu Jian's chest. Zhu Jian's body soared through the air, crashing down onto the stairs with a heavy thud. He tumbled over and over, rolling down an entire flight before finally coming to a stop on the floor below.

Everyone was in shock. Ye Luo had not only taken down Zhu Jian's lackey, but he had also sent Zhu Jian himself tumbling down the stairs.

From the looks of it, Zhu Jian was seriously injured. Considering his father was a director of the school, and Ye Luo was nothing but a powerless orphan, the situation seemed dire.

It was over.

Ye Luo's fate was sealed.

That was the consensus.

But Ye Luo wasn't concerned with what others were thinking. He had already made a beeline for the school gates and hailed a taxi.

"Supreme Wealthy Class," he instructed the driver, then settled back in silence, lost in thought.

Stripped of his cultivation, Ye Luo had no choice but to resort to a taxi. Under normal traffic, the ride to Supreme Wealthy Class would take about half an hour. He was pressed for time.

As the taxi made its way to the destination, Ye Luo closed his eyes, his mind drifting back to the cultivation technique he had mastered in his past life, the Relentless Sword.

Cultivating the Relentless Sword required one to abandon all emotions and sever worldly attachments and resentments.

In his previous life, Ye Luo had embraced the Relentless Sword at a time when he had hit rock bottom, his heart as cold as ashes, his spirit broken. This state of despair perfectly matched the sword's ruthless demands, allowing him to quickly master the technique and rise swiftly through the ranks, earning the moniker 'God of Slaughter.'

But in this life, Ye Luo had the chance to save his beloved and right past wrongs. The path of the Relentless Sword was no longer suitable for him.

After sifting through his memories for an alternative cultivation method, Ye Luo's thoughts settled on the Nine Heavens Reincarnation Technique.

This technique, stumbled upon in his previous life, had struck Ye Luo as profoundly intricate, even more formidable than the Relentless Sword he had once practiced.

To practice the Nine Heavens Reincarnation Technique, one must begin anew. If any other techniques had been cultivated, they would need to be completely discarded, otherwise, initiation would be impossible.

Ye Luo had mastered the Heartless Sword to a high degree and was loath to abandon it, especially since circumstances at the time didn't permit starting over. Thus, the Nine Heavens Reincarnation Technique was shelved.

But now, Ye Luo's body was devoid of any Genuine Qi, his Dantian was barren, and he hadn't practiced any other techniques. Wasn't this the ideal state to begin the Nine Heavens Reincarnation Technique?

With this realization, Ye Luo commenced the foundational exercises of breathing and cultivation, as remembered from the technique. He had half an hour before arriving at the Supreme Wealthy Class and aimed to achieve initial mastery within this window. With that, he could confidently rescue Ann Xin, no matter what she faced today.

Merely ten minutes passed when Ye Luo exhaled deeply, his spirit quivering.

"Did I just break through?" Ye Luo was astounded by his own rapid progress.

With a "swoosh," he punched the air, and it seemed as though he had shattered something invisible.

"This punch must carry at least 600 kilograms of force," Ye Luo mused. That was on par with the strength of professional boxers or elite soldiers.

An average young man would need over two years of training to achieve such power, yet Ye Luo had done it in ten minutes. The might of the Nine Heavens Reincarnation Technique was beyond his wildest dreams.

By the standards of cultivation levels, Ye Luo had reached the early Houtian stage.

"Hey, buddy, what are you trying to do? My car has constant surveillance and tracking, so don't do anything rash," the driver said nervously, witnessing Ye Luo's unprovoked display of power.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a bit of a cramp in my hand, needed to stretch it out," Ye Luo fibbed, then resumed his closed-eye cultivation. Having achieved initial mastery in ten minutes, he was curious if he could advance to the mid-Houtian stage before reaching the Supreme Wealthy Class. If successful, his strength could soar to over 800 kilograms.

In the absence of cultivation resources, practitioners primarily drew upon the spiritual energy that permeates the heavens and earth. Yet, the spiritual energy on Earth was exceedingly sparse. Luckily, it was sufficient to support Ye Luo's foundational cultivation in his early stages without issue.

Twenty minutes later, the taxi came to a halt in front of the Supreme Wealthy Class Clubhouse.

"Pal, that'll be 38, I..."

The driver's words hung in the air as he turned to find the back seat empty, save for a 100 yuan bill resting on the passenger seat.


In private room 666 on the third floor of the Supreme Wealthy Class Clubhouse, the blaring music clashed with the strobing lights, creating a lavish and frenetic vibe. Beer bottles cluttered the coffee table, contributing to the room's opulent chaos. The private room was occupied by eight individuals, a mix of men and women.

A girl in a pale yellow dress with her hair in a ponytail clutched the hem of her skirt, her cheeks flushed as she sat nervously on the sofa, seemingly out of sync with the room's raucous energy.

"Ann Xin, I'm thrilled you could join us today. Here's to you," said a young man, his grin sly, as he offered a beer to the girl.

"Gu, Master Gu, I've already had two drinks. I really shouldn't have any more. Xiaolan mentioned you're willing to help me, to lend me some money. I'm truly grateful. When might you be able to lend it to me? I need to get to the hospital urgently, and I promise to repay you as quickly as possible," the girl said, her voice shaky as she addressed the young man.

Feeling the room spin slightly, she knew another drink would likely push her over the edge into drunkenness.

"Ann Xin, refusing a drink from Master Gu himself is like refusing to show respect. If you can't even offer that courtesy, how do you expect Master Gu to assist you?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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