C16 Leave(2)

"Hehe, I'm just asking. Just ask. Don't be angry, brother."

Liu's expression could be considered normal, but Big Brother's... Hee Yun did not dare to speak anymore.

"I am not angry."

After Hee Xiuyuan finished speaking, he turned around and continued to choose the dishes. Hee Xiuqi stood by the side and looked at his cautious little sister. He pursed his lips and smiled.

The three siblings also bought a few bags full before leaving the vegetable market.

Yuv Ri and her mother came out from the back door of the market and wanted to go around the front door to go home. Hee Xiuyuan and his two siblings came out from the middle door and wanted to go home from the intersection next to the back door. The two groups of people met on the way.

"Aunt Yuv."

Hee Xiuyuan and his siblings greeted her politely. Hee Xiuqi and his sister called out to her, "Ms Youyou."

Yuv Qing nodded. "Good child. You bought so many dishes?"

Hee Yun nodded and walked to Yuv Ri's side. She naturally took Yuv Ri's hand and said, "Ms Youyou, when are you going back to work?"

"It's past fifteen."

Hee Yun's eyes immediately lit up, "Then it is about the same time as when I go back to school. Can I go with you? And Liu too."

Yuv Ri looked at Hee Xiuyuan who was not far behind her and said, "Sure, but I haven't bought a ticket. Did you guys buy it?"

Hee Xiuqi shook his head. "No, but it's about time to buy it. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to buy a ticket."

Hee Yun added, "Oh, Sister, can you give us your identity information? We'll buy it together."

Yuv Ri was puzzled. "You want to buy it at the sales point in the county, right? I will drive there."

Hee Yun nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Okay, then let's make an appointment another day."

"Okay, okay."

After chatting, the two groups naturally waved their hands and said goodbye.

Back home, Hee Xiuyuan carried the food to the kitchen to tidy up.

Hee Yun dragged Liu by the side and muttered, "Liu, is big brother and Ms Youyou classmates? Why didn't they greet each other when they met?"

Not only did they not greet each other, Hee Xiuqi also noticed that the two of them only glanced at each other when they met and never looked at each other again.

These two people were avoiding each other too obviously.

"Hey, even big brother didn't say anything. I'm too embarrassed to drag it on and continue chatting."

"What? You still have something to talk about." Hee Xiuqi held back his laughter.

Hee Yun glared at him. "Of course. Look at the people in town. They are older than me and can't talk. A Juan Zi, who is about my age, is said to have just been discharged from the hospital and raised at home. There are a few people who don't want to talk to me. The only one left is the good-looking Ms Youyou who is good to talk to. "

Hee Xiuqi could not help laughing," It's not time for lunch yet. If you want to go, you can go to Ms Youyou's house. "

"Can I?"

Hee Yun carefully glanced at the kitchen and whispered into Liu's ear, "If I really go, will Big Brother be angry?" Big Brother did not seem to want to have anything to do with Ms Youyou at all.

"Go to hell, it's fine. I will drag Big Brother to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner at home later."

"Then I'll go."

If she wanted to move, she had to move. Hee Yun did not want to wait a moment. She tidied her clothes and was about to leave. Hee Xiuqi smiled and waved at her. "Go, go."

"Yes, yes!"

After the little girl nodded her head, she ran away like a wisp of smoke.

Hee Xiuyuan came out of the kitchen and gave his little brother an indifferent glance. "What are you muttering to Yun about?"


Hee Xiuqi shrugged and walked around the topic seriously. "Brother, what do we eat for the New Year's Eve dinner?"

Hee Xiuyuan was obviously not satisfied with this answer, but he was too lazy to get involved. "Do whatever you want to eat."

"Oh, then I have to think about it."


Hee Xiuyuan nodded. Just as he was about to go downstairs to take a look, he thought of something and turned his head to ask, "Where did Yun go?" When he just came out of the kitchen, he should have heard the sound of going downstairs.

"Oh, she went to look for Ms Youyou."

Hee Xiuqi said and stared at his big brother. Sure enough, his big brother's eyes changed inexplicably. It changed into a meaningful look, but his face remained calm and collected. His tone was still cold, "We're about to eat lunch, why are we still going to other people's house?"

Someone else's house.

Hee Xiuqi almost laughed out loud.

In his eyes, Ms Youyou's house was someone else's house. She was so heartless that she did not even care about the friendship between classmates. But thinking about it carefully, his big brother was really hard to come by.

If he really treated Ms Youyou as someone else, then why did he deliberately avoid her when they just met? Seriously, it was as if he was afraid that others wouldn't know that they weren't familiar with each other.

Hee Yun only thought that she originally wanted to sit for a while with Ms Youyou before going back. In the end, when the two of them discussed buying the tickets, they realized that if they did not dare to go to the county to buy the tickets before 12 o'clock today, they would have to wait until after the third day of the Lunar New Year to buy tickets. At that time, they would have to wait until the third day of the Lunar New Year. ... The tickets would probably only get more nervous.

Under Yuv Qing's urging, the two of them drove straight to the county town. When Hee Xiuqi came to look for people, Yuv Qing told him the news of the two of them going out.

Hee Xiuyuan brought out the vegetables that he had stir-fried for the last night. When he looked up, he saw that his younger brother had returned alone. His younger sister did not return, so he could not help but get a little angry. "Where is Yun? Don't tell me she even ate at someone else's house."

This anger, Hee Xiuqi hurriedly smiled apologetically. "No. Yun and Ms Youyou went to the county to buy tickets."

" You are not allowed to bring your ID card with you when you go to the county to buy tickets. That girl even brought her ID card with her when she went out? " Hee Xiuyuan's stomach was burning with anger.

Only then did Hee Xiuqi react. He quickly looked for his phone in the hall. "Brother, where is my phone? I will call Yun."

"Take mine."

Without saying anything else, Hee Xiuyuan handed his phone over.

"Hey, Yun, I am Liu."

"Oh, oh, Liu, what's wrong?"

"Why did you go to buy tickets with Ms Youyou without your ID card?"

Hee Yun had only just reacted and became anxious, "Then what should we do? Brother, I forgot!"

Hee Xiuyuan was standing at the side. He could clearly hear the voice on the other end of the line. He quickly said to his younger brother, "Ask them where they are."

Hee Xiuqi replied, "Where are you?"

"Ms Youyou and I are lining up. It will be my turn soon."

Hee Xiuyuan was just about to ask his brother to tell his sister to come back first when Yuv Ri spoke on the other side of the phone, "Yun, don't worry. The retail counter is opened by my classmate's house. I will help you ask if you can register your ID number and buy the ticket."

Hee Yun said, "But, can it be like this?"

Yuv Ri said, "Yes, I forgot to bring it once before. I'll give him a call."

"Okay, okay."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Hee Xiuqi shrugged at his big brother. "That works too."

Hee Xiuyuan glanced at him and did not say anything else. He turned around and went to clean the kitchen.

After five minutes, Hee Yun called and Hee Xiuqi answered the call.

"Brother, I bought a ticket and sat with Ms Youyou."

"That's good. When are you coming back?"

Hee Yun did not know what to say and said again, "Brother, I am not going back to eat. Ms Youyou said she wants to treat us to a meal. She is a handsome little brother."

Hee Xiuqi,... ""

Hee Xiuyuan was speechless."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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