The Strongest Skill System/C3 Something's Happened
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The Strongest Skill System/C3 Something's Happened
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C3 Something's Happened

"Beep!" System quest announcement: Host, please earn a legal sum of money through your own ability as soon as possible to lighten the burden on your family. Would the host accept the task? "

Ye Mo said in his heart: "I accept! "But how many points can we get for this mission?"

"The system will give you a reasonable number of points based on how much money the host earns and how well the host does in the process of earning money."

"Then, how many points does it take for my Great Master Level medical skills to level up to Zongshi realm?"

"Life skills only cost 10 points to go from grandmaster to grandmaster, 20 points to reach the Zongshi realm. As for combat type and special type skills, they will be evaluated and determined according to the specific circumstances. "

Ye Mo nodded to show that he understood. Then, he peeled the loquats and started to think about making money.

However, not long after, the courtyard door was pushed open in a fluster. Second Uncle Wang, who was next door, rushed in with a flustered expression on his face.

"Mo, something happened to your Aunt Jiang Min!"

"What's wrong?"

Ye Mo's heart tightened, the loquat in his hand fell to the ground.

Second Uncle Wang wiped off his sweat and gave a brief summary of the situation. Jiang Min was actually watering the crops, but before she was even halfway done, she was stopped by someone surnamed Zhao.

Because the Zhao Family had planted a field of rice upstream and wanted to seize control of the water source, Jiang Min had gone to argue with them, but she didn't expect the Zhao Family members to be so unreasonable as to make a move!

How could Jiang Min, a weak girl, be a match for the Zhao Family's three tough sons? Therefore, Second Uncle Wang had no choice but to hurry over to Ye Mo.

After Ye Mo heard this, his face turned red and he rushed out in anger. He never thought that the people of the Zhao Family would be so shameless as to bully his aunt while his uncle wasn't home.

When Ye Mo arrived at the scene, it was already surrounded by onlookers, and they were talking at the same time.

"Big sister Jiang Min, this is your fault. Hu Zi only lightly touched you and you directly fell to the ground. Could it be that he intends to blackmail you?"

"Exactly, what is this called in the city? That's right, it's called clashing porcelain! All our ancestors have been honest for generations. Big Sister Jiang Min, please don't embarrass us, Gold Horse Town! "

"Get out of my way!"

These sarcastic remarks almost blew Ye Mo's lungs up. He directly bumped into the crowd in front of him and saw his aunt Jiang Min lying on the ground with a pale face. There were a few obvious footprints on her body and she was sobbing while holding her leg.


Ye Mo's nose was sour and his eyes were red. He immediately helped her up and examined her injured right leg. He found bruises all over it. The veins on Ye Mo's neck were popping out and his teeth were clattering.

"Yo, Ye Mo?" You came at the right time, hurry up and help your aunt back, don't be a big boss and still act like a scoundrel! The eyes of the crowd are bright, so I'll just stand next to her. Is there a need to exaggerate so much? "

At this moment, a carefree young man walked up and spoke in a domineering manner.

"Since we're all in the same town, I won't sue her for extortion. Hurry up and get the hell out of here!"

Ever since he was young, he had relied on the support of his father and had always been a tyrant in the town. In fact, he was just a hooligan, but now that Jiang Min had been injured by him, he had rebutted that it was extortion. The most chilling thing was that the onlookers' words were all directed at him!

He only found out today that people were cold and warm-hearted! He was just a normal person!

But very quickly, Zhao Hu could not continue his words because when he saw Ye Mo's bloodshot eyes that looked as if they were going to devour a person from hell, Zhao Hu instantly felt a bit scared and subconsciously took a step back.

However, when he saw that there were so many people around him, he immediately became courageous and shouted:

"Little bastard!" Why are you staring at me? You're not convinced, are you? "Your father today …"


Without wasting any time, Ye Mo, who could not stand it any longer, slapped Hu Zi's face. In his rage, he forgot that his physical fitness was not what it used to be. Even though it was just a casual slap, he sent Zhao Hu flying!

At this moment, the crowd was dumbfounded and instantly became silent. Even Jiang Min, who was standing beside them, was stunned. She never thought that Ye Mo, who was always quiet, would be so impulsive.

Zhao Hu had to use all of his strength to get up and stabilize himself. However, when he touched his mouth which was filled with broken teeth and blood, he was stunned.

"Zhao Hu!" Do you really think my Ye Family is a grape skin that someone vomited on the ground? Anyone can step on them? "

Ye Mo's tone was cold as he slowly walked over. However, Zhao Hu cowered back and shouted while putting on a show of strength:

"Ye Mo, what are you doing?" Don't come over! My dad is the head of the Civil Affairs Office, so he won't let you off. "

All thugs were people who bullied the weak and feared the strong. Looking at the current Ye Mo, Zhao Hu was completely scared out of his wits. He never thought that this not very robust high school student would actually have such strength!

Actually, Ye Mo didn't use his full strength at all, otherwise, Zhao Hu's dog head would have exploded.

Although Ye Mo's body didn't look sturdy on the outside, the density of muscle tissue throughout his body was very high and the fibers intertwined even tighter.

Ye Mo did not care about talking to Zhao Hu. Just as he was about to punch the bastard again, Jiang Min stopped him, "Stop! "Forget it, Mo."

Before, when Ye Mo sent Hu Zi flying with a casual slap, Jiang Min didn't react in time. How could she still watch Ye Mo act on impulse now?

No matter how much of a bastard this Zhao Hu was, he was still the son of the mayor's son.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Min turned around and apologized to Zhao Hu, "I'm sorry, I tripped just now! My nephew was too rash and misunderstood you. "

Seeing that Jiang Min had given in, Hu Zi's courage grew even more unbridled. Spitting on the ground, he viciously said:

"Just you wait!" This matter is not over! "


Ye Mo glared at Zhao Hu when he heard that. Then, Zhao Hu quickly ran away.

Jiang Min sighed and didn't let go of Ye Mo. The latter remained silent. She supported her aunt and went back home with the crowd.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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