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"I think we can start right away." Zhou Lin added to Captain Zhang.

Captain Zhang smiled again and told him, "I know you are young and strong, Lin, but we have to get the people below ready. First, we have to get the office to arrange a bus and driver, because our car is equipped with the Big Dipper Navigation, so we have to apply to leave the city, and then we have to go through some procedures …"

"And you, Xiao Lin … You haven't bathed yet, have you? " As Captain Zhang asked this question, Zhou Lin felt a little embarrassed. Captain Zhang might have been able to tell from his clothes and smell that he hadn't taken a bath, but the police officers here were all very sensitive people.

Thus, Zhou Lin first returned to his office and looked over the situation of the previous case again. Only until it was time to get off work did he return to take a bath and eat lunch.

When he left in the afternoon, he wanted to bring another case for the ride, but little Nguyen suggested that according to the rules of the archives, it was impossible to take the documents without permission, so he had to give up.

From the Public Security Office to the Public Security Bureau of that county, it was only four to five hours' drive, so by the time they arrived, it was already dusk.

And since they were here to handle the case, the local police department's leader had sent a few middle management to meet them. There was a rule to deal with the situation here, as the ordinary police officers in the hall would have to deal with the middle management.

So another meal, at the dinner table last week Lin was determined not to drink, so Little Dan just drank his share for him. He really didn't expect that this fatty Little Dan was actually so good at drinking that he made two of the directors of the other department fall.

However, they did not expect that the next morning, the drunkards from yesterday would be in high spirits at work and would be very cooperative with their work. They were very obedient, perhaps because Zhou Lin and the others came from the Public Security Office.

Thus, Zhou Lin asked them to bring the workers who had close ties with the workers who had jumped off the building back to the Public Security Bureau. However, even after questioning, they still could not find any clues that could lead them to a breakthrough.

In fact, the interrogation was just on the surface. Zhou Lin was looking for the Adepts among them, and through the interrogation, he could feel that one of the young men was acting a little differently. If there were any Adepts among the group, it must be this young man.

From what he knew, this person was called Luo Fa. He had once read a little book, and the workers that jumped off the building were his own villagers. They had once taken care of him, and this job was also what he had found for him.

This person rarely spoke and only rented a house near the company. He was there when the company's executive, Manager Huang, fell.

With regards to this, Zhou Lin temporarily locked down this person, and told the police officers here to lock him up first. He planned to make a trip to his house, and at the same time let the police officers from the police station dig out more information about him.

Why his house? Zhou Lin believed that if Luo Fa really was an Adept, he would definitely leave behind some information on Adepts. Perhaps there were still some tools left behind for him to commit crimes that were related to superpowers, or something he had practiced using.

Hearing that he was going to check it out, Xiao Ran and Xiao Dan followed closely behind and sent two policemen to lead the way. They soon arrived at Luo Fa's house.

It turned out Luo Fa's home was much more special than Zhou Lin had imagined. It was a slightly old building, and the building was divided into many small rooms that were about 10 square meters in area. These tenants lived in such small rooms.

Other than some clothes and photos, Luo Fa's room seemed to have nothing else. This place was too simple, Zhou Lin really didn't know that many people lived in this kind of place.

The landlord had been called in to question her, and she was clearly afraid that the police were going to check on the management of the rental house. She kept explaining how she had paid the fees and completed the procedures.

Because she was afraid, she was very obedient. Zhou Lin also learned from her that ever since Luo Fa was captured, the door was broken open. Who knew how many things were taken away.

While the other policemen were asking the landlord about Luo Fa's situation, Zhou Lin noticed a sentence underneath a picture of a girl on the wall: "Darling, if you leave, then how am I going to survive …"

Zhou Lin passed the photo to the landlord, who quickly told him everything he knew. She said that the person in the photo was Luo Fa's lover, and that Luo Fa must have been hiding inside for a few days.

However, this room didn't leave any evidence that Luo Fa knew anything about his superpowers. Zhou Lin then asked the police to investigate Luo Fa's ex-girlfriend and asked the landlord if he knew where Luo Fa usually went.

He continued to walk for a few more places, but still did not find any conclusive evidence, so he returned to the inside of the police station. On the way back, he had thought of a way to find out whether Luo Fa could use his superpower, which was to throw him off the mountain. However, the people from the Public Security Bureau would definitely oppose him. At the same time, Luo Fa might be injured to avoid being exposed.

At dusk, Luo Fa's former girlfriend was brought in. She was very nervous and kept saying that she had already broken up with Luo Fa and didn't know anything. At the very least, the girl had to admit that she had been with him before, so she should know the secret of him the best. Thus, Zhou Lin prepared for a while before personally going to interrogate her.

Reject this girl said that Rofa was a somewhat eccentric idealist, he was always full of fantasies and thought he was a god-like person. But he could never keep his word, and finally, because of one time of breaking his word, she finally broke down and left him.

This was because he had promised to buy her a bracelet, but he couldn't do it in the end. She emphasized that it wasn't that she felt that he was poor, but that his promise was impossible to fulfill, leaving her with no sense of security.

Zhou Lin didn't get any evidence from her about Luo Fa's superpower, but he could guess that Luo Fa once intended to use his salary to buy a bracelet for his girlfriend. It was because that company was in arrears with his salary that he was unable to fulfill his promise and lost his girlfriend.

Luo Fa had a huge hatred for the company's top executives, and it was not as simple as taking care of his fellow villagers and jumping off buildings. He had a motive to kill these four executives, and that was whether or not he had a Discipline.

So Zhou Lin was going to interrogate Luo Fa. At this moment, a local police officer told him that Luo Fa seemed to be wearing a chain when he was locked up.

This could have been bought later, so Zhou Lin asked for this chain to interrogate Luo Fa again. If what he had learned that day was true, he believed that Luo Fa felt differently about the chain. If Zhou Lin wanted to anger him, it would be best if he could use his superpower.

It was already dark by now, and the cell that was temporarily holding the prisoners was actually no worse than Luo Fa's "home". Zhou Lin saw him and immediately took out the bracelet. Luo Fa's reaction was different.

"Is this yours?" Zhou Lin stared at his expression and asked. Luo Fa also looked at his expression and nodded.

"Can you tell me how it came to be? "It's not easy for you to buy such precious items, especially if your salary is in arrears …" Zhou Lin observed Luo Fa's expression and saw a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"..." If you can't explain the origin of this bracelet, we may add a charge against you and you will become a suspect in the murder. "

Zhou Lin continued speaking, but Luo Fa's expression didn't change much. His calmness made Zhou Lin believe that this Luo Fa was a cold person who had the courage to kill.

Perhaps he had already been interrogated too many times and was already numb to Zhou Lin's interrogation, but if he did not speak up like this, Zhou Lin would not anger him, and he would not be able to obtain any more clues from him.

What to do? Zhou Lin thought of Luo Fa's girlfriend and began to tell her story. He told her that the girl had changed her mind, but now he was locked up and she was sad. She thought Luo Fa was caught stealing things just to buy her bracelet.

"The bracelet wasn't stolen, Uncle Qiang bought it for me!" Luo Fa suddenly said at this time, he finally opened his mouth.

The Uncle Qiang he mentioned was the worker who died after jumping off a building. So their relationship was that good. Uncle Qiang didn't even hesitate to buy him a bracelet like this in order to let him keep his girlfriend.

From this, it could be seen that Luo Fa's hatred for the company's leader was much greater than he had imagined. However, he had to hide himself. It turned out that it was not easy to actually investigate the case. Sometimes, there was really nothing that could be done about a suspect who refused to speak.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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