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C20 Young Master Ye

"Alright!" Hsu Danian didn't hesitate. Despite his wariness of Liu Qi's influential background, he couldn't stand being pushed around any longer. If he didn't fight back now, he'd be nothing but a coward.

"Hsu Danian, do you even know who Liu Qi is? If you dare lay a finger on him, you're not going to end up well," Wang Ping fumed from the side. She could handle being disciplined by Hsu Danian when she was alone yesterday, but today was different—she had brought Liu Qi with her, intending to crush Hsu Danian like a stray dog. Yet, here she was, facing the same humiliating outcome. How could she stand it?


Without a word, Hsu Danian spun around and delivered a sharp backhand slap across Wang Ping's face. "You wretch, I've put up with you for far too long. Did you really think that just because I once had feelings for you, you could get away with anything? Fool."

"You... you dare to hit me? I'll fight you to the death!" Wang Ping lunged at Hsu Danian, her nails ready to scratch.


Hsu Danian's leg shot out, kicking Wang Ping and sending her tumbling away.

"I don't take pleasure in hitting women, but that doesn't mean you can run wild in front of me with no consequences. Remember, I'm the one who dumped you, you're nothing!" After his outburst, Hsu Danian strode over to Ye Luo and delivered a swift kick to Liu Qi's head.

"You lousy fatso, you dare to hit me? I'll—"


Another kick landed, leaving Liu Qi spitting blood. "Another word, and I'll kick you to death."

Liu Qi was petrified, not daring to utter another peep.

Ye Luo watched Hsu Danian with a faint smile. At least the man had spirit and guts. Now, Ye Luo could confidently teach him the cultivation technique.

"Quick, make way, the principal is coming."

"Step aside!"

A group hurriedly approached Ye Luo and the rest. Leading them was none other than Principal Lee Wenqing, flanked by the head teachers of the high-ranking classes and several other faculty members.

The arrival of the principal and the teachers was expected.

What was unexpected, though, was the middle-aged man with a furrowed brow who accompanied the principal.

"Who's that guy? He looks so familiar," remarked a student.

"Yeah, he does seem familiar. Oh, I've got it! He's the school director, Zhu Jian's father, Director Zhu Chengrong," someone exclaimed, suddenly animated.

"Oh my God, really? It's Director Zhu himself? What's he doing here?"

A lot of Linhai University students were familiar with Zhu Chengrong; he was the true power behind their school.

"You don't know? Ye Luo, that high-profile student, beat up Zhu Jian yesterday. I heard he was really harsh, maybe even broke his leg. Do you think Director Zhu would just let that slide? He's definitely here to stir up trouble."

"How do you know all this?"

"I saw it with my own eyes right at the school gate last night. I thought Ye Luo would be stuck in jail and wouldn't get out, but here he is, free as a bird. Now that Director Zhu is here in person, I bet Ye Luo's done for."

"Well, he's got no one to blame but himself. Of all people to mess with, he had to go after Zhu Jian. And today, he even went after Liu Qi. I think Ye Luo is either sick of living or has a screw loose."

At that moment, students from various classes and grades converged on the high-profile teaching building, all eager to see the fate of the foolhardy soul who dared to strike Zhu Jian and Liu Qi.

Many cast sympathetic glances at Ye Luo, knowing that his misfortune was just around the corner.

When Wang Ping saw the principal and Zhu Chengrong arrive, her previous humiliation and fear vanished, replaced by a surge of excitement and triumph, for she knew her chance for revenge had come.

"Principal, Director, you've finally arrived. Ye Luo and Hsu Danian have lost their minds, attacking people left and right, completely out of control. Please, you must arrest them," Wang Ping implored, rushing to confront Lee Wenqing and the others.

Lee Wenqing and his group gave Wang Ping a stony look, their faces grim, and remained silent. No one could guess what they were thinking.

Thinking they hadn't grasped the situation, Wang Ping turned to Zhu Chengrong and said fervently, "Director Zhu, I can testify that it was Ye Luo and Hsu Danian who beat Zhu Jian yesterday. I witnessed it myself. Ye Luo is a law unto himself; he's the one who broke Zhu Jian's leg. You absolutely can't let him off, and the same goes for Hsu Danian. They're cut from the same cloth and both deserve to be arrested and punished severely."

After Wang Ping had finished speaking, Lee Wenqing, Zhu Chengrong, and the others remained unresponsive, simply standing there with complex looks on their faces as they observed Ye Luo.

At that moment, Ye Luo was still standing with his foot on Liu Qi's face. The arrival of Chen Chaohui and Zhu Chengrong, particularly Zhu Chengrong, caught him off guard. Considering Zhu Jian, Zhu Chengrong's son, had his leg broken by Ye Luo just the day before, it was surprising that Zhu Chengrong hadn't immediately sought retribution. His patience up until now was somewhat commendable.

"Principal, board director, why the hesitation? Call someone to arrest him, I..." Wang Ping was saying.

"Silence!" Lee Wenqing cut her off sharply.


The onlookers were confused by the scene. Ye Luo was the one involved in a fight, so why was Wang Ping being reprimanded by the principal?

"Principal, board director..."

Before Wang Ping could say another word, Zhu Chengrong swiftly raised his hand and delivered a slap across her face, leaving her stunned.

Zhu Chengrong paid no mind to the reactions of Wang Ping or anyone else as he approached Ye Luo, clenched his teeth, and bowed deeply.

"Young Master Ye, I am Zhu Jian's father, Zhu Chengrong. My son was in the wrong yesterday, and I offer you an apology on his behalf. Please, if there's any compensation you require, just name it."


Everyone was astounded.

Had they heard correctly? Zhu Chengrong was apologizing to Ye Luo? And addressing him as Young Master Ye?

What was happening? Wasn't Ye Luo supposed to be an orphan, a known good-for-nothing?

And Zhu Chengrong – a school director, a prominent businessman – was apologizing rather than seeking vengeance for his son's broken leg? He wasn't leading a group to tear Ye Luo apart; instead, he was personally offering an apology and compensation?

Confusion reigned. Not just among the onlookers, but even Ye Luo himself was taken aback.

Despite the many judgmental eyes that stripped him of dignity and filled him with embarrassment, Zhu Chengrong stood firm. He had no choice. The humiliation he faced paled in comparison to the well-being and future of the Zhu family's enterprise.

To be honest, last night when he learned that his son's leg had been broken, he was understandably consumed by rage and frustration. Without a moment's hesitation, he reached out to the relevant authorities, intent on having Ye Luo thrown behind bars. He even contemplated exacting revenge himself by breaking Ye Luo's limbs.

But before he could even step out the door, he received a call from Iron Fist Liu Kun, one of Guu Tianxiong's henchmen. Liu Kun informed him that Ye Luo was under Guu Tianxiong's protection and advised him to hold his tongue.

The Zhu family's business was substantial, but it paled in comparison to the Gu family's empire. With Guu Tianxiong's influence, a single word could ruin Zhu Chengrong financially and tarnish his reputation.

So, he bit the bullet. He dropped the charges against Ye Luo, compelled Zhu Jian to confess his wrongdoing, and even produced a video of the confession.

Despite acquiescing to save face for Guu Tianxiong, Zhu Chengrong couldn't shake off the feeling of resentment. Deep down, he harbored thoughts of retaliation when the opportunity arose.

However, just when Zhu Chengrong believed the incident was behind him, he never anticipated that Guu Tianxiong would show up at his doorstep in person.

Libre Baskerville
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