
"You have to eat like a lady if you want me to let go."

Ye Xiao Chen shook his chopsticks in an evil manner, forcing his chin to shake up and down.

"Got it!"

Qiao Xin Tong curled her lips in anger and finally broke free from his chopsticks.

Since she was born, she had seen a lady eating in Korean dramas. She learned the pose of a Korean actress and dug a few grains of rice. When she turned her gaze to the ribs, she was troubled again.

How did a lady eat pork ribs?

If one did not bite into the meat on the ribs, how could one bite down?

Qiao Xin Tong stealthily looked at Ye Xiao Chen and imitated his look as he ate, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that, right?

However, he just casually glanced at her and didn't pick her up with his chopsticks. Sometimes he would take a bite of beef and other times he would take a bite out of her with his chopsticks.

I really want to eat the fragrant cumin beef! She seemed to hear the gluttony in her stomach clamoring miserably.

"Forget it, I'm full!"

She slammed her disposable chopsticks on the table and stood up.

Isn't it just cumin beef? When she returned to school, she went to the roadside stall to roast a hundred kebabs and eat enough!

"Are you sure you don't want to eat it?"

He didn't even bat an eyelid.

"I'm sure I won't eat it!"

After eating a meal, he felt so stifled that he was about to die. It would be better to stay hungry!

Qiao Xin Tong's tough temper rose, and she decided to fight to the end.

"There will be three hours of training in a while. I don't care if you faint or not if you don't eat it."

He chewed the food with relish, deliberately craving her.

She covered her ears and screamed.

"Why do I still need to train? I'm going back!"

"Not long after you were training, you fainted. Of course you have to make it up."

"My God!"

When he thought of training, Qiao Xin Tong wanted to faint again.

When they walked out of the villa, the stars in the sky blinked their eyes at her. She was also blinking, felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground as well.

When she returned to her room, all the bones in her body were nearly broken.

You can't stand practicing judo all day.

"Eyes, how did you end up like this?"

Lin Yan looked at Qiao Xin Tong with concern.

"Hai, don't mention it anymore!"

Qiao Xin Tong shook her hands helplessly. When faced with a tyrannical and tyrannical man like Ye Xiao Chen, she could only blame her bad luck.

"Why do I feel like you're not practicing self-defense, but consuming your life!"

Lin Yan disagreed with her suggestion and clicked her tongue a few times.

"Yeah!" I've fallen into a wolf's lair this time! "

Qiao Xin Tong collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep in less than a minute.

Although he slept early and woke up early in the morning, there were still two black shadows hiding under Qiao Xin Tong's eyes.

"Eyes of the Heart, I think you should give up on your judo training. If you keep up, your little life will be over."

"I also want to stop, but since I've already handed in the money, I can't refund it. I've even signed a contract to break the contract. If I don't continue practicing, I'll have to pay thirty thousand yuan." Thirty thousand dollars, I am just a poor student, how can I have that much money! "

Qiao Xin Tong used the mirror to block Lin Yan's line of sight, so that she wouldn't find out that she was lying. If Ye Xiao Chen really only wanted thirty thousand, even if she had to sell her blood, she would definitely make a fortune and give it to him.

"So much compensation! Were you cheated? How could a merchant let a consumer sign such a contract! Why don't we find a bunch of our fellow students from the Law Department and ask them? If they don't make sense, we can invite a bunch of them to help you file a complaint! "

"No need, I signed the contract voluntarily. Even if it gets in front of the judge, he would not be at fault. "Besides, practicing judo is a bit tiring now, but in the future, it will be of great use. Thirteen days will soon pass."

Thirteen days. Just thinking about it made him want to die.

"What exactly do you think that judo hall wants? They want to make such a hateful contract!"

Lin Yan couldn't help but cry out on Qiao Xin Tong's behalf.

"It seems like it's to ensure the effectiveness of the training!"

How could she guess what Ye Xiao Chen was thinking? Maybe he was just not used to people disobeying him?

"In order to improve my training, I have put in a lot of effort and effort." Fortunately, I didn't apply for judo lessons with you, or else I would have definitely regretted it to death. "

"With Yang Gui Fei's body, it won't even take half a day for you to complain. Why, speaking of practicing judo, I suddenly remembered something. Lin Yan, are you my best friend? "

Qiao Xin Tong grabbed Lin Yan's shoulder and blinked her eyes awkwardly.

"That's right. We've been in university for four years, haven't we been relying on each other for our entire lives?"

Lin Yan and Lin Yan hugged Qiao Xin Tong's shoulders tightly.

"Since we're good sisters, shouldn't we do the same?"

A light of calculation flashed across Qiao Xin Tong's eyes.

Lin Yan immediately had a bad premonition. Since the big words had already been said, she couldn't go back on his words, so she could only bite the bullet and nod her head.

"The night before yesterday, I met a kind-hearted senior on the road. He was the head of the school's judo hall, I had wanted to go there to study, it would have been much more convenient, but the previous senior judo hall refused to let us go, but senior and I both attended a class, senior really praised him, I really can't bear to make him sad."

She was the first student of judo hall, and just leaving like that would hurt her senior's heart!

"Hey, Little Eye, do you need to be so nasty!? When I suffer, I want you to accompany me, my good sister! I don't want it! "

Lin Yan waved her hands in fear, opening the door and running out.

How could Qiao Xin Tong let her go? She grabbed her arm and anxiously shouted.

"Senior Zheng Xuan is so handsome and lousy, he is also a graduate student, his temper is superb, he is simply the best candidate for a boyfriend, the prince charming in the girls' hearts."

After throwing out the bait, he didn't believe that the perverted Lin Yan wouldn't be tempted!

"Is he really as handsome as you said?"

Lin Yan was tricked.

"My mouth is so stupid that it cannot be described. When you see a real person, you will know whether it is real or fake. Come, follow me to judo hall!"

Qiao Xin Tong grabbed Lin Yan's arm and rushed towards judo hall. Time was of the essence, she had to convince Lin Yan to take her place and learn Grappler from him as soon as possible!

When they arrived at the judo hall, Zheng Xuan had coincidentally opened the door. The three of them met, and the tall and handsome Zheng Xuan was bathing in the morning light, the wooden cotton petals floating above his head, the trees and flowers flourishing, and the golden sunlight.

"Keke Tong, why did you only introduce such an exceptional man to me now!"

Lin Yan shook Qiao Xin Tong's arm unhappily.

"Now do you believe me!? Learn or not, give me a sentence! "

Holding Lin Yan, Qiao Xin Tong started to pull him up.

"Learn!" Even if I die, I have to learn it! "

Lin Yan's large eyes could only wish that they were on Zheng Xuan's body, even if it was a mountain of blades and a sea of flames in front of her, she would definitely charge through without a mistake.

Qiao Xin Tong greeted Zheng Xuan with a grin.

"Good morning senior!" This is my good friend Lin Yan, she is also very interested in judo, and wants to learn judo from senior.

Zheng Xuan turned to look at Lin Yan and her gentle smile immediately caused Lin Yan's face to flush and her heart to race, almost suffocating him.

Although Zheng Xuan felt that Lin Yan's expression was a bit unpleasant, he still nodded with a good temper.

"Of course I welcome junior sister Mi Tong's friend. Come on, let's go in together!"

Zheng Xuan pushed open the gate.

"Eh, senior, it's like this ?"

Qiao Xin Tong scratched her head in embarrassment.

"The judo hall I reported previously refused to give me back my money, insisting that I finish training for half a month. I am thinking that the money should not be paid for free."

How embarrassing!

"I know what you mean, that's why you introduced your friend, right?"

Zheng Xuan laughed.

"No, I asked for it myself. It has nothing to do with the arrival or absence of the Eye!"

Lin Yan hastily interrupted the conversation and waved her hands at Qiao Xin Tong, as if she was shooing away flies.

"Core Tong, aren't you going to catch the bus? Hurry up!"

Forgot friends through sex!

Qiao Xin Tong laughed as she rolled her eyes and waved goodbye.

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